After Staley ascended the throne, he began his own policy of not being wise or even a little stupid in the Kingdom of Goya.

As the World Conference approached, Staley and his wife, Sari, stayed at the Royal Hotel in Roguetown. He commented to the princess that there was nothing special about the hotel, only Roger’s gallows.

This guy doesn’t know the form of the world today, pirates can no longer be rampant, but this guy is still indifferent to pirates in the East China Sea.

Staley and his wife Sally arrive in Red Port, and Staley sees Karp and tries to give him orders as king and find a way into the nobility of the world, but Karp behaves rude to him, which shocks Staley greatly.

Staley thought to himself, Nima’s, you Kapu are also the people of our Goya kingdom, and the old son Staley is your king, you are so arrogant?

He then meets the royals of the Dragon Palace Kingdom and is overwhelmed by ignorance and fear.

This guy was almost scared to death by Neptune and grabbed him with two fingers.

He and his wife later ascended the Red Earth Continent, where he saw a giant jumping out of a cliff, but King Hamburg believed he was hallucinating.

Sturley is therefore afraid of a nearby flying crow, but Saab disguises himself as a guard to try to assure him that it is safe.

Stree and his reverie participants later reached the top of the red line.

As they head to Mary Gas’ Castle, Stree looks down at Neptune and his family as he refuses to use the moving walk.

Later, Staley was asked to make a promise before the empty throne.

He was told the importance of the throne, and although he was told that no one was allowed to sit on the throne, he wished to do so.

Staley later went to the conference room with the other kings and queens and began his reverie.

It was this guy who plagued Saab, otherwise Saab’s fate would not be the same as it is now, joining the revolutionary army.

When he was a child, Saab lived in the Uncertain Thing Terminal after running away from his aristocratic family, and later lived with Ace and Luffy in the house of the Bandit Dadan family, and later built and lived in the secret base of the three with Ace and Luffy.

Saab’s father finds him and pays the Brujam Pirates to forcibly take him and threaten the safety of Ace and Luffy, Saab sacrifices himself for his brother and chooses to return to the noble house with his father.

After learning from his so-called brother Staley and other nobles that the Brujam Pirates colluded with the royal family to set fire to the Uncertain Terminus, in order to inform Luffy and Aiji to escape, they were forcibly driven away by the soldiers of the High City in front of the Uncertain Terminus, and met Dorag by tears, revealing the fire to him, showing that he was ashamed of his noble birth, and then fainted.

Saab wrote to Ace and Luffy before going to sea to steal a small fishing voyage, but was rescued by the dragon when Draco’s ship patrolling the East China Sea passed by.

Luffy, Ace, and the Daudan family, who did not know about it, all thought that Saab was dead.

Later, it was also because of the so-called death news of Saab, which led Ace to serve as Saab’s gentleness and think more about an older brother.

After Sabo is sunk by the Draco, Dorag saves him again.

Although Draco’s shelling did not cause life-threatening danger, it caused amnesia.

When the revolutionary army proposed to send Saab back to the kingdom of Goya, although he had no memory of his hometown, the only thing that was clear was his extreme resistance to returning to his parents.

After all, the nobles’ torture of Saab was already engraved in Saab’s blood.

At Saab’s repeated request, he remained in the revolutionary army.

After meeting the revolutionary army, influenced by their way of thinking, he began to have a common view of the various events taking place in the world. At the same time, he also meets Haku, who teaches combat skills as a fish man karate instructor to orphans raised by the revolutionary army. At that time, although Saab lost his memory, the level of combat was no longer what Haku could guide.

So Sabo Baidorag, a master, became a master, showed his superb combat ability, and constantly became stronger.

By the time Saab was 12, 13-year-old Kerra was taken by Haku to the Revolutionary Army.

Growing up with Kerra, he was scolded by Kerra when he was lazy or did something wrong.

Kerra, who likes to take care of people, often accepts various tasks in the form of a squad because of his friendship with Saab.

The official CP is basically the two of them, or Kerla is called the second sister-in-law.

So the root of all evil has part of the reason for this guy Staley.

But why did Victor give Staley a certain bright green hat today?


Victor happened to meet after a spring breeze with a noble woman in the Kingdom of Goya, when Staley recognized Victor, who had only been in the newspaper not long ago, and thought that Victor was here to perform some mission, and then he wanted to invite Victor to introduce him to various naval high-ranking or nobles and the like, Victor glanced at Staley’s wife Sally Nante Cañette, a little of the same mood welled up in his heart, the mature princess was like a kitten scratching around in the heart of Victor, the old satyr.

So he agreed to visit his house, but on the evening after the palace was full of wine and dinner, Victor couldn’t help but slip into the room of Queen Sally Nantecañete.

“General, is there something wrong with you so late?” Salinant Cañete was still a little restrained, but Viktor didn’t care about this, and went up to tease Sally Nantecañete.

This woman is also half-pushed, and Victor is the hand.

If nothing else, this Sally Nante Cañete is blonde and blue-eyed, with a straight nose and a bit exotic.

Victor was on for a moment, it was… _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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