The two of them were very busy.

"Feiyu, I suddenly feel that you will have a hard time in the future. With these two ferocious tigresses around, are you sure you won't worry about getting beaten up one day?"

Shikamaru was lying on the ground, looking at Feiyu who was being fed fruit by the female version of Naruto. His eyes twitched twice, but he finally chose to continue talking calmly.

They have just arrived at the next place for training. The scenery here is beautiful and pleasant. It's an exaggeration to say that they are training. This is basically a vacation.

But after arriving at the place, the two who had been holding Feiyu before let go of their hands and started fighting without any nonsense.

And it was the first time for him and Choji to know that Ino was the same as Sakura. Although the dents were smaller, they were still one dent for each punch...

It was supposed to be a spiritual training, the mind-changing technique...

How could such a brutal man need a mind-changing technique? He just punched his head and blew it up!

Fortunately, the two girls paid attention to their image. They made a few dents at the beginning to scare them, and then they fought normally with physical skills.

But the strength of the punches and kicks really hurt him. It was too brutal...

"The body is the foundation. Shikamaru, don't lie down all the time. I don't practice because my physical fitness is already very strong. If you don't practice well, be careful that your future wife will have a problem..."

Feiyu leaned on Naruto and ate fruit. Looking at Shikamaru's distorted expression, he laughed even happier.

Shikamaru is just lazy. He should just exercise more, but he would rather waste his brain power than have too many physical activities.

However, such people are rare, because their brains can really keep up, and a battle can be completed with calculations.

If there is no big problem, the Nara family does not need too many requirements in physical skills.

"My wife? Now I look at such a ferocious Ino, I wonder what kind of wife I will find when I look for her. She is so gentle at ordinary times, right? She just sticks to you and won't get off, but when she starts to fight..."

Shikamaru really thought about Feiyu's teasing.

Then he found that some of his original directions were completely shattered at this moment. This seemingly gentle woman may actually be a violent woman.

"Actually, it's okay. It's good that they are gentle to me. What I like most is to be special..."

Before Feiyu finished speaking, Naruto had already put a piece of fruit in his mouth.

"Is it sweet?"

Naruto looked at Feiyu who wanted to praise the two again, and took the new fruit plate from Sasuke with a smile.

Like to be treated specially, right?

She is the most special to Feiyu!


Fei Yu suddenly realized that there were two people around him.

Especially Naruto, who immediately lifted the transformation technique after arriving here.

However, given her many previous convictions, no one would have thought that she was already a girl at this time. They just thought that Naruto deliberately turned into a girl to anger the two.

But others didn't understand, but Fei Yu knew very well that Naruto was jealous.

Along the way, Sakura and Ino hugged his arms, and occasionally kissed him...

After watching all the way, Naruto deliberately warned him not to be too partial.

"It's sweet, keep eating. After Yamato teacher cleans up the house, we will have dinner and rest well. It's time to start formal training tomorrow..."

Naruto looked at Fei Yu's eyes and continued to feed him with satisfaction.

She didn't care what others did, but she couldn't take people away from her.

Even if it's just a line of sight, this guy has to look at her more. As for the two who keep fighting...

Tomorrow I will challenge them both and let them see what strength is!

"Naruto looks like a gentle wife. It's a pity that she's not a real woman, otherwise Ino and Sakura will be miserable..."

Shikamaru sighed and didn't want to see Naruto's gentle appearance.

But he still felt uncomfortable. Naruto looked too natural. He wouldn't really want to marry Feiyu, so even if he kept using the transformation technique...

"I don't restrict them from being with Feiyu. What's miserable? They can be more gentle than me!"

Naruto glanced at Shikamaru, and then shifted his gaze to Feiyu.

As for Shikamaru and Choji, they had a good relationship from the beginning, so now she just wanted to let these people get familiar with each other first.

After revenge in the future,

Her identity must be made public.

I hope that the people who treat her as a friend will not mind it, although she will not change anything even if they mind it.

"It's difficult! It's too difficult!"

After listening to Naruto's words, Shikamaru shook his head very simply. This kind of thing is almost impossible.

In his opinion, Naruto was just acting on purpose, and there would be no problem. But if he could always be gentle...

I'm afraid that most people can't do it, especially violent female ninjas like Ino Sakura. It's too scary to punch and kick!

"If you have the heart, you can do it."

Sasuke cut another fruit plate on the side. At this time, listening to Shikamaru's words, he gave a negative answer directly.

It's hard to say what will happen in the future, such as Naruto...

"Yes, if you have the heart, you can do it, I can definitely do it, right, Feiyu?"

Naruto turned his spearhead to Feiyu again. She can definitely be gentle.

At worst, I'll just smile and give a gentle fist...

"Yeah, you can definitely do it, but I'm full now, I'll go see how the house prepared by Yamato teacher is going..."

Feiyu found that the spearhead had shifted, opened her mouth and took the fruit from Naruto's hand, jumped up and ran to the house on the top of the mountain.

Naruto is gentle?

No way!

If this guy gets angry, it's probably him, and he will be punched by Naruto.

"Why do I feel that Feiyu's attitude is so perfunctory..."

Looking at his fingers, Naruto's face was a little red.

At first glance, that look would make you think he was angry, but in fact, he remembered that the guy bit her finger just now...

"No, he is very serious, so you work hard, I'll go see how Kakashi teacher is preparing."

Sasuke handed the fruit plate in his hand to Naruto, raised his hand and patted her shoulder, turned around and walked towards the river at the foot of the mountain.

What Kakashi-sensei has been making is the kitchen utensils they will use for cooking in the future.

The tables and chairs were made directly by Yamato-sensei using Wood Release, but the kitchen utensils for cooking had to be cleaned up by Kakashi-sensei.

Living here for a month, it must not be too simple, and the one who has to cook is Feiyu, who has high requirements.

"Sasuke is also a little strange..."

Naruto looked at the fruit plate in his hand, picked up a piece and ate it slowly, always feeling that Sasuke had something to say just now.

But she can be very gentle, didn't she hear Feiyu admit it just now?


Author has something to say:

Meow~>▽<Good evening~~~Thanks to '小舟從失___' for the inspiration capsule~~Thanks to the readers for the rewards~|。・㉨・)っ♡ I love you so much♪

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