The two of them were fighting, and the battle was over.

"Stupid Sasuke, today I'll show you who is the strongest!"

Naruto's roar successfully attracted everyone who was practicing.

Although the battles between Naruto and Sasuke happen every day, just like Sakura and Ino, they are still very interesting every time.

But Naruto seems to be in a bad state today. At this time, red chakra is gushing out of her whole body, which is the breath of the Nine-Tails.

"Fei Yu, we can't let him go on like this. If the Nine-Tails comes out, it will be troublesome!"

Yamato was terrified watching from the side, but he couldn't directly use Wood Release to trap Naruto, otherwise he would definitely be unlucky.

"No, the Nine-Tails dare not be presumptuous. It's better to let her get familiar with it. The identity of the Jinchūriki will be known sooner or later. Do you want to wait until the moment of life crisis to let her adapt?"

Feiyu deliberately let Naruto find an opportunity to expose, but Naruto was worried that Yamato or Gekko Gale would find a way to send a message back to the village, so he waited until today to let people know.

Today is the last time of training. Tomorrow, I should return to the village to participate in the third round of the Chunin Exam. At that time, everything will be opened.

So the identity of the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki will no longer be a secret.

"Then I don't care. Call me when you need me. I'll go to clean up the fish..."

Yamato looked at Feiyu and had to give up helplessly.

Dinner over there was still being prepared. The fish he was halfway through seemed to want to escape...

"You guys go and do your work. I'll watch over here."

Feiyu waved his hand to let Gekko Gale do whatever he wanted. Anyway, they couldn't send any news. Some people now appeared nearby and watched.

Orochimaru was extremely enthusiastic about the plan to overthrow the Konoha high-level officials this time, but he had too much fun with Xiao Hei in the past month.

For the cell fusion experiment, Orochimaru actually used his own former body cells directly this time.

After a month of tossing and turning, it was still a little successful. At least he returned to his own body and became younger and younger.

Although there are still many subsequent troubles, and the sequelae have not yet been studied to solve them...

But all this made Orochimaru seem to have turned his heart back to youth.

Although there is no possibility of passion, he has now dared to argue with Senju Tobirama about the right and wrong of a research.

Now these people, Naruto's parents, Tsunade who was brought by Senju Hashirama, the six of them just stood in a hidden place on the top of the mountain, watching the fight between Naruto and Sasuke and commenting on it.

"No, no, this Sasuke is too weak. When Madara was his age, he was not just a little stronger than him. There is no comparison..."

Hashirama Senju's focus was on Sasuke. He looked at Sasuke who was fighting with Naruto, and his first reaction was to compare him with Uchiha Madara, and finally confirmed that they were not in the same league.

But his words successfully made the other people stare, especially Tobirama Senju...

"Brother, can you stop mentioning him?"

Tobirama Senju's eyes were on the fighting style and ninjutsu of the two, but when he heard Uchiha Madara's name at this moment, he instantly lost interest in this battle.

Day by day, what else is there besides Uchiha Madara?

Since his brother went to Konoha once a month ago, every day after he returned, he would mention someone in his ear.

This made Tobirama Senju really want to talk to Orochimaru alone, and it would be best if he could send him back to the Pure Land directly!

It's endless, is it that serious?

"If we don't mention him, who else can we compare him to, Izuna? Or the child you brought with you?"

Hashirama Senju was disliked by his younger brother, but he couldn't find anyone else to compare him to at this time.

Izuna was a name that they couldn't mention, and it was also the starting point of Madara's complete madness.

As for the child who had followed Tobirama at the time, Uchiha Kagami...

The death of Kagami made Tobirama, who was full of resentment towards the Uchiha clan, feel sad.

"You should continue to talk about Uchiha Madara..."

In front of his brother, Tobirama Senju could only helplessly admit defeat.

"However, the younger generation of the Uchiha family is only slightly weaker than Madara, but as a child who has lost family education since childhood, his current combat effectiveness is not bad. According to the current classification of ninjas, he should be able to reach the level of Jonin, right?"

Hashirama Senju didn't care whether his brother was entangled or not. He turned his head and looked at Orochimaru and Tsunade. He was still not sure about the current classification of upper, middle and lower ninjas.

Somewhat uncertain.

After all, he had been away for too many years, and he could no longer classify ninjas in the same way as before.

"He can probably be considered a jonin, but his Sharingan has never been opened. If it is opened, his strength will be improved. But no matter what, Sasuke is still a little worse than his brother. His brother Uchiha Itachi is the new generation of Uchiha genius..."

When Orochimaru talked about Uchiha Itachi, he couldn't help but sigh.

That guy is really good, but it's a pity that he can't use it now, just the Sharingan...

Teacher Xiaohei is really strong. The powerful scientific gene experiment finally allowed him to get what he dreamed of, but he found out that some things are not absolutely beautiful after getting it.

"The boy who just wiped out the Uchiha clan?"

Speaking of that person, Hashirama Senju's temper wanted to explode again, but he had to stop after thinking of something.

That boy just made a choice in the end.

If it was Madara...

No, Madara would not be forced to make a choice. Even if it was a fight to the death, Madara would only choose to die with the enemy!

"Itachi Uchiha's strength is not yet enough to destroy the entire clan. It's just some of Konoha's arrangements. Now I just want to ask, what exactly do you guys want to do standing here? Don't you know that secretly observing us like this will bother us?"

Fei Yu stood behind a few people, looking at them with cold eyes, especially Senju Hashirama who was thinking about Uchiha Madara all the time.

This guy just said that his Sasuke has poor qualifications?

If it weren't for some guys digging a pit, would Sasuke be so miserable?

If he said it so directly, he would be sad again if he heard it...

"Fei Yu, Naruto will be fine, right?"

Kushina was one step faster than the others and came to Fei Yu's side, pointing at Naruto who was being kicked away by Sasuke at the foot of the mountain, worried and relieved at the same time.

Worried about being hurt, but also touched by Naruto's growth.

"Aunt Kushina... Naruto is fine, they haven't used any magic yet, they won't really hurt him."

Fei Yu blushed a little at Kushina's enthusiasm.

He had abducted someone's son, and after he became a daughter, he had to become his wife...

But now Naruto's mother looked at him with such gratitude, and he still felt a little shy in his heart.


Author's words:

o(=·ω·=)mGood afternoon~~Thanks to 'Yang Tiansuo who loves to eat meat stewed fish' for the reward of the update reminder~Thanks to all the readers for the reward of milk tea, likes, love letters and love, |。・㉨・)っ♡

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