From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 72 What I want to say is very simple

As Li Tingyu's magic became more powerful, the man with gold-rimmed glasses told more and more clearly.

"I didn't have such an idea at first, but the lord turned out to be a policeman before he traveled through time, and even brought a gun with him. So I started to think about snatching the gun. I first gained trust as a famous college student and cooperated with him. When I was dealing with a wild monster, I took advantage of it and stabbed it through the back of the heart with the knife I carried when I traveled through time. When I was about to be caught, because two lords died from gunshots, I knew that the gun should not be exposed, so I In the process of escaping, he threw the gun to his subordinate, who was an owl and flew up to the sky with it in his mouth. No one could find him."

Many lords at the scene were secretly surprised when they heard that there were guns and even a younger brother.

This is a gun!

For these powerful lords who have just traveled through time and have not yet truly felt the extraordinary power, the deterrent effect of firearms is still very powerful.

Even a lord like Fang Pingping, who had epic-level subjects, couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead.

If this harmless-looking guy gets close and gets shot from behind, even he won't be able to defend himself at all!

Not to mention, the other party also has a younger brother.

Although Owls are not worth mentioning in battle, they are not weak in reconnaissance. If it were not for such a younger brother, the distribution density of the lords would not have allowed this person to survive in just ten years. Within a few hours, four lords were killed in a row!

"Very good!" Shen Fei glanced at the people in front of him with a somewhat cold gaze, "It seems that there is more than one bold one!"

His original anger was basically just an act.

But now that I heard it, I was actually a little angry.

Because, without the rules he set, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy for these people to take action - they used the rules of Shen Fei and the Dark Night Alliance as a reason, coupled with their own disguise, to deceive the trust of the other lords. .

Especially that policeman!

"Why, are you still willing to take chances?" Shen Fei narrowed his eyes, and his voice was a bit cold, "Don't you still have a gun? You might as well give it a try and see if you can kill me."

The whole place was silent.

Many lords couldn't help but let their subjects surround them, and vigilantly observed the people around them.

They didn't know whether the gun could kill Shen Fei in front of them.

But solving yourself is a must!

"Don't you dare?" Shen Fei's voice rose in vain, "Don't you dare to shoot me! How can you find the courage to ignore the rules I set!"


Thunder exploded at this moment!

Under the horrified gazes of all the lords, purple thunder and lightning suddenly emerged from Shen Fei's body, circling around and even filling his eyes. The bright light, majestic thunder, and even the gray fog It can’t be covered up at all!

Some lords were even frightened and took a few steps back, their legs weak.

It’s not that they are useless.

Shen Fei had already brought them great psychological pressure, and now it was as if the God of Thunder had arrived, as if thunder and lightning would be summoned at the next moment, and all of them would be bombarded!

Until this moment, some people completely believed that Fang Pingping was right. The world number one in front of them was really not on the same level as them!

The two lords who had evil intentions were even more terrified. They had completely collapsed to the ground, and their whole bodies were trembling.

Even if he is frightened and becomes incontinent, it is not surprising.

Because, Shen Fei's eyes filled with thunder and lightning were focused on them!

Yes, Shen Fei knew from the beginning that there were accomplices.

Also know who it is.

They thought they were quite calm and even dared to come here, but under Li Tingyu's gaze, there was nothing they could hide from!

Not to mention, Shen Fei felt a faint warning from the beginning, as if someone with malicious intentions towards him was hiding in the crowd with a small stone. Considering his current strength, it was easy to guess that it was a hand. Crossbow, or something similar like a pistol.

If these two lords observe carefully, they will find that there are two lords standing between them and Shen Fei from beginning to end.

It is impossible to shoot Shen Fei with a black gun.

Even now, the accomplice still doesn't have the courage to draw a gun!

Shen Fei seemed to have lost his patience.

He directly asked the man with gold-rimmed glasses: "Who is it? Point it out."

Under the control of the technique, the man with gold-rimmed glasses pointed at one of the two people who was lying on the ground without any hesitation.

"Wait, wait a minute!" This man suddenly felt great fear. He didn't know where the strength came from, and he struggled and yelled, "I didn't kill anyone with my own hands. I was just an accessory at most. Yes, I was an accessory at most! "

A dozen owls flew from nowhere and surrounded him, as if this could give him some courage.

But, the next moment!

Dazzling thunder and huge roar filled everyone's eyes and ears!

Shen Fei had already raised his hand, and a purple thunder bombard him unceremoniously!

There was no time to even cry out.

Owls and a charred corpse fell to the ground with the smell of barbecue.

Almost turned into coke!

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

Some people didn't even react at all and just stood there stupidly.

Others, on the other hand, could hardly control their horrified gazes.


Killing him so cleanly and neatly, even with his own hands!

Looking at the figure that was still surrounded by thunder and looked like a demon, there was uncontrollable fear in their eyes.

Although there are people like the man with gold-rimmed glasses among the lords, in fact, in the hearts of most of the current lords, there are certain obstacles to killing people. This obstacle comes from the environment they have lived in in the past few decades. education, and the most basic moral concepts.

but now.

They witnessed such a horrifying and swift killing with their own eyes!

The chill has emerged uncontrollably.

Even though it had been predicted that Shen Fei would definitely be executed to establish his authority this time, but ordering the people to kill and doing it himself were completely different meanings! The latter means that the man in front of him who has such a powerful power has completely abandoned the legal and moral constraints he had on earth in the past!

"There is no such thing as an accessory here." Shen Fei's calm voice reached everyone's ears, "I am not discussing the law with you now, let alone morality. What I want to say is very simple. ——If you don’t solve my strength and courage, just abide by the rules I set!”

Yes, Shen Fei would not talk to them about law or morality.

Because he knew very well that under the current conditions, these things were unclear.

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