Chapter 58 Miracles! Golden sores medicine miracle effect

"Little Brother Qin..."

Nong Jinsun looked at Qin Twilight, I don't know if he thought of the various miracles on his body, but after hesitating for a moment, he still nodded, "Okay, then you try, if there is anything you need to help, just say!" "

Xiao Zhang was a little anxious, and quickly said vigilantly, "Uncle Nong! He looks not much older than me, even you are helpless to hurt, what can he do! "

"Xiao Zhang, I know you're worried about your father, but I believe that Little Brother Qin must have said this with certainty!"

After speaking, Nong Jinsun patted Xiao Zhang's shoulder seriously.

Xiao Zhang pursed his mouth, clenched his fists tightly, and after a moment of silence, nodded vigorously.

Seeing this, Qin Twilight no longer hesitated.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and carefully cut off the soaked bandage first.

Sure enough, it was a serious knife wound just as he thought.

Scratching from the side of the waist to the navel, I am afraid that the depth of the cut is almost injuring the internal organs!

It can be seen that the wound has been carefully treated before, but because it is too deep, part of it has broken apart again, and it keeps oozing blood.

And the other part that does not bleed, is not successful in stopping bleeding, but begins to inflame and suppurate, not only squeeze the bleeding place, but also have an unpleasant smell.

He took out the vial containing the martial arts golden sore medicine, opened the mouth of the bottle, and prepared to pour the medicine directly.

Nong Jinsun couldn't help frowning and asked suspiciously, "Little brother Qin, don't you need to clean up the blood first, and that purulent part?" In this way, the medicine is directly spread, which is easy to accelerate inflammation. "

"It doesn't matter."

Qin Twilight thought of the instructions he had seen this golden sore medicine before, and one of them was the effective treatment of bacterial infections.

So far, the system has never deceived him.

I believe it will be no problem this time!

Because the wound was very long, he casually poured all the golden sores medicine on the wound.

For a time, the medicinal powder and blood were doped, emitting a strange fragrance.


Nong Jinsun has been working in medicinal herbs for so long, and he has never seen any medicine react with blood so quickly.

Qin Twilight was also puzzled, and the disciple had not told him about this fragrance before.

Could it be because there was too much blood in this contact?

After Nong Jinsun hesitated for a long time, he couldn't help but ask curiously: "Little brother Qin, what kind of medicine is this?" "

But Qin Twilight did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Brother Nong, in the current situation, is it okay to stop the bleeding?" "

Nong Jinsun nodded, "That's right, I checked yesterday, and I didn't hurt my internal organs, as long as I can stop the bleeding in time and don't get inflamed, most of them can be saved!" "

"Okay, then after saving the person, I'll tell you about this medicine in detail!"

After Qin Twilight finished speaking, he quietly looked at the wound.

When Nong Jinsun heard that Qin Twilight was so determined, his heart couldn't help but relax slightly.

At this moment, everyone stopped talking.

There was an incomparable silence in the small space, and it seemed that each other's breathing could be heard.

As the golden sore medicine continued to penetrate, the fragrance became stronger and stronger.

In about a quarter of an hour, almost all the blood near the wound coagulated, turning into a black-red blood scab.

And the purulent part is also significantly swollen, and soon after the fresh blood seeps out, it gradually begins to scab!

Nong Jinsun and Xiao Zhang looked at each other and sighed, "Miracle! This is nothing short of miraculous! "

Seeing this, Qin Twilight also breathed a sigh of relief.

I secretly said in my heart that this system does not deceive me!

He had also thought before, in case this golden sores medicine was useless for such a serious injury, it would be too chicken, and he could only let the disciples play with it at ordinary times.

Now it seems that it is possible to carry out large-scale publicity.

As the wound healed, the man's eyes on the bed moved.

Immediately afterwards, his hand subconsciously wanted to touch.

But Qin Twilight was the first to react and caught it first.

"Brother Nong, the wound healing will be itchy, he is not awake now, let's tie him up first!"


Nong Jinsun quickly took out the bandage from the medicine box and quickly tied the man's two wrists with the bed pole next to him.

After some tossing, they found that the wound had a new change!

The blood was completely dry, and it melted with the golden sores medicine and became a black piece.

Like dried mud, it no longer smells.

Qin Twilight observed for a while, and said lightly: "The medicine should run out, Big Brother Nong, you clean up these residues to see the situation." "


Nong Jinsun took out the alcohol and cotton balls again, but he looked at the ball, and still didn't dare to start, "Little brother Qin, won't you clean up and then break the wound?" "


Qin Twilight was still very confident.

Seeing this, Nong Jinsun began to carefully clean up, removing the black piece of the piece little by little.

But when he saw the wound, he couldn't help but be surprised, "This, how is this possible!" "

Xiao Zhang on the side was startled, thinking that his father had an accident again, and immediately went over to check.

I saw that the wound that was originally so deep is now all scabbed!

The inflamed areas have all disappeared, and the redness and swelling are almost gone.

This look is as if the wound has been healed for a week!

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