“Almost. ”

“Well. Almost, I estimate that no matter how much he doesn’t know, after all, he has been undercover for almost a year. ”

In Victor’s office, Victor and Domino looked at the walking corpse Virgo in front of them, numbly and constantly talking about the information he knew about the Don Quixote family.

Victor estimated that he knew everything except for the specific plans of Doflamingo Dressrosa in the future.

After all, Virgo was one of the original Hearts cadre, one of the four elders of Doflamingo.

“Remove the hypnosis. ”

Victor saw that he couldn’t ask any valuable questions, so he planned to let Virgo go ,,,, use it next time.

“Good. ”

With a wave of Domino’s hand, Virgo instantly collapsed to the ground, and Viktor walked over.

A hand knife hit Virgo on the back of his neck again, hitting it a little harder, and the province woke up.

“Go back to bed early, let you come to work so late.” ”

Viktor touched Domino’s cheek.

“It’s okay, Vic, your business, it’s my business, I’m not tired at all. ”

Domino blushed and didn’t look too much like a peach.


Viktor leaned in and kissed Domino’s cheek.

“Go back early, I’ll get this guy back to his room.” ”

After that, he carried Virgo out of the office.

Domino, left alone with a silly pestle in the office, and after a while reached out and touched the place where he had just been kissed.

Domino, you’re going to succeed, is this a preemption?

This feels amazing!”

Domino stumbled back into his room



The next day, Victor personally held a meeting to formulate corresponding plans for the various sea pirate groups in the North Sea, and saw that it was the target of the first step of the crusade.

Virgo, who was sitting in the staff seat, always felt strange, how did he feel nothing after returning to his room last night?

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn’t think about it, and Virgo didn’t want to, just think that he had been too stressed and fell into a deep sleep recently.

Although Virgo thought so, in fact, he was knocked unconscious twice, and his memory was short-circuited in an instant, coupled with the powerful effect of the hypnotic fruit, making him think that he was sleeping deeply.

Ending the meeting, Victor returned to his office.

Of course, such a major event cannot be a detailed plan in a day.

Viktor turned into a fresh breeze that drifted out the window and headed straight for the island where Virgo had finished doing what Virgo had said was now Don Quixote’s headquarters.

It wasn’t long before Viktor reached the island.

Gumu Sensen, jungle fog, has a human gathering place in the center of the island.

“It’s really hidden, and if people who can’t fly can’t really find this place.” ”

Hidden in a small area deep in the jungle, no one could have imagined that this was the future world-shaking Qiwu Sea, the headquarters of the power of the sea rogues.

It seems that this Dover has put a lot of effort into successfully realizing his dream.

Sure enough, no matter who it is, what kind of dream it is, it takes thousands of times the pain and suffering of ordinary people to achieve it, of course, the guy with the aura of the protagonist is not counted.

(Yes, Luffy, that’s you boy!)

The protagonists not only work hard, but also need blood!

Or call it the child of the world.

Victor, who was floating in the sky, just wanted to swagger in, directly overturn the gang and make Dover submit.

As a result, as soon as the body descended, he found that a large area was enclosed in the jungle.

Inside were dozens of small children running around desperately.

There were several hunting dogs in hot pursuit, and sometimes pounced on one or two small children just to intimidate but not bite.

Not far away, there was a man watching all this.


Victor recognized at a glance this man who played a great role in the progress of the story.

Quixote Rosinandi, the former Draco and the younger brother of Doflamingo, is also called Corazon.

Since he was here, the children below should be the children of the group of one hundred people who were only two left.

In the end, only two people remained, baby5 and Buffalo.

Both of them are also superhuman fruit ability.

Turning Fruit and Weapon Fruit with Great Potential!

Huge and domineering unfolded supplemented by the ability of air fruit, Viktor quickly found a little girl.

Wearing a tattered old dress with a bow on his head.

The little girl leaned wearily behind a tree, apparently avoiding the hunting dogs.

“I need to live, I need my mother, I need someone to save me.” ”

The little girl squatted on the ground pitifully, and the thirsty little girl stood up hoping to find fruits and the like nearby to quench her thirst.

When I turned my head, I found a strange black fruit on the ground not far away, although I didn’t know what kind of fruit it was.

But the instinctive thirst for water overcame the potential threat of reason and the hound dog.

The little girl rushed over and picked up the fruit and stuffed it into her mouth.


It’s so delicious, but there is nothing else, at least there is a lot of juice in it.

The girl endured the unpalatable taste and swallowed the fruit whole.

“Clams ,, evil

The girl looked up and saw a hunting dog just a few meters away from her. ”

In an instant, the hound pounced on the little girl.

“What to do, I need someone to save me.” ”

Unfortunately, the miracle did not appear, and the hound pounced fiercely.

The little girl put her hands in front of her, hoping to protect herself a little.


Before the hound could rush to the little girl, it was beaten out and collapsed to the ground.

The girl opened her eyes nervously, why doesn’t this hound eat me.

Inside the big twinkling eyes was a figure.

“Mom, the person I need is ,,, coming,”

The little girl murmured.

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