Usopp is constantly shouting around the village that pirates are coming, which seems to be a wolf coming story, a bear child’s troublemaking story.

One day, hearing that the real pirates were coming to attack the village, Usopp hurried to report it, but no one believed him.

Lying is really not good, but this is not another “wolf” fairy tale.

Usopp chose to defend the village himself, so that this time the report was still a “lie” as before.

It is not a joke to face a whole ship of vicious pirates alone, and the long-nosed Usopp is just an ordinary and even very timid teenager, but he is still very courageous at important moments.

Of course, with Luffy’s help, the peace and tranquility of the village were finally not destroyed, and Usopp followed Luffy and them on a journey to pursue their dreams.

It’s just that everything in all this has become different because of the arrival of Viktor.

Usopp and Koya are not on good terms now, until a few days later, after Keya fell ill, Usopp climbed a tree to comfort and enlighten Koya, which made everything different.

It’s just that Victor took the lead, snatched Koya, and cut off the communication between Koya and Usopp and Koya, and may have cut off Luffy’s leveling experience in gathering his partner sniper Usopp in West Bro Village to defeat the little monster Hundred Cloe.

But this is none of Viktor’s business, the main thing now is to kill the old yin bi of Baiji Chloe first, and the most important thing is to take Keya’s heart.

Not far away, Usopp was chased by a group of adults with mops to Viktor’s side, Usopp looked at Viktor with wide eyes and saw that it was Koya who was holding in Viktor’s arms!!

Click! Thunderbolt on a sunny day, Usopp is stunned!! How could Koya ,,,

But just as Usopp stood there stunned for a few seconds, the adults behind him also rushed over, and Usopp had to hurry or run.

Viktor didn’t look at Usopp the whole time, let him be, your goddess is in my arms anyway, you will be sad alone, but Ya is mine.

Usopp looked back at Viktor and Koya as he ran.

Unwillingly, Usopp disappeared into a corner at the end of the road.



“Is this here?” said Viktor as he lowered Koya’s delicate body from his arms and helped Koya to point to her house.

“Yes, Mr. Victor, I’m sorry to trouble you, you said that my legs were numb at this critical moment, and I caused you trouble. Keya said to Viktor ashamedly, but Viktor didn’t care and patted Kaya.

“It’s nothing, a beautiful girl like you Koya is held in my arms, I’m glad it’s too late, or trouble? Victor complimented Keya with a slippery mouth, and followed Keya into her house, and Keya also lowered her head, a little shy.

This navy net is picking good words, will he have something to say to me, but Ya, what are you thinking about all day long, what is this still thinking about this?

I’ll catch the pirate in a moment!!

Mr. Victor is really handsome, and he is personable, and he is a righteous navy at a glance.

I have to say that the eyes and appearance are deceptive…

(Victor: Hahahaha. )

When I entered Keya’s house, I saw a man in the hall directing two servants to be busy.

The man is about two meters tall, with a large back and round eyes that seem to be polite.

Wearing a suit, the pattern on the clothes looks like a poop. Men are used to talking while using their wrists to push their glasses. He directed the servants to clean the house.

This man is none other than the captain of the Black Cat Pirates, oh no, the former captain, Hundred Crowe!

“Miss Kaya, you are back, this is. . Chloe pushed his glasses with his wrist and walked up to look at Viktor and Koya. Miss Koya returned with a stranger, which is interesting, at this time Chloe is completely unaware that she is going to end her fate, and after planning for several years, it will be over.

“Butler Krabatel, this is Mr. Victor, he wants to talk to you about something, you two tell me in detail.” ”

Koya pointed to Viktor, and then went upstairs to his room.

This is Victor and Keya arranged in advance, let Keya go upstairs to watch the point, the province will move to affect Keya, this matter must be seen by Keya, otherwise she still thinks that Victor is a liar.


After Keya went upstairs, Victor and Chloe stood downstairs, and Victor stretched out his hand and pointed to the door: “Mr. Butler, there is something that troubles you, let’s talk at the door.” ?”

Chloe thought that there was some business, but Ya didn’t know how to let his housekeeper help, and there was no doubt, Viktor was not wearing a military uniform, as for Viktor’s walking posture, standing posture and tone, it had nothing to do with the soldiers, then Viktor wearing a naval justice cloak is like a gentleman, this is not worn, isn’t it more like?

The two men walked outside to the courtyard, and Viktor leaned against the pillar.

“Steward Krabatle?”

“Yes, this gentleman, what business can you tell me, now that the young lady’s parents have passed away, I am helping the young lady take care of the family’s business.” Chloe said with his usual face.

Viktor shook his head and took out the bounty order.

“Chloe, captain of the Black Cat Pirates, nicknamed “Hundred Counts”. In the village of Sibro, you spent three years as a butler Krabatel gaining the trust of the rich lady Koya, in an attempt to seize her property. ”

“Two years ago, when you were still Captain Chloe, because of your strength and fame, the navy and bounty hunters chased after you, which made you very unhappy.

So you decide to kill yourself during an encounter with the navy, take a small boat, sneak to the navy’s ship, kill almost all the navy, let Zangao hypnotize one of his own crew members pretend to be himself, and hypnotize the only remaining naval Monka who was beaten half to death by himself.

Let Monka think that he caught Captain Chloe, and just like that, “Captain Chloe” was executed.

So Monka was promoted from naval officer to colonel.

After that, you go to the village of Sirobu, pretend that you have made a small mistake and drove off the ship’s small crew, deceived the trust of Koya’s parents, and left you in the house to work as a housekeeper.

In the next two years, he dutifully took care of Keya, and after the death of Keya’s parents, he took care of and loved Keya meticulously, but unfortunately this was all acting, all just to gain the trust of Keya and the villagers, in order to get Keya’s property. I’m right, Hundred Crowe!”

【Beautiful and beautiful my wife Keya】

I beg your support!!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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