Compared with the simple bonus state of the first and second gears, Luffy in the third and fourth gears has changed, not only the change of form, but also the change of strength.

The rubber fruit’s three-speed strength is extraordinary, and when activated, Luffy will bite his thumb and blow air into the gap in the bone.

Manipulate its combat move called the “Bone Balloon” to gigantic part of the body.

With destructive power comparable to that of giants, the basic move can be turned into an extremely powerful move after the “third gear” is strengthened.

However, the third gear will reduce the speed of the attack, and the body will shrink due to the reverse erosion after the state is lifted.

The two-headed body is not small, and Luffy shrinks in the same time as before.

But after two years, Luffy, who has completed leveling, has overcome this weakness, can freely use the “third gear” and prevent the body from shrinking, plus use armed color domineering to harden the body, making the moves more powerful.

There are not many moves, but they are all powerful.

The rubber giant pistol, when launched, Luffy will bite his fingertips and blow air into the gaps in the bones, making his body’s hands gigantic. The Rubber Giant Pistol was the first move to use the third gear for the first time. Luffy is first used when fighting against Lukie.

The rubber giant tomahawk has such great power that even the warships of the Devil Slayer Order can be easily destroyed. It was also used for the first time by Luffy when fighting Luki.

Rubber Giant rocket launcher, three-speed version of rubber rocket launcher. It has more destructive power than rubber rocket artillery. It’s basically the same as rocket artillery, except that it attacks with gigantic arms. Even the bones of Oz’s whole body were shattered.

There is also the rubber giant with a lewd name,,, whip, sub, which uses gigantic feet to attack. Rubber giant, whip has more destructive power than rubber, whip. The point is, it’s hard to imagine seeing it with your own eyes.

In addition, Victor was most impressed by those few deadly tricks.

The rubber giant thunder axe extends the gigantic foot into the clouds and uses lightning to release the giant axe, which is extremely powerful. In the theatrical version, this trick was used to solve the sea thief golden lion.

In fact, this is the performance of the protagonist’s halo blessing, just at Luffy’s level, defeating the golden lion??

The golden lion is no matter how old and crippled, it is not Luffy’s match!

To put it bluntly, the theatrical version is to watch a lively, fight badly, look at the fight scenes and the like, the rest or forget it, the protagonist’s halo is too powerful, the theatrical version of Luffy can tie the four emperors together and fight again, the strength is unreasonable, and the protagonist’s halo is powerful.

There is also the powerful rubber elephant gun, which injects armed color domineering energy into the rubber giant pistol, making his hands black. More powerful than before.

As well as an upgraded version of the rubber like gun brawl, the hands enter the third gear state and then use the armed color hardening, and then perform the brawl. This move is a three-speed rubber machine gun with hardened weapons.

Impressive rubber grizzly bear, armed with color-hardened rubber giant rocket launcher. But Luffy’s small figure was connected to a thin arm, and when he swayed behind him with a huge and incomparable fist full of color domineering, it gave Viktor a lot of shock.

There is also the rubber Thor Elephant Gun, which Fei uses to defeat Green Pepper in a bullfight and knock his head back to its original cone.

It is said that the head of green pepper is always beaten by the Monchi family, first Karp back then, and then Luffy, it’s really miserable.

The pillars of the Eight Treasures Water Army are really a shame.

By the way, the third gear also has a special ability, the rubber giant ET shell.

Luffy once used the third gear to defeat Moonlight Moriah while entering the second gear, and the rubber giant Jet shell is an extremely powerful move that combines the second and third gears, but it also causes great damage to the body.

After that, there is the ability of the fourth gear, and the ability of the fourth gear is also the strongest, before Luffy researched the fifth gear that can defeat Kaido, several forms of the fourth gear are powerful weapons that helped Luffy become famous.

The fourth gear is a move unique to the rubber man.

When activated, Luffy first uses the armed color domineering arm to arm it, then bites the arm and blows air into the arm, manipulating his combat move called “muscle balloon” to compress air into the body to have elasticity and giant.

The fourth gear is a new move that Luffy developed in order to subdue them by fighting monster-like beasts during his two years of cultivation.

In this state, Luffy has a strong giant body and sufficient elasticity, and can even fly in the air with elastic power.

However, after entering fourth gear, he could not stand normally, and could only use the elasticity of rubber to bounce up.

Strength has improved across the board, faster than the second gear, stronger than the third gear in strength and defense.

It is mainly a four-speed elastic human form

The classic move is the rubber ape king gun, where the fist retracts into the body and hits the opponent.

Rubber rhinoceros howitzer, retract your feet into your body and kick at each other.

A large rubber snake fist, the fist can turn until it hits the opponent.

Rubber lion rocket launcher, both fists retracted into the body to hit each other.

The rubber Great Ape King Gun, a reinforced version of the rubber King Ape Gun, continues to pour gas into the muscles to strengthen the moves released by his own arm.

The rubber ape king crow cannon, retracted his fists into his body, and then hit the other party in one breath.

Tank man form

Rubber cannon balls, retract the belly into the body, and then blast the enemy trapped in the stomach into one breath.

Snake man form

Rubber Jet Snake Cannon, the Snake Cannon is used in the same way, but it is faster than the elastic man.

The rubber black mamba is the equivalent of the rubber ape king cannon, but the arms can be bent until it hits the opponent.

The rubber king cobra, the rubber Jet cannon is an enhanced version of the one just mentioned.

The fourth gear is the most classic existence, because many posters and figures are shaped like this.

The images of Luffy, elastic people, snake people, etc. are also deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

After Victor sorted out a lot of information about Luffy, he stood up and looked out the window, now Luffy should have opened a barrel at the beginning, and his teammates all rely on picking up mode, right? ?



In a sea area of the East China Sea, a large ship is at sea, and a sailor looks at the sea below, and a bucket floats on the sea.

That’s the bucket where the dream began…

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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