Albert returned to Beihai for ten years, and his ambitions have long since worn off.

To say that there is still any dream, it is estimated that it is gone, and now I just want to think before the day when the real can't walk comes.

Have a good time in Beihai.


'Don't tell me, the wine that this kid Doflamingo made is really good.

Get him a little more next time! Albert drank the bottle full of wine in his hand.

"Go, who, get me another bottle for Lao Tzu!"

Albert was somewhat drunk.

"What kind of bullshit admiral of the navy is the defeated general of Lao Tzu.

The last time the Governor was so powerful, he still made me slap the shit out of me, and even blinded a new hairy boy with his eyes!"

Albert began to immerse himself in his sweet dreams.

The dream of the pirate king when he was young, the dream of Laflof, the dream of the great treasure! ———————————While it was still early, Viktor led people out.

Among the people who ordered this time, except for Mu En, several of my own men came.

Several other Beihai generals also ordered a lot of experienced ones.

Most importantly, Victor called on two more important people.

Staff Officer Vergo and Commodore Kong Ming, the acting captain of the big ship under his feet! "Kong Ming, do you think we can seize the opportunity by attacking at night?"

Victor looked at Kong Ming, who was wearing an ancient flower robe, holding a feather fan and wearing a goatee beard beside him.

Not to mention, the character Kong Ming really has the meaning of the prototype Zhuge Liang.

All abilities are outstanding.

"Lord Governor, I think it is a good choice for us to attack at night.

Pirates like to have parties at night.

This is the time when their security forces are the weakest and least vigilant.

At this time, we can quickly catch them off guard and reduce casualties.

Get the greatest results at the least cost.”

Kong Ming shook the feather fan in his hand and said calmly.

"Makes sense."

Victor nodded.

This guy Kong Ming has a strong memory, and he can also activate the color hardening of his entire body like Vergo! "By the way, I just arrived in Beihai.

Please report in the newspaper that this Albert fruit has a very special ability, it is said that it can affect people's spiritual strength and weakness, and it can kill people invisible."

Victor remembered the information he had seen, which said Albert's record.

During the wave of the hand, quite a few navy soldiers or civilians died of pain, as if their minds were affected by something.

The rest of the people are also likely to lose their minds for a while.

Such a peculiar ability must be some kind of superhuman power, but I don't know what it is.

"My subordinates don't know, once again the governor took office to lead someone to fight against Albert, and the governor suffered the loss of this trick.

There was a brief confusion.

Taking this opportunity, Albert severely wounded the Governor."

When Kong Ming talked about the scene at that time, he still had lingering fears, that scene,,, was really terrifying.

Victor nodded.

"But speaking of which, apart from... Albert's strong strength, the Albert Pirates are nothing to worry about."

"He came back from the new world, and not many masters followed him back."

"The pirates he recruited from the North Sea were all bad guys.

Usually they are old pirates who have been miserable in the North Sea."

"Really scary characters don't bother to board his ship that's outdated by the times."

Kong Ming shook his head and said, neither sad nor happy in his tone.

"En, in a while, Albert will let me deal with it."

"You and Vergo are responsible for clearing those little bosses."

Virgo's eyes flashed with a trace of strangeness, for some reason.

Why did this Admiral come to appoint me as a pioneer.

This is not difficult, it is simply military merit given away in vain.

In the entire Albert Pirates, only Albert is the most powerful.

Victor has dealt with it, and the remaining shrimp, soldiers and crabs will be a bunch of waste.

Chopping melons and vegetables can kill them.

In the same sentence, the cautious Vergo always felt that the governor had discovered something about himself, what conspiracy! make a sound.

Several warships advanced rapidly, riding the wind and waves and heading straight for the Albert Pirates.

Victor on the deck looked at the sunset on the horizon, and the dusky sunset quickly approached the skyline.

The looming clouds depict Phnom Penh.

The rich orange light dyed the whole sea red.

The vast sea is like a big pot of boiled tomato soup.

There were also countless waves blown by the sea breeze.

Just like the signal before the war.

The battle is about to start! ———————————— After two hours, the sky has completely darkened, and Victor’s fleet also slowed down and made a sound, and approached Albert along the night. Pirates.

, Victor felt from a distance that there were only two guards standing on Albert's bow.


Victor sneered, what kind of pirate is this? The quality is too poor, so careless.

While speaking, Victor raised his hand and stretched out his index finger.

Swish! Swish! Two high-speed air currents rushed out like a fly and went straight to the heads of the two pirates.

Pfft! Pfft! Two even-sized prototype blood holes instantly appeared on the foreheads of the two pirates.

After that, he slumped to the ground, losing his vitality in an instant, and the blood poured out of the corpse and began to cool.

"Rush over, fire near you, and quickly resolve the battle.

Victor is good at suppressing this kind of large-scale artillery fire, and it is cool to watch the rain of fire in the sky.

'Bang bang bang!!!' Cannonballs roared out one after another, and one cannonball hit the side of the Albert pirate ship hard, opening a small hole.

Whoop! The hull was knocked over by the instant impact: skewed.

Immediately after, two and three shells hit the pirate ship and the nearby sea.

The originally intact huge pirate ship has become: pitted and dilapidated.

The waves that rolled up nearby also almost overturned the pirate ship.

"Rush up! Harvest the corn!"

Victor pulled out the clouds and shouted loudly, then the warship sprinted forward rapidly.

Inside the boat, Albert was still eating and drinking with his subordinates without any worries.

Boom! The hull made a huge sway, and there were bursts of shelling outside.

"Not good! The enemy attacked the enemy attacked!!"

Albert shouted.

The original intoxication of alcohol is also sober three points 3.

"Quick, go out and see!!"

"Why didn't these guarded bastards find this bunch of trash!"

Albert scolded and rushed out.

"Captain, you're talking about the party tonight, and there are only two guards left outside."

A boozy pirate beside him reminded Albert.

"Made! I still use you to remind me! It's so talkative."

Albert slapped the pirate's head to pieces with a slap.

The blood-splashed scene immediately made many pirates sober up a lot.

"Stay dumbfounded! Rush out with Lao Tzu to meet the enemy!"

After speaking, Albert directly relied on his huge body to reopen the door and rushed to the deck.

The pirates behind also all took their weapons and followed.

"Mad, how come the navy is here"

Albert cautiously looked at the naval battleship that was rushing towards him.

"Fire me, fire!"

Albert shouted.

"Captain, it's not good, the fort has been destroyed!"

"Trash, it's all trash!"

"Then rush to me and kill!"

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