Chapter 20: Golden Rong

"You what you! Too lazy to talk nonsense with you! I still have to go to Master Qin!" "

Zheng Yuxiu glanced at Lin Yan angrily, and walked straight towards the martial arts hall.

"Hey? Are you looking for my master? "

"Hey? Wait a minute! "

Lin Yan followed behind, but Zheng Yuxiu ignored him.

Goldman Sachs heard the noise outside and immediately greeted him.

Zheng Yuxiu glanced up and down at Gao Sheng, and nodded with satisfaction, "Well, this is like Master Qin's apprentice!" "

Gao Sheng didn't know why, glanced at Lin Yan, then looked at Zheng Yuxiu, and said politely: "Master is in retreat, do you have anything?" "

Because few girls came in the martial arts hall, as soon as Zheng Yuxiu appeared, he attracted the attention of many disciples.

They all stopped practicing and came over curiously.

However, before Zheng Yuxiu could speak, he heard a shout from outside.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

Liu Fei ran in from outside sweating, grabbed Goldman Sachs and asked loudly, "What about Master?!" "

"Still in retreat in the room, what's wrong?"

"The patrol of the French Concession is here!"


Everyone was shocked, and the probe looked outside, only to see several uniformed people walking towards this side.

"They said that Master beat someone, and they wanted to come and take Master to the patrol room!"

The affairs of the official family are already troublesome, not to mention that this is still a person from the French Concession.

Looking at their imposing appearance, most of them are nothing good!

Zheng Yuxiu frowned slightly.

Others didn't know, but she knew what was going on.

I didn't expect that this patrol would come to the door so quickly.

Just when everyone was anxious, Qin Twilight just finished the retreat and came from the backyard.

As soon as they saw him, the disciples gathered around.

"Master! The patrol is coming to you! "

"Did they have some misunderstanding, Master, why did you beat people indiscriminately?"

"Yes, Master, don't worry, who dares to wronged you, we are the first to disagree!"

The disciples were indignant, and it was as if they were going to fight with someone!

"! That's how I usually teach you? "

Qin Twilight was very moved in his heart, but he didn't want his apprentices to provoke the people of the official family for him.

He gently patted Goldman Sachs' shoulder and said sternly: "You continue to practice with your junior brothers, I will come back in a moment!" "

After that, he walked outside.

When the patrol saw that Qin Twilight was so cooperative, he was not embarrassed, so he led him towards the patrol room.


The disciples stood around the door, each clenching their fists and looking solemn.

But they don't know exactly what's going on or what they can do now.

Zheng Yuxiu hesitated for a moment, but still said what happened in the tea house before.

This suddenly made the disciples panic even more!

They never expected that Master would provoke the Qing Gang!

That's a green gang!

A huge force that can make Kamigata tremble by stomping at will!

Goldman Sachs has always listened to Qin Twilight's words, but this time, he really can't do it just like that.

Tangled again and again, he still gritted his teeth and said: "No, this time Master is probably in danger!" I...... I'll go find my dad! "

"I'll go find my dad too!"

"I'll go back too!"

Goldman's words reminded the other disciples, who also left the martial arts hall one after another, anxiously running to their homes for help.

Although most of their families are from business, they can usually speak in the patrol house.

Be sure to bring their master back!


On the other side, Qin Twilight was taken directly to the interrogation room of the cell of the patrol room.

The room was large, with the balustrade of the cell on one side and various instruments of torture hanging on the other three walls.

Most of the torture instruments were blackened, as if they had been soaked in blood.

There are also some places on the ground that are dark red, which is shocking!

At this time, in the middle sat a man of about forty years old, lazily leaning back in a chair with a gun on the table.

There was also a person standing on each side of him, one with a pistol pinned to his waist, and the other carrying a Hanyangzuo.

Qin Twilight recognized the man as the only Chinese inspector general of the French Concession Police Force, Jin Rong!

At the same time, he is also one of the big guys of the Green Gang!

In fact, the reason why Jin Rong can sit in the current position is thanks to those killer assassins.

If it weren't for the assassins killing the original boss Yan King, he wouldn't have been able to ascend to power so quickly!

But no matter how he said that the boss was killed, he must make a show.

Therefore, many people were sent to track down the whereabouts of the assassins.

Just now, someone came back to report that several of his men had been beaten outside.

After asking, I learned that the other party was just a martial artist of the first realm.

He immediately sent someone to bring it back, intending to take the opportunity to stand up in front of his subordinates!

"You are Qin Twilight?"


"I made trouble in the tea house today, and I injured six people! Do you confess this sin? "


Jin Rong didn't expect that this Qin Twilight would confess his guilt so cheerfully!

None of the means prepared before could be used, which made him feel a little regretful.

"Just confess your guilt, after drawing a bond, you will be executed after thirty!"

After that, he casually placed a piece of paper at Qin Twilight's feet.

Qin Twilight possessed and picked up the paper, glanced at the content on it, and couldn't help laughing, "Beating patrol? Oh, just a few gangsters, when did it become a patrol? Or has this gang been absorbed by the police? "

"Be bold!"

In an instant, a pistol was pressed against Qin Twilight's head!

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