As for whether Gaspardi is behind the scenes, Viktor estimates, it is definitely not, the mastermind behind the scenes is this level to dare to rob the world government’s fleet, rob the Draco’s heavenly gold, and even attack the Draco, this thing, once a rear admiral Gaspardi will not be stupid enough to do such a thing.

Attacking Draco to do this kind of thing is a capital offense, shouldn’t it be that this fool has been used by others?

Victor continued to look at the list of bounties below.

Immediately after that, I saw some strange guys, such as the Big Bear King Pirates, this guy is also particularly familiar. This guy is also a villain who appeared in the theatrical version.

A small villain who appeared in the second theatrical version, The Adventures of Clockwork Island, is not a small villain, because in the timeline at that time, this guy was still a very strong opponent for Luffy.

Luffy and his gang, who were still in the East China Sea at the time, continued their adventure, but in the blink of an eye, the ship “Golden Melly” of the Straw Hat Pirates was stolen in front of the leisurely vacation group, and later they encountered a pair of thief brothers on the way to find the ship.

The older brother is called Bro’s, and the younger brother is called Archie.

Brother Bro, the elder brother of the brothers thief, picked up Archie, a baby at sea, seven years ago and raised him, stealing the Golden Melly and using Luffy to defeat the Bear King, but not to get the diamond clock on Clockwork Island, but to send Archie back to his own hometown.

Later, when Luffy and Solon and the others encountered difficulties, Bro’s true purpose was to use the sea pirate, the so-called sea thief Luffy, to defeat the Great Bear King and relieve the brutal rule of the Great Bear King.

It’s just that at the beginning, Luffy Solon didn’t fight and was trapped in the mechanism, so Bro’s look at these two goods was also not contentious and unreliable, so he simply went to the Big Bear King to fight to the death with explosives on his back, intending to die together.

However, this guy is also missing roots in his brain, I don’t know what’s wrong, he was secretly calculated by the big bear king, and explosives are useless.

Younger brother Azina, very much adoring brother Broder, this child is a boy who values righteousness and human feelings, in fact, he was originally the child of the mayor and his wife of Clockwork Island, and when the Big Bear King Playing Card Pirates occupied the island seven years ago, his parents exiled the newborn Archie to the sea, and was good at repairing machinery.

Luffy and his gang heard from them that the thieves are the “Playing Card Pirates” who rule Clockwork Island, and the Brother Thief is also about to steal the famous diamond clock on the island, and the two sides have the same goal and decide to join forces to attack the base camp of the Playing Card Pirates, but the terrifying leader “Big Bear King” holds a huge clockwork that is vital to the life and death of the entire Clockwork Island.

Of course, the final result is also very general, that is, although Clockwork Island is destroyed, no one is injured or anything, after all, it can’t be too violent, too bloody and so on.

In fact, the most profound thing about this theatrical version to Victor is the fruit ability of the Great Bear King and the fruit ability of several of his subordinates.


The Great Bear King is the captain of the Playing Card Pirates, one of the so-called 5 brothers of poker, and in the playing cards represents the king, Superman is a steel fruit ability, the Iron Man, who makes the wrist steel and is in a hot state. The bounty was 11.6 million Baileys.

This so-called steel fruit is very magical, it is better to call it a hot iron fruit.

Some people may think that the steel fruit is a natural system, but this is not the case, because the ability of the steel fruit only makes the body part of the able person temper, and there is a high heat effect, rather than like the natural system makes the body of the able person become a pure natural substance, and steel is not strictly speaking, but refined by an iron-containing compound.

Iron smelting technology, steel is processed.

In fact, the most essential difference between the natural department and the superhuman system is whether the thing that becomes after the change is not human.

Like the natural system, for example, the air fruit turns into air after transformation, and the direct element becomes air, but the special superhuman line, whether it is a sticky fruit, soft candy is actually – people!!

The other four members of the poker pirate group are wizards, very special guys.

Like a skunk carrying a gas bag, Jack the Pig who attacks with spikes, and some called Shanks the Pig (Shanks means offended)

Jack Pig, who has spikes, at first pierces the soles of his feet because Sanji is not wearing leather shoes.

Later, Yamaji, who put on leather shoes, defeated this guy.

Then there is the clown who has a grudge with Solon, and he looks strange.

The most impressive is the Sweetheart Queen, this woman is a superhuman Paste Fruit ability, moreover, Victor has a good reason to suspect that this guy is a special Superhuman Fruit Ability!!

It is also called slimy fruit. God is so slimy.

The Sweetheart Queen used her Pulp Fruit ability to once capture Nami and Yamaji with Shanks the pig.

Later, because he saw that his friends were defeated one by one, he wanted to take advantage of the chaos, but was tricked into being locked up in a small bottle by Nami.

Note that it turns into a paste and is put in a bottle!!

This means that he is a special superhuman line, definitely not a natural line, but should have the ability to elementalize.

Because she is paste! equivalent to liquid, naturally not afraid of physical attacks, but the sweetheart queen is to become paste, release paste, but can not out of thin air like natural air, magma fruit like endless production of paste.

Otherwise, if Victor is put in the bottle, he will directly release more air and burst the bottle.

Paste, flour, gummies, nono, by the way, counting Luffy’s rubber fruits, they are all people who have become into that form of body, not that thing, there is still a difference, especially with the fruits of the four generals of nature. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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