The two of them were so busy that they had to work together.

"Feiyu, can you help Sasuke block the observation of others? If I am added, will it be hard for you?"

Naruto finally sent away the three siblings from the Sand Village, hurried back to the room, and threw himself into Feiyu's arms as soon as he entered the door.

Although he really wanted to take the medicine and become a girl right now, he didn't have to be so anxious if Feiyu had to work hard for it.

"No, what else did you think of?"

Feiyu had just switched back with the shadow clone. At this time, looking at Sasuke who had gone to the side to start practicing, he looked down helplessly at Naruto.

This guy was really anxious. The first thing he did when he came back was to ask about this aspect.

"Will it really not be hard?"

After confirming again, Naruto's big eyes blinked and almost glowed.

"No, it's just an illusion. I don't usually do it, and it has nothing to do with chakra consumption. I promise there won't be any problems..."

After reassuring again, Feiyu looked at Naruto so gently, waiting for him to bring it up.

On the other side, Sasuke, although still maintaining the posture of training, was also waiting to see Naruto's performance.

Even if the result can be guessed, the process is also very curious.

"Then... can I take the medicine in advance? It's not that I can't wait, but I heard that the Chunin Exam will be postponed, so..."

Naruto wanted to be tougher, but the fact proved that he couldn't help but worry and shy when talking about this medicine.

After becoming a girl, he no longer has to worry, but some habits need to be changed. Although it is a bit troublesome, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

"Have you thought about it? You can only be a girl after taking it. You can only take the transformation potion once, and there is no chance to regret..."

Fei Yu tapped Naruto's little head with his finger. After taking this potion, you will sleep for a day and a night, and you will be completely reborn.

This process is mainly about the heart, and the changes in appearance will not make him feel painful during this process.

"No regrets, I am still waiting to pounce on you after the transformation, so when can I take the potion?"

Naruto nodded repeatedly, but just as he opened his mouth, he said that he would pounce on Fei Yu, which successfully made Sasuke, who was pretending to practice in the corner, stare.

Sure enough, it was still Naruto's straightforward thoughts. This state...

Say what ordinary people dare not say, do things that normal people dare not and will not think of.

"You can take it now, and after taking it, take a nap. There may be some strange things in your dreams. When you wake up, you will be a girl from the inside out."

A pill appeared in Fei Yu's hand. This is the 'Dream into the Wheel of Reincarnation Transformation Pill' that the system Xiao Hei has prepared for a long time.


Naruto looked at Feiyu with a strange look, somewhat doubting what kind of strangeness he was talking about.

But anyway, he had to eat it. Under Feiyu's gentle gaze, he lowered his head and opened his mouth, swallowing the pill from Feiyu's palm.

"Sure enough, sleepy..."

The sex-changing pill melted in his mouth, and Naruto's eyes became misty in an instant.

He still had some words to say to Feiyu, but it was too late...

"What a fool!"

Sasuke stood up from the side and looked at Naruto in Feiyu's arms with a lot of entanglement.

Has this guy ever thought about it seriously!

Many things are not just about gender change, and things in the future...

Sure enough, he is a fool!

He doesn't consider any consequences. If he regrets it one day, this fool will really cry.

But this Naruto is somewhat similar to the scene he saw in his memory. Even though the things he faces are different, it is the same stupid idiot after all...

"His transformation will not be painful, but he has to quickly adapt to the identity of a girl in his dream, but the restrictions and blockades between you still exist..."

Fei Yu looked at Naruto who was already wrapped in natural forces in his arms, raised his hand and put him in his own Shenwei space.

Naruto will not be disturbed there, and he also put a shadow clone in it.

Naruto woke up naturally a day later, and no one except him would know about the process of this transformation.

But for Sasuke, Fei Yu was not sure whether he would feel uncomfortable.

After all, Naruto was so relaxed, while Sasuke had to endure these pains again and again.

"Not yet, I want to break free of this fate myself

The shackles of fate, and I don't trust that idiot. Who knows if he gets involved, it will make things worse..."

Sasuke stood in front of Feiyu, looking at the nervous eyes in front of him, and awkwardly said that 'she' disliked Naruto.

"Maybe he will go all the way to the end and won't stop until he sees the result..."

Feiyu raised his head, with a smile in his eyes, and seemed to be teasing when he looked at Sasuke.

"So he is a fool, an idiot!"

Turning his head with an awkward look, Sasuke knew what that guy was like, but it was because he knew that he always wanted to beat that guy up.

He was just an idiot with a slow brain, and 'she' didn't feel envious, whether it was facing the sun in the past, or now wanting to throw him down...

Throwing him down... Feiyu?

Subconsciously thinking of some of Naruto's words before, Sasuke's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Should he try it?

Or, just try it once?

"Why... um! ? "

Fei Yu looked at Sasuke's awkward blushing face, and then his eyes fluctuated strongly.

But before he could ask, he saw Sasuke's face enlarged in an instant.

No matter whether it was an illusion or a transformation, it was impossible to block the truth he saw with his eyes, so now the blushing Sasuke pressed directly over, and Fei Yu was pushed down directly.

The bed was not big, and Fei Yu did not dare to move at this time, because Sasuke seemed to be trapped in some strange thoughts.

In addition to the kiss at the beginning, now after pushing him down, he was tasting and experiencing it bit by bit.

This feeling...

It's too tiring!

"It feels good, right?"

Until Sasuke raised his head in a daze, Fei Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at Sasuke seriously.

This guy, wouldn't he be stimulated because of what Naruto said about throwing him down?

"It's okay... you! "Hmm..."

As soon as Sasuke finished speaking, he was hugged tightly, and the next moment, 'she' lay on the bed, and Feiyu didn't give 'her' a chance to think more.

Unlike Sasuke's careful and slow experience, Feiyu can do everything except some things that he can't do because of his age.

And all this is too unfamiliar to Sasuke, even the future he saw in his dreams, he didn't have this experience.

What's more, 'she' doesn't have as many books and teachings as Naruto...

When Sasuke was finally let go of this strong kiss, 'she' suddenly didn't dare to open her eyes.

The accelerated heartbeat, the body's reaction, and the indulgence in consciousness just now...

It should be what Naruto said, the kind of love that wants to eat people, right?

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