Viktor arranges for Smog to cause Luffy some trouble to fight the kid. But it can’t be those NPCs to deliver dishes, like those pirates with millions and tens of millions is simply meaningless. That’s completely for the protagonist to send over for leveling, it’s better to directly come to a few more powerful, for example, although Crick couldn’t beat Luffy later, but now he can go directly to the line with Luffy, bring more people, one person can’t do, group beating, up to 1,800 people, can’t kill him.

As for the other point that Victor and Smog said…

“Yes, boss, I am ready, next month is to return to the headquarters to report on my duties, Donghai I have completely arranged, according to your requirements, all the soft and hard not to eat have been reached to the branches, and some of the ones that are openly opposed have been secretly disposed of when I sent out to carry out the mission, the reason is that they are no match for pirates.” Ms. Belmer’s promotion ceremony is at the end of this month, are you coming?”

Smog and Victor planned a plan for complete control of the East China Sea, and under Smogg’s plan of both hard and soft, the East China Sea has been turned step by step into Victor’s chassis, which is basically the same as the North Sea back then.

Smogg has been serving as the governor of the East China Sea for several years, and at last year’s meeting, Viktor still snatched the title of an elite lieutenant general from the hands of the Warring States, and there was no more suitable position for Smogg at that time, and Victor temporarily vacated this opportunity, just another year to help the East China Sea be more thoroughly mastered.

In addition, Bermel has been slowly supported by Victor to the position of deputy governor of the East China Sea, and is also a vice admiral navy.

Keya and Nokigao formally took over the business of the company in the world, and worked with Magino, who was in charge of the Great Route, to create a more closely coordinated product transportation network and communication and sales network.

Nami has already come to the Navy to join the women’s unit, and the cloud fruit coupled with the ability to sense climate change every day has helped the women’s combat unit a lot, and the credit is not small.

In addition, Cocosia Village has been because of the protection of naval forces and the total production of orange wine in the Hermes brand is located here to attract a lot of investment, Cocosia Village has developed very well in the past few years, almost becoming one of the important trade centers in the East China Sea, the size of the village has also expanded a lot, although it is still called a village, but the actual scale is definitely much larger than ordinary towns.

After that, the Donghai Governor’s Mansion will also be relocated again, the newly established Governor’s Mansion is in Cocosia Village, and Bermel will officially accept the task to become the Governor of the East China Sea, and the time is less than two months, when Luffy leaves the East China Sea, the pressure on the East China Sea will be much less, because Luffy will be solved in the process of fighting the great voyage all the way in the East China Sea.

This is one of the reasons why Viktor asked Smog to secretly stir up the conflict and let the pirates of the East China Sea besiege Luffy, because this is why beating the rabbits in the grass is directly killing them all.

Clearing some obstacles for Bermel, Fang Er took control of the East China Sea Navy, and Viktor had already found a more suitable position for Smog in his headquarters.

The commander of a main fleet, and the general department chief of the navy headquarters are at the same level.

Before Victor was in charge of the War Department, but many of the commanders of the main fleet are vice admirals of the older generation, it is difficult for Victor to master these combat-ready teams, but not long ago, the commander of a fleet was seriously injured in a big war in the New World, and died two days after returning, and the position came out, just because Smogg’s opportunity has not been used, so Victor is to arrange Smogg to take the position, this is not a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy, but although the Warring States know all this, there is no way, because Viktor is all within the rules, and last year’s appointment of Smog was confirmed to be signed and sealed by the Warring States。 、

It’s hard to repent, so you can only wait for Smog to take the throne.

In fact, the death of that commander is also Viktor’s conspiracy, that fleet in the new world was accidentally encountered by the hundred beasts Kaido pirate group, led by drought jack, after Viktor knew the news, he directly instructed jack to beat him into a serious injury, after all, it is also a naval combat power, come back is not a commander is also a good master is not, hey, who knows that the commander old vice admiral is a guy with a heart higher than the sky.

I was angry that a person like myself was seriously injured by a young pirate who was less than thirty years old, and he became depressed and sick, and died within two days of anger???

This gave birth to Viktor’s kung fu, otherwise he would have to wait until this guy retired due to injury after a while, and then died directly, saving Viktor the effort of waiting.

It’s true, this person still has to be big-hearted, do you have to fight, there are losses and wins, and you are not the white-bearded kind of guy, you still have to look at the opening point, winning or losing is not a big deal.

“Okay, then you prepare, I will go when the time comes, prepare for the handover work, I will help you take care of it on the side of the fleet, and you will come directly to receive it when the time comes.” ”

“Yes, boss!!”

Victor hung up the phone and looked out the window, a storm was coming above Malinfodo’s overseas, and the storm of the times was also coming, this is not the most vicious era of Luffy’s sea thieves, the extremely evil era, but the era of Victor’s government!!!



Bang bang bang!!!

The sound of impact came, and a burst of rumbling artillery fire also followed, standing on the deck, the golden lion looked at the big ship not far away, and the corners of his mouth could not be bigger.

An arrogant smile came, and the exclusive laughter belonging to the golden lion resounded in the sky.

“Newgate, come on, let’s divide it again!! hahahaha. ”

“Weibull, order to attack, just now it was all small dishes, the big war is now!! ah”

Whitebeard said to Edward Weibull, who was already the captain of the Golden Lion Pirates.

“Yes, Daddy!!”

Weibull is already recognizing the golden lion as a father, who let the two guys be blonde, anyway, the golden lion and white beard are the same, the golden lion is still his current boss, the golden lion is his godfather… _

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