Chapter Twenty-Five The Mysterious Master

After some discussion among the disciples, Zheng Yuxiu stood up decisively.

"I just want to ask you, if you are not influenced by the ideas of your family and the people around you, would you yourself be a constitutionalist or a revolutionary?"

"Do you want some handouts from the Qing government, or do you want to build a democratic country together?"


After a word, the disciples looked at each other and silently made their choice.

Most of the people were on Zheng Yuxiu's side, and only three or five disciples remained on the side of the constitutionalist sect after hesitating.

"We also don't want to see the Qing government continue to oppress the people, but there will be war, bloodshed, and sacrifice in the revolution..."

Speaking of this, everyone's eyes changed.

Indeed, this is what worries them the most.

In fact, many people can feel that the Qing government has no cure, but the final victims of the war are ordinary people.

None of them are willing to gamble with their lives on a new government!

Zheng Yuxiu was also well aware of this, so he nodded and said: "I understand your concerns, but if everyone is afraid and no one stands up, sooner or later our entire country and entire nation will become prisoners of those foreigners!" "

Someone immediately responded: "Master sister is right, maybe everything will be too late by then!" "

"That's right! The world needs us to change! "

Zheng Yuxiu's few words once again set off the blood of his disciples.

But as soon as her words fell, she saw Qin Twilight standing at the door, and lowered her head a little embarrassed.

Before, she didn't know that Qin Twilight had bitterness, and she wouldn't care too much.

But now she knew that Qin Twilight was reluctant to involve the disciples of the Martial Arts Hall in too many political issues.

"Ahem, Master..."



The others also reacted quickly and all bowed their heads.


Qin Twilight sighed lightly and silently walked to the front, "Your current strength, go out and use people as cannon fodder?" "

"Master... The junior disciples have only heard the recent rumors, so they will discuss it briefly. "

Goldman quickly explained.

Qin Twilight nodded and looked around all the disciples.

Looking at the enthusiastic disciples, he was very pleased in his heart.

It's just that he still won't let them participate in the revolution now!

It won't be long before the Qing government will be overthrown by the revolutionaries and the Republic of China will follow, but it is not the democratic and peaceful country they seek!

There will still be corruption and chaos within the government.

Each vies for power, leading to a melee between warlords!

None of this can be changed, and he will not let his disciples fall victim to this ridiculous political struggle!

What he had to prepare for was the even greater catastrophe twenty years later!

Qin Twilight raised his head and looked extremely serious, "Since you also feel that some things are the trend of the times, you don't need to mix with this group of hairy children!" "

"But Master..."

"What you need to do now is to seize the time and improve your strength! You can protect your family, but I don't want you to get involved in anything political! "

Zheng Yuxiu was obviously still a little unconvinced, but he did not dare to disobey Qin Twilight's order.

The others were also a little stunned.

Seeing that they have learned a skill but have no place to use it, they feel very uncomfortable!

Regarding the future, Qin Twilight was reluctant to say more.

But seeing their appearance, in desperation, they had to continue: "You all know that our sect is different from other sects, and although some things cannot be revealed to you too much, I can tell you that I came down from the division this time because of the current chaos!" "

Hearing these words, the disciples' eyes were a little confused.

Someone was the first to react and tentatively asked, "Master, do you mean that we will be useful later?" "

"Yes, and it's big, but not now."

Qin Twilight said frankly.

The disciples' eyes lit up instantly, and they all became excited.

They already knew the mystery of the master behind Qin Twilight, and it was not too strange that they might have the slightest ability to foresee!

It's just that no matter how much they asked, Qin Twilight didn't reveal half a sentence again.

Even so, they would not have the slightest doubt about Qin Twilight's strength, and the originally sluggish atmosphere became active again.

"Good, I will definitely practice well, and when the time comes, I will show my skills!"

"Me too!"

"I, too, obey Master's orders!"


Finally calming the disciples' emotions, Qin Twilight was worried about another thing in his heart.

That's the question of funding!

If the funds are not enough to expand the martial arts hall, there is no way to accept new disciples, and he will not get inheritance points.

The strength could not be improved, which made him very sad!

In fact, the rubber stocks he bought before have been rising, especially at the end of the recent year, which have risen several times, and he has also made a net profit of nearly 2,000 oceans.

Because of the strong rally, rubber stocks have become a big hit recently, and more and more people are buying them.

During this time, Liu Fei came to him several times.

Each time lamented his foresight and asked when he intended to sell the stock.

Liu Fei is still worried that the stock will one day collapse under such a rally.

But Qin Twilight knew very well that this rally would last for another year.

So for the best interest, he has to continue to wait.

He simply calculated that the martial arts hall now had more than thirty disciples, which was more than three hundred silver dollars a month.

Aside from his own daily expenses and the normal operation expenses of the martial arts hall, there is not much left.

And in order to save money to refine that elixir, he began to cut back on food and clothing more than a month ago.

Fortunately, he is now famous and a respected master.

The landlord also took the initiative to reduce his rent.

This allowed him to finally buy enough of the medicinal materials needed for the first batch of elixirs!

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