From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 85 God is just a milestone

Although they are just ordinary metal weapons, extraordinary interstellar humans have strong adaptability to fight in various situations. Under the influence of "attachment", even a leaf or a stone can work wonders.


Shen Fei prepared the space door. He turned to look at Vallie with expectation in his eyes.

"Yes!" Vallie knew that the time had come to show herself.

Although she was equally happy for their strength when she looked at the performance of her subjects, she also felt pressure.

Because she has realized that the power system possessed by the people may be more powerful than her!

Under such comparison, if she performs poorly, she may disappoint the Lord.


"Everything I have experienced, the pain, struggle, unwillingness, and anger will become my nourishment and bring me strength that will never be weaker than others!" Vallie silently thought in her heart, silently pulling out her long sword, Hold it with both hands and raise it in front of your chest.

Divine magic and power aura!

In an instant, dazzling golden light emerged from the sword, covering everyone including Shen Fei.

Everyone can clearly feel that their bodies have become lighter.

Strength increased!

But this is just the beginning.

Divine magic and defensive aura!

Divine magic and agility aura!

Divine magic·Fire resistance!

Divine spell·Damage increase!

Divine magic·physical aura!

When the first halo appeared, Shen Fei had no expression, and the citizens were also very calm, because although the power had been improved, it was not to the extent of a sudden increase. Especially for the citizens, this improvement was simply not as good as the previous one. Not as good as the improvement brought about by Vallie's hero talent.

But as the second halo quickly appeared, everyone could feel that a thin but rather hard protective layer appeared on their body surface.

Then the third, the fourth, the fifth

Even Shen Fei's expression had changed at this time.

Too much! So comprehensive!

He only saw circles of golden light shining from Vallie's body, and then covering their bodies, making everyone shine with the same golden light!

Just like a real warrior blessed by the gods!

It wasn't until Shen Fei noticed that Vallie's face turned a little pale that he couldn't help but put away his inner wonder and said: "That's enough, do what you can."

"Yes!" Vallie stopped further releasing the magical halo, but she also said softly, "My lord, I understand my limit. In this state, I can still release two more magical halos, the total number is for fourteen.”

"But there is no need to reach the limit now." Shen Fei waved his scepter and felt the power at this moment. Then he did not hide his joy in his expression, "Yes, these layers of BUFF Added together, the combat power of the leaders is nearly doubled! It’s even better! How long can this last?”

"As long as my power is not exhausted, I can replenish it at any time." Vallie lowered the tip of the sword and said in a firm tone.

"Okay!" Shen Fei's eyes lit up and he even laughed out loud, "I'll supply you with the best possible supply of the Ten Thousand Medicine Spirit Water!"

Although it is a bit wasteful to use the elixir of elixir as a physical potion, it is definitely not a waste when used on Vallie.

It must be said that Vallie's magical aura gave him quite a surprise.

In his perception, this extraordinary power seemed to have a certain element of spirit or will, because he could faintly feel Vallie's will from this power, which was extremely firm. Mixed with some emotion of faith.

No wonder it is called a "divine magic" halo.

Shen Fei seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but ask: "Vallie, is your power related to the god of your world?"

"The Holy See claims that all divine magic is a power given by God, and can only be mastered by believers who have firm faith in God." Vallie lowered her gaze, and there seemed to be a touch of self-mockery in the corner of her mouth, "I used to be like this too I think so, but when I started the rebellious war, this power did not disappear. Even when I strengthened my rebellion against God at the last moment, my magic became more powerful, especially the halo magic. "

Because she is born with the ability to sense the emotions of others, the magical aura released by Vallie itself has a stronger effect than others.

She once thought it was God's gift to her.

But then she understood that this was her own ability, her own talent.

Change according to one's own will.

The so-called "divine magic" is not a power given by God at all.

"Sure enough." Shen Fei also nodded slightly, "I can feel that this is a very special extraordinary power that can interfere with reality with will. Although it is more suitable for amplified effects, it is not the full manifestation of this power. If you keep following this path, maybe you will become a 'god' one day."

Valerie was stunned for a moment.

She herself.became a god?

Vallie's first reaction was that it was impossible, but these words came from the Lord's mouth.

"Don't believe it?" Shen Fei seemed to have seen what Weierli was thinking, and couldn't help but shake his head and said, "You should break away from your past cognition. Let alone the few heroes around you, Li Tingyu's road ahead There are immortals, Li San is a member of the gods in his world, and Shadow has a record of killing gods. In this vast world that covers the heavens, the 'gods' you know are also But it’s just a milestone on the road ahead, not even the end, and maybe there’s no end at all.”

Valerie was speechless and shocked!

Because she has realized that what the Lord said is right.

It's just that her ideas are still limited by past perceptions. She believes that mortals are no match for gods. She believes that only gods can defeat gods. Even the Lord is called the Lord because he controls this small world. Qualifications for "god".

And now.

Not only can she ask for the Lord's promise, but is it possible for her to take revenge herself?

"Okay." Shen Fei stretched out his hand and put it on her shoulder, "On the road ahead, just look forward occasionally. If you want to move forward, you still have to look at your feet and move forward step by step. Now fulfill your responsibilities. ,Set off!"


Vallie stopped all her thoughts, but there still seemed to be something different in her eyes.

Even the movement of turning around and the long blond hair blowing lightly behind his back gave him an indescribable coolness.

It's like standing in the sunshine from a dark place.

And Shen Fei also noticed that Vallie's loyalty increased again - ninety-eight!

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