After the exposition, Victor called Mingo.

“How is it, Brother Min.

How about the order received?”

Victor gave himself a rare cigar, a new product that had only started yesterday.

The person who proposed the production was, of course, Smogg, the smoker.

Meimei spat out a circle, and Viktor leaned back in the chair.

“Furverfer, Lord Governor. It’s amazing!

In the past half month, I have obtained countless orders, and I estimate that your net profit can reach about 100 million after this sale!


Especially alcohol and drugs.

After the group of pirates tried it once, they immediately decided to buy it in large quantities. ”

Brother Ming was clearly excited.

The half-achievement of one billion is 50 million, and just running errands, a batch of products is 50 million.

That’s a good deal!

Viktor nodded.

“Very well, Brother Min.

You just continue to contact, and I’ll send someone to ship all the goods for you tomorrow.

You are responsible for working with my people to get this done.

After the matter is done, I promised you that there will be no less of you!”

Victor is in a very good mood, and this two-pronged approach is estimated to be able to come to a big draw of more than a billion! !

“Okay, Ferferfer, we have a good time working together. ”

“Happy cooperation!”

Viktor hung up the phone, but he was not worried that Brother Ming would give himself some yin now, and now the business of the two people is doing well.

As for the other pirates, will they see the wealth and rob it?

First, Brother Ming does not eat dry food.

Second, Victor just wanted to destroy them first, and at this time he jumped out, is it a long life?



On three large ships, Moon carried goods to the location agreed upon by Mingo with a ship full of cargo and several teams of plainclothes navies.

“Fufver, I don’t know what this general is called?”

Brother Ming couldn’t help but be shocked when he looked at the tall Moon in front of him.

This spirit, the big sword, is probably a great sword master.

Where did this Viktor get so many powerful subordinates.

“Moon, Doflamingo, hurry up and act as the boss asks. ”

Moon said coldly.

“Hey, Ferferfer, okay, let’s go.” ”

Mingge stepped onto the ship and suddenly found that this was directly a civilian transport ship converted from a naval warship.


Is this Viktor really lawless?

Blatant misappropriation of public property?

Looking at the muzzle of the black hole hole of the ship, which was obviously a naval cannon, Minggolin froze.

This Victor really doesn’t play cards according to the routine.

Made, just this boat went out I don’t know who robbed whom?

Who merchant ships are full of cannons.

The escort escorted on the ship is also a navy directly sent, and this thing is whole, it is clear that it is to suppress the bandits.


“Boss, it’s done.

This is all the profits, in addition to the sixty million allocated to Doflamingo.

The remaining 1.14 billion are here. ”

Moon handed Viktor a card.

“Well, well done. ”

Viktor took the card and swiped it.

“These forty million, take it yourself, and share it with Smog Joyce.

The remaining 100 million is stored on the company’s account, usually used, and it will expand and expand the scale and increase the number of products if there is nothing to do. ”

“Yes! Boss. ”

“Well, let’s go, go to a meeting with me first.

This is on track, and then it’s time to clean up the pirates!”

Victor and the two walked to the conference room.



In fact, Victor doesn’t want to eliminate pirates now, these guys are his potential users!

However, it still has to be done.

This pirate is also a leek, stubble after stubble, there is no shortage at all.

And as the times advance, they will only increase!

Twelve years later, it exploded!

“Guys, consider it.

Who do we hit first?”

“Tell me clearly about their personnel, bounty, fruit ability, strength, etc.

Make sure you get it today, him tomorrow!”

Victor sat in the main seat with a cigar in his mouth, not to mention, Smogg’s discount hobby is really good!

“I recommend hitting the Nick Pirates first

Nick offered a reward of 110 million, which is not rough prey.

him first. ”

“I advocate that Kane be hit first, they are the closest to our governor’s palace.

If you kill the chicken and the monkey, you must also beat him first!”

“No, ,,,,”


A group of people discussed for a long time, but did not settle down.

Viktor frowned as he listened.

“Why didn’t anyone say Albert Pirates?

Aren’t they strong?”

Oh, in an instant everyone looked at Viktor.

“Governor, it’s not that it’s not strong.

Albert is the biggest pirate in the North Sea.

An important subordinate of the once legendary pirate golden lion.

Later, he broke away from the Golden Lion and returned to the North Sea to establish his own pirate group.

Moreover, Albert is powerful, and the fruit ability is also difficult to deal with!”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s strong or not, it’s decided today, let’s take Albert first!”

Look at you one by one, the old lady eats persimmons?

Pick a soft pinch!

Tomorrow I will personally lead the team.

Target, Albert Pirates!”


Viktor smiled, Albert ?

Wash your neck and wait for me to chop it!

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