From Mightiest Hero to Demon King

The Demon King will embark on Speria's offensive.

Shortly after attacking the Temple of Acadia built in the desert and making a master registration.

He said offensive information on one of the three remaining temples would be given as a 'special reward'.

I told him that. Gallius thought about it a lot later.

It's the Temple of Speria.

I said it out loud.

Jizzle of the Dragon Nation who was next door asks.

"It's a temple in the sacred capital of the Rubian nation, isn't it? Shouldn't it be one of the other two temples I don't know where it is?

Even Kera, who has been documenting the world for 300 years, has not been identified by its name.

"Where one turns out, in the end, one remains a mystery. Then you'd better attack one for sure."

"But I also ride in the middle of a country that is clearly hostile to the subhuman Straw..."

"I have some ideas. In the worst case scenario, we'll have to occupy their heart - the cathedral."

That's how you buy time to take away only the temple's controls on the airship.

"Depending on the content of the Temple of Sparia's offensive information, its' worst 'may be avoided"

Either way, Gallius goes on.

"I don't know if there's a time limit, but the answer should be early. Why don't you leave this place to me?"

"I don't disagree with you. This one's on your side."

Gallius told the Danios the same. There seems to be no objection there either, and the special reward was determined in "Strategy Information for the Temple of Speria" -.

- The next day.

Immediately after the attack on the Temple of Acadia, a meeting was held urgently in the capital of Limullesta. Danio also calls. Many gather in the capitol.

The semi-circular capitol was seated in a staircase, and Gallius climbed onto the stands alone.

Start by scheduling the transport of the control devices of the Temple of Acadia.

The scheduled operation of the airship was reorganized and discussed in order to transfer it as soon as possible.

Continue on about negotiating with the desert people. Because that was the point of contact on the Limullesta side, it was only a policy to check the large frame and then entrust it to the point of contact.

The break was pinched and finally became the main agenda of the day.

"I'm going to embark on an attack on the Temple of Speria. Look at this first."

Next to Gallius is a control device brought from the other temples. When he touched the pedestal, the sphere floating above glowed blurry and began to rotate as the band-shaped magic formation twirled.

A statue is shown in the void. The 3D underground labyrinth was floating translucent.

"Well, the Temple of Speria...... no, the whole ruins thing?" Jizzle asks.

"That's right. The information was obtained in Acadia, but can also be drawn in this way by the controls of other sites. The entrance is at this end, and the location where the controls are located is at this point on the other side."

Gallius pointed out a 3D map of the labyrinth with a long stick.

"Oh, my God, what a mess. Well, it's just like Greer in the basement of Volcano Island."

"The ruins are somewhat similar in terms of towers and underground hierarchies. But the biggest thing about Spain is that it's out of step."

Twisting his neck together, Gallius made another screen appear in the void. There is a string of detailed character information.

"The passage will be roughly ten meters in width and twenty meters in height"

A twitch occurs.

"Hey, wait a minute. You think all these narrow passages are ten meters wide? How big the hell is it...?

"Approximately, but enough to add a king's capital to all eleven cities. It stretches beyond even the mountains on the border of the Rubiales country to the plains"

The twist grew even bigger.

"Labyrinth gimmicks are as complicated as combining other ruins"

Greer, which was underground on volcanic island, had so many branches. Ibidilia in the kingdom had altered passageways. Acadia, a desert tower, needed special items.

Sparia is an obstacle to getting to the bottom of it all.

"Fortunately, all you need is something you can prep. Variable patterns in the corridor, traps, whatever. If you believe in tactical information, you'll have no problem."

"I see. But I don't know how many years this will take without tactical information."

"Oh, maybe that's one of the reasons the Patriarchs aren't attacking."

They are the only centers of God's faith. But it seems that the Seven Temples are based on polytheistic beliefs, and that's probably the biggest reason they don't aggressively attack around them.

In addition, because of the high degree of offensive difficulty, Gallius speculated that it had been largely abandoned.

"Then why don't we just take it easy?

Faces gathered in the capitol nod to Jizzle's words.

"After all, shouldn't we have gotten information about other temples?

In the meantime, when a Lizardman man modestly zeroes.

"No, not now."

