From Mightiest Hero to Demon King

Demon King defeats giant spider

A week has passed since the Galius and the others began their offensive on the Spanish ruins.

It solidifies by collecting carriages in the middle of a wide corridor that is T-shaped.

"Lord Gallius, we've completed our investigation of the area."

A half-oga Pennelei comes and hands a few pieces of paper to Gallius. It's a map I checked and wrote down nearby.

In the void is a puwi of chibi slime showing footage. One of the strategic information on the Spanish ruins that had been obtained in advance was a map inside the ruins.

Illuminating the two maps, Gallius nods.

"Yeah. I'm still pretty sure here."

When Gallius glanced at him, the old knight Danio and the Zolt of the Auga clan headed towards the wall of thrust. About ten meters apart from each other, slapping the walls with tricks.

"This is the only place that sounds loud."

"So is this one"

When the two put up their weapons, they call out and swing down at the same time. Danio's Great Sword and Zolt's Battle Axe hung on the wall (...).

Part of the wall goes down. A hole five meters wide was drilled. It's a passage over there.

"Ahead is the deepest part of the ruins. Without tactical information, we'd have been looking for this vast underground ruin."

As Gallius clasped his shoulders, a number of small laughs leaked.

Gallius makes his expression look worse as he tightens it.

"I'll leave the carriage here. Pennelei and Zolt, Zakhara ask for escort of the carriage"

"You're dealing with the Guardian Beasts," Pennelley said.

"Yeah, but I don't think the offensive intelligence is going to let the Guardian Beast come after us anymore."

In fact, a few hours after reaching this scene, there is no sign of ever appearing. At the bottom, a giant guardian beast should be waiting, and you can think of that as the last gateway.

We just need to prepare for the unforeseen.

(Exactly. The Patriarchate would have noticed our presence. worst case scenario, there is also a danger that it is imminent right there)

If you take the trouble to attack the Giant Guardian Beast, you could be pinched.

"I'll put a piece on it right away"

Gallius took Danio and Lippi, along with several warriors, into the passage leading to the deepest part.

Dim, winding paths for a while,

"Is that the exit? No, it's the entrance to the hall with the giant guardian beast."

It was bright and shiny as if the end of the aisle had been cut.

Proceeding with caution,

"What's that? So."

Lippi rounds her eyes.

"It looks like a spider... but it has a strange shape," Danio said.

In the center of the large room, there was a huge object with six legs. I am about fifteen meters long by sight.

At first glance it looks like a spider, but there are ten things stretching out of my back. Long stick with swollen tip. It's like a plant with only one bud ahead, just a leafless stem.

However, it has an overall black metallic body. It didn't seem like a very insect or plant.

"Haven't you noticed this way?

"No, he's not gonna do anything unless he walks into the hall"

Gallius thought only of sushi,

"You guys stay here. I'm just gonna check on you."

I rode alone.

Into the hall, some of the face-like spots of the giant guardian beast glowed red. Do not move off the spot, move Gashangashan and six legs to rotate your body and face Gallius.

Ten bar-shaped things growing from his back began to move with every tentacle.

Gallius looks from the front, while observing the surroundings.

A hundred meters in diameter is a vast hemispheric space that is being crossed. It was domed and had unnatural irregularities in walls, ceilings and floors.

(I said see how it goes, but if it's possible, I'll make up my mind with one blow!

I pulled out the holy sword.

Momentarily, the tip of something rod-shaped, flowered simultaneously (...).

(Come on)

There are several holes in each of the five petals. From there, countless light bullets were fired.

Respond to looming light bullets faster than you can catch them with your eyes.

I slipped through a number of light muscles that were made straight through to sew.

"- Huh!"

A light bullet that fired at the enemy hit the floor directly. But without wearing the floor or the light bullet disappearing, it bounces.

Light bullets hit even more domed walls, but this one was also bounced off and wouldn't stop the advance.

Besides, it's distorted irregularities, making unpredictable movements over there.

(Though I knew it beforehand, it's actually a pain in the ass to go through)

Still, Gallius continued to cast light bullets coming from all directions.

'That's just great. It would be far beyond the realm of masters if such an aggressive attack did not even blur.'

A voice that echoes directly into your head.

She's right, Gallius' movement is a business that cannot be exchanged in people's reflex nerves.

More importantly, the holy armor has the ability to improve the user's physical abilities and to maximize the reflex nerve.

(But I'm inferior to the average soldier in every way)

So naturally, there was a limit.

God-given and beneficial, "Gifts" - [Item Master] is the reason we are moving beyond that.

"The realm of masters, huh? Are you proud of that? I am merely turning myself into a tool, an item, and entrusting myself to those who dwell in holy armor (...)"

'... surprised. Looks like you've evolved [item master] for a while. Is it also a matter of time before it reaches rainbow?'

Garius sighs heartily, but now he drinks the word that it is not time to pursue.

(Well, it's not as clear as it sounds)

Just avoid it, you can never get close to a giant guardian beast.

Stick out one hand. Towards the looming light bullet, yes.

Gagging and heavy impact.

The magic shield that appeared in front of the palm, in the third, parin! and shattered. More than one light bullet strikes. Two blushed their armor, even as they turned around.

'That's a lot of power. If you hit him directly, the contents won't be safe in this armor, will they?

"Sounds like it."

Gallius once again devotes himself to dodging. At the same time, he carefully followed the stream of light bullets. And notice.

(I don't know what kind of calculation it is, but it doesn't even make a dent in that giant)

Therefore, the perimeter of the giant guardian beast had become a safety zone.

Gallius jumped hard enough to kick the floor when he found a slight gap.



Where the Rippies are at once - retreat outside the hall.

and a number of light bullets that ran endlessly through the hall vanished in an instant.

"Be impotent. I'm getting a whiff of myself watching."

"It's true. No more harassment."

"I'm sorry. You got me worried."

Gallius bows his head to the Danios who welcome him.

"But what are we going to do? With the power of the Holy Sword, even from here, that giant beast can be crushed..."

There were circumstances that prevented it.

"Exactly, with the power of the Holy Sword, it can break even the controls"

The troublesome thing is, the control device that commanded the Temple of Speria was in the belly of a giant guardian beast.

We need to destroy the head and deactivate it in order to attack it.

"Can't you weaken it?" and Lippi.

"I can, but with enough power to destroy only my head, I'll be scratched out by that storm of light bullets"

"Mmm... it's quite a hassle. But..."

Danio laughed more,

"" I have a plan!

I joined my voice with Lippi.

(I would have said it like a cliche...?

Let's be careful, as we carve it into our hearts.

"It's not a surprise."

Gallius laid down his sword and dropped his hips. One breath at a time. Kick the floor as much as you want.

Rippies mutilate the voices they have called and rush to the Giant Guardian Beast at a shelled speed.

Did the giant guardian beast perceive anything, a lot more light bullets than earlier - firing off the bare matter?

The vast space is white stained by the light that is just blinding.

Gallius ran straight (...) without fear through a storm of light bullets that seemed like nothing, such as gaps.

Direct hits from left, right, and top, increasing speed.

But naturally, if you're going straight, an attack from the front is inevitable.

"Oh my goodness... you're really impotent, you are"

I can't afford to react to a frightened voice.

The magic shield deployed in front of you has been confirmed to be destroyed in a few rounds.

So Gallius flushed the shield diagonally.

This makes ten shots bearable.

Rebuild from crushed ends.

Light bullets from the top and sides relied on the senses to shoot them off with a sword.

Nevertheless, no matter how equipped with holy armor, physical abilities and sensations transcend people, they do not hold their focus for that long.

If even a moment is distracted, you'll eat a direct hit of a light bullet at that point. And if you hit one decent shot, after that, you'll be shredded from holy armor to countless light bullets, leaving no trace.

But that too...

"If we get here, we don't need a shield."

The shortest distance at the fastest.

Safe Zone - I had no problem getting into the pocket of a giant guardian beast.

Hin, and.

Gently wave down the holy sword.

That's all, the head of a giant spider so light that it clapped out was severed -.

Light bullets disappeared enough to fill the domed space.

"Gallius, wow!

"But to your lord, even the word 'impotent' feels raw"

Lippi and the others rush over.

"I'm not the one who takes the time to show the gap. Careful preparation will make it possible for the team to handle it, but given the hand, the fastest and surest way to complete it is to be truly safe."

"Sayin ', if you're a crocodile, you'll be covered in holes before you get there."

Shortly after Gallius returned a bitter laugh, Gashan and the body of a giant guardian beast fell to the floor.

When I wonder if the pissilli sounded, a cut straight in from the head to the rear. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


And a little something that bounces big.

A spider-like creature with six legs growing on a slender body.

"Puy, Puy ~"

The puwi of the chicken slime comes close and twirls around with their eyes on each other.

"We're good friends," Lippi looks dusty.

"Well, you're not in danger anymore. Get me the Penneleys. Withdraw."

"I'm not in a hurry, but I came straight here, so can we go around and pick up some valuable items?

If you register as a master and become the keeper of the temple, the Guardian Beasts will not attack you.

Danio also made sense.

But that could have posed another danger.

"No, let's not. It's possible that the people of the Patriarchate are feeling our presence. If you still don't notice, you're gonna get your feet kicked."

"If you can't really expect the guardian beast to stop, they might catch up to you... We don't have any tactical information. There seems to be plenty of time."

Danio's words are understandable.

The awareness that it was too cautious was also in Gallius.

"The purpose has been achieved. It's not about greed."

I've been marching in the sunless ruins for a week.

There is also fatigue. You should think about it in case.

"Okay, I'm going to do a master registration. That way, please."

Gallius walked over to the control...

Master registration is over, as is the transfer of the offensive team to the airship Bahamut. The entrance to the hall was kept back to the original wall just in case.

"All you have to do is wash up."

All that remains are Gallius and Danio and the Chibi Guardian Beasts on Lippi.

"Lord Gallius, your lord is