Ace roared, “Mirror Flame!”

In an instant, Ace suddenly spewed out a large expanse of flame from his right arm, creating a huge wall of flame to block Saab’s attack.

Then directly attacked and pushed up with the flame wall, and the power of this song mirror fire flame was indistinguishable from the green pheasant’s ‘ice cube violent pheasant’s mouth.

The dragon hook claw collided with the flames again, Saab’s body continued to move forward, breaking the flames, and Ace also controlled the flames to continuously devour Saab.

The gravel on the surrounding beaches is slowly melted by the scorching flames. Strong flames, ultra-high temperatures make the surrounding air is heated and heated, crackling sounds appear, the surrounding sea water is covered by flames, but in a blink of an eye, extinguished, and then covered, and the cycle continues,

Saab kicked Ace violently, with an armed domineering air, and Ace kicked back without showing any weakness, and a flame lingered on his feet. The two scuffled together.

Saab turned around, landed on the beach, and then an arrow flew up and soared into the air again, and in the volley was a claw grabbed at Ace, and the black claws with armed domineering colors emitted a burst of death breaking sounds.

“Dragon hook claw!!” Ace stepped aside and looked at the aggressive Saab a little puzzled, what’s wrong with this guy?

After Victor’s two-color domineering strengthening, Ace must be much stronger than Saab, not to mention that the two-color domineering is simply the terrifying power of burning fruits, there are many tricks, and the powerful tricks are enough for Saab to drink a pot.

“Fire Fist!!” roared.

Ace turned his arm into a huge flame with super high temperature, and then stretched his arm to attack the opponent’s target – Saab with the punch of flame, the rich flame is fast, wide-ranging, powerful, and impactful.

This is Ace’s most commonly used move, and he became famous, sinking five ships with one punch.

Saab, who later obtained this burning fruit, also developed a very similar fruit ability of the same name, Fire Fist.

Speaking of burning fruit, Victor found that it was a little different from his own strong after contact.

The ability to burn fruit is to turn any part of the body into fire, and even if it is defeated by a purely physical attack, the body can be instantly reorganized with flames. These are all commonalities of natural fruits.

In addition to this, the amount of flame that can be created and the scope of expansion are proportional to the strength of the person with the ability. Its abilities rival those of natural fruits, such as Smogg’s Smoke Fruit abilities.

In the anime, Ace is a Smogg who has fought.

Those who burn fruit can create orange-red flames from anywhere in their body. The flame itself can freely change into any shape according to the user’s will, such as forming a flame net or fire fist attack, etc., and can also wrap the flame around the weapon, giving the weapon the dual power of blunt weapon attack and flame.

It can also create a flame passage in the explosion or fire, so that the people inside are not harmed.

The weakness is that the flame will be extinguished when it hits water, and it cannot resist the magma that can burn out the flame when it hits the heat, so the red dog with the ability of magma fruit is the biggest natural enemy.

At the same time, the pheasant with frozen fruit is also the biggest natural enemy of the fruit.

That’s it!!

It stands to reason that the theoretical temperature of the flame is higher than that of the magma.

During volcanic activity, not only steam, stones, chips and lava clumps erupt from the crater, but also hot viscous molten material overflows from the crater.

The former is called volatile components and pyroclastic substances, while the latter is called lava flows.

This molten material produced deep in the upper mantle and crust, containing volatile components, which is mainly composed of silicates, is called magma.

There is also an interpretation that magma refers to rock that is molten or partially molten underground. This is a simple and crude understanding.

The magma that spilled over the surface was like molten steel that had just come out of the oven, fiery red and hot. According to the determination, the temperature of magma is generally between 900-1200, and the highest can be 1400.

And the maximum temperature of the flame is 3000 degrees Celsius!

It stands to reason that flames can exceed the temperature of a speech.

However, the magma fruit can restrain the burning of the fruit like the relationship between the upper and lower fruits, like the frozen fruit and the snow fruit, the thunder fruit and the electric fruit?

Perhaps, Viktor guessed that Ace’s flame temperature could not hit the highest level of that theory, but the magma casually was a very high temperature.

Moreover, magma is the existence of entities or fluids, such as soil fruits, swamp fruits and special superhuman waxy fruits, which can be touched, that is, when the fire without a solid body as a heating and luminous reaction fights with magma, it will be sucked away by the magma to heat the temperature of the magma!

This is to make a wedding dress for others, magma suppresses the flame.

Of course, this is just Viktor’s guess, who knows what the old thief Oda thinks, let this thing magma fully suppress the flames.

There is also a possibility that Ace’s burning fruit has not been developed at home, or it can only have a high-temperature flame that theoretically or exceeds the theoretical temperature after awakening.


Fire Fist is the same move of Ace developed by Saab after burning the fruit.

After eating the roasted fruit, Saab uses the same cool move he uses in memory of Ace

。 Saab will first retract his arms and put up a posture ready to swing his fist, and after accumulating a large amount of flame at the front of his fist, he will swing his fist forward vigorously, releasing the newly gathered flames in one breath, forming a huge and high-temperature huge flame arm, attacking forward at high speed, burning all buildings and enemies in front of him.

When Saab first uses this move, he completely destroys the bullfighting arena with one blow.

Saab also has a big move is the Flame Dragon Claw Fist Flame Dragon King.

This move is to combine the Dragon Claw Fist with the ability to burn fruit.

Before performing this move, the uncle will first bend the index finger and middle finger of the right hand together, and then separate the distance between the ring finger and the middle finger, bend the ring finger and little finger together, and use the move after the thumb is slightly bent.

Its pre-action is similar to that of three dragon claws. Then attach flames to your hands and launch an onslaught on the enemy. This move directly knocked the fighting champion away.


The corner of Ace’s mouth smiled and the fire fist was already heading straight for Saab, so next, let’s do something different.

The flames under Ace’s feet were full of flames, and in an instant it turned into a thruster, soared into the air ,,, rushed to the sky.

Hands outstretched against Saab. _

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