"But at least one of them has a place, right?

"It certainly doesn't have to be the identified Sparia."

"I can't help steaming it back after I've done it."

It wasn't even active, but there was an argument.

Gallius picks up those voices.

"Everyone's concerns are best. I was lost at that point myself, and it was a bet. But with Speria's tactical intelligence, things have improved."

Gallius glances around the capitol and tells him.

"If you attack Speria, you will receive similar special rewards again."

"Let me hear the rationale," Jizzle said.

Gallius nods and speaks.

"The presence of the other Six Temples was first revealed by attacking the Temple of Ilua and making a master registration. Then when I made contact with Kella to get information about the temple, I felt uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable, huh?

"Even Kera, who has been recording the world for three hundred years, even though she claims to be so, did not know the name and location of the two temples. Knowing there are seven."

So Gallius thought that the seven temples were not equal, but divided into two large groups.

It is easy to find three (...) with very little information and four (...) with easy access to future generations.

"Let's call the former group a 'high-difficulty group' and the latter a 'basic group'. To guess the thoughts of those who built the Seven Temples, did they attack the basic group and make it the first design to challenge the high-difficulty group? Then it's not strange to get a special reward again if you complete one of the high difficulties."

Perhaps the information is about the location, but it still moves forward.

"Hmm? Wait, Gallius, aren't there two high difficulty levels and five basics?

"That's how I divided it at first, too. But to call it a 'basic group', one is too special. So I included it in the high degree of difficulty. Of course, it didn't leave the realm of reasoning."

At the time of attacking the fourth, he was convinced that he had been awarded a 'special reward'.

"I see. And where is that 'special one'? Is it Superior because of the circumstances?

If I did, I'd get in and have the idea that the wide speria is special. But Gallius affirmed.

"No, it's Ilua that's special. Hidden in the endless woods and equipped with gates that only open under extremely limited conditions,"

Ilua is not a temple that can be immediately challenged because he has tactical information.

An explorer on this side accidentally found it and brought his name and location back to the human community, and Kella must have picked it up.

"Hmm, I didn't know the first attack was a special temple."

"We are attacking the designers of the Seven Temples in order out of their thoughts. Fortunately, you got a special reward for not attacking one of the basic groups."

"Did the designer make it conditional on 'attacking four of the seven temples'?"

"I guess Irregular assumed it for me. That's not necessarily why you can stay out of order. I therefore thought that it should be restored to the correct order (...). Maybe if we attack all the basic groups, we'll have something else to pay for."

I don't expect too much there, but while I flaunt my shoulders,

"Besides, I can't leave Speria alone for long. It's unclear if the folks in the Patriarchate will change their minds and step into the ruins, but you keep your spies lurking. Besides, he didn't know when to betray him."

It makes for an indescribably complicated look.

And here Danio opened his mouth.

"But it's hard to infiltrate the middle of a godland. With the attack on the temple, we must also allow them to fight."

"Oh, that's it -"

Gallius answers firmly.

"I'm trying to sneak in"

Ha? and everyone was taken aback.

"We send a large quantity of supplies because of the wide aisle and attack them all at once on the shortest route"

Information from Kera also confirms that the entrance to the site is sealed off on the cathedral side and that the base point to be transferred on the transfer device is on the site side.

The amount that can be sent at a time is limited, but the required amount shall be prepared in multiple portions.

"If we proceed somewhat within the ruins, even if they are noticed during the Church United Nations, they will not be caught up. Guardian beast and maze."

"But even if an attack were made, we would carry out the controls. - Mm-hmm?

Danio looks at the labyrinth map floating in the void.

"A room with a control device is a place that crosses the border...... you're not digging a hole!?"

"Fortunately, directly above is the plains, not the alpine mountains. If we hit the Holy Sword's greatest attack more than once, we might be able to drill a hole in it."

If that's not possible, seal off the temple itself.

In some cases, he assaulted with a airship, temporarily occupying the cathedral and collecting it.

"Well, the collection method depends on the circumstances."

And in preparation for the unforeseen, the members also needed to be carefully selected.


"I'm going too this time. Short-term showdown with the best."

With determination in his heart, Gallius solicited everyone's opinion -.

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