From Mightiest Hero to Demon King

The Demon King breaks into the ruins

- The first day of the attack on the ruins of Speria.

"Okay, there you go."

Gallius heard reports that all checks had been completed and told him so.

Dressed in pitch-black armor, he looks around at everyone with his helmet by his side.

"Then we begin our attack on the ruins of Speria. The goal is to reach the temple's control room quickly. Avoid combat as much as possible and proceed by selecting the best route from pre-obtained tactical information"

Gallius became half-body and pointed behind his back.

"We'll break through this path first. The Guardian Beast will welcome you soon. The carriage runs through the center in a row and at equal intervals. Anyway, it's a top priority to protect the wagons and the loads they carry."

It takes time to break through the vast ruins and therefore requires a lot of supplies. Assuming we run out of supplies, we'll have to go back to the starting point and replenish it, which will waste a lot of time.

We need personnel to protect our supplies. But the dilemma is that if the troops get bigger, so do the supplies.

It was the current number of people and the quantity of supplies that I thought through and adjusted.

There are Pennelay and Zolt in the main force, but few soldiers are inflexible. Excellent in magic and good in defense.

"I wish I was the type to eat guardian beasts."

It was Zahara who flaunted her shoulder with a giant body. He is the chief of the Luxal tribe of the desert people.

"I hope you don't mind eating demons."

The choked voice is old knight Danio.

"Well, you shouldn't live in the desert when you say such luxury"

Those who nod are likewise the faces of the desert people. They are moving to Grausta on the way to reconstruction. He was scouted around holding a gift that was useful in exploring the site.

(Well, the reward is good. I can also try my arms. And more importantly, if we raise the medal here, we can carry Olivia's heart all the way around!

Zahra and the others were in a good mood.

"Then we leave. Pennelei and Zolt, and Zahra, follow me. Danio is with us, but in some circumstances I want you to turn to cover the defensive forces"


Zahara was the first to respond. Late everyone roars.

That's how the march began -.

Less than two minutes down the straight main road,

Here he comes.

A large unit approached with a metal noise coming from the front.

Soldiers of full body armor. Moreover, he had four arms, and everything was a giant body exceeding two metres.

Zahara struck out front with an attack gauntlet that also covered the bush.

"Sounds like the contents of the array are empty. Isn't that what you ate?"

"If they're beast shaped, they'll eat them."

"What do you think I am? If it's meat, cook it and eat it, it'll break your stomach."

"Eat fast..."

Rin's voice cracks into the chilling conversation.

"Your names, if you're relaxed, they'll leave you, won't they?

Say no, Pennelay increased his speed. Zolt also continues with a large strand. Still further ahead...

Gallius wears a line of armored knights.

It just looked like it stuck in the enemy formation and a heavy armored knight was bounced left and right from next to next.

"What a speed... I didn't know I couldn't keep up with my eyes. Are you the brave man of the kingdom?"

"Will it get there when you are fully equipped with holy weapons? No, you haven't even given half your strength yet. What about this?

Gallius stands alone in the enemy formation.

But instead of waving his sword, he slashed it, he slapped it and stayed damaging it.

"You shouldn't get up, though. I fear a single blow will render you incapable of combat. Okay, they're coming this way from left to right, right?

"Um, Pennelley and Zolt are dealing with it, but they seem to be struggling with it on a lesser note. I need Pennelley on the left."

"I was entrusted. But...... 'Don't take it down as much as you can (...)' is a cumbersome order"

Zahara changes course diagonally to the left as she complains.

He had been given an order not to defeat the Guardian Beast beforehand.

Because the Guardian Beast will be resurrected sooner or later, even if defeated. So the thought is that if we move on without taking them down and leaving them behind as much as possible, there will be fewer guardian beasts to deal with after that.

(But it seems like it would be nice to sweep it with the holy sword. He said the ceilings and walls were in danger of collapsing...)

I kicked and ran the floor as I wanted, but the floor was not frightened.

(Sounds like good material, but there's some robust magic in the defense system)

It's a tremendous technology to think of as an entire ruin. Zahra hit the armored knight, wondering if even the holy sword could collapse.

Gallius was active in the heart of the enemy forces.

But the number he can handle is limited. Although it attracts a lot, the extra armored knights were after the carriage from left to right.

If the four push them away, and if the carriage proceeds, the distance from the guardian beast unit will inevitably be closer.

"Come on, we'll hang in there from here!

Lippi screams on the carriage.

A magic unit in a wagon deployed defensive magic formations as side-by-side Auga and Oak warriors pushed the armored knights to a halt.

Pierce the armored knight aimed at the horse with a light bullet.

Push back with a magic shield the armored knight that jumped on the load.


Lippi releases the wind blade. It's Sylphide Dagger, inherited from Gallius.

The wind blade cut off one foot and snapped the neck of another armored knight.

Defensive units are paramount in protecting their loads. I will defeat the imminent enemy. I fought with all my might, regardless of defeat.

"Uh-oh! There are so many of them ~"

But they weighed in on defense. They can't take it down with a single blow.

The number of armored knights has further increased during the mixed wars. As the wagon slows down gradually, so does the number of flocks.

"Ah!? That way! Prevent it!"

An armored knight hit the rear carriage, sliding through the gap between the defensemen.

Completely void and forgiving flesh thin, the sword held in the left and right hands is waved down at the same time.

I can't make it, when everyone thinks.

"If you can't protect me here, knight's name is broken."

An old knight, who suddenly appeared, doubled the armored knight from his head with a great sword.

"Thank you, Danio!

"What, Zolt's been working too hard as a wall player? I'm back because I'm free. I'll take care of the leak. Your Highness, increase your speed."

"The road was cleared. Run all at once!"

It was subjected to Danio's words, and a cry of Gallius arrived from the front. Continuously two rays of light run to the left and right of the carriage. They wiped out the nearby armored knights.

"The activity of the eagle..."

"It's okay, 'cause I was watching it right"

Rippi speaks comforting words to the soothing Danio.

"I'm not interested in martial arts medals. The eagle protects what is to be protected. That's all."

"Yes, yes. Good luck with that."


Refreshed Danio was slashed by a swarm of armored knights -.

Breaking through a herd of guardian beasts, the carriage runs down the main road.

In the rearmost carriage, Gallius and Lippi looked to the chaser.

"Hey Gallius, I can't pull you apart, and rather you're not getting close?

"This one's slowing down."

The soldiers walking side by side were running out of breath, so the carriage also had to slow down.

"What are we going to do? One of these days they'll catch up to you. We're all tired, so no more..."

The opponent seems tireless and recovers after taking damage. The streak is overwhelmingly unfavourable.

"I didn't want to do it if I could... I don't have a choice"

Gallius stood down, alone on the floor when he danced lightly.

"Hey, what are you doing?

To Lippi's question, Gallius answered with the Holy Sword in place.


My body glows golden. As he dropped his hips and shook through with force, the blade of light released upwards (...).

Immediately after the roar, the ceiling begins to collapse.

Gallius shot a blade of light further left and right, completely blocking the passage.

When I stopped and came back to everyone who was distracted, Zahra called out as if she was distraught.

"Weren't you avoiding damaging ceilings and walls?

"I didn't want to. I changed my mind because it was sturdy in addition to my thoughts."

This has trapped many guardian beasts, making future offenses easier.

"We can then buy time even if the people of the Rubian nation notice us. However, supplies have become more difficult to replenish, so we have to proceed more carefully."

"I see. Ad hoc, bold and invincible. I have no hesitation in executing it by quickly selecting the best hand according to the situation. You have the qualities of a king, you."

"I'll take it as a compliment, but I'm not too happy."

Well, Gallius tells everyone.

"You'll be tired, but let's go ahead and rest. But the pace should be slow."

The tension was lifted and Rippi came running as he slowly began to move on.

"I have some tactical information, and I think I can handle it."

"Oh, yeah"

The first battle can be described as a complete victory.

But don't be alarmed. Not necessarily without unexpected circumstances in the future.

(That's right. It would be easier to follow tactical information for a while...)

Whatever was not envisaged by any of the designers of the site was fully likely to happen.

But Gallius held his mouth that it should not be said now so as not to disturb everyone in relief from the victory -.

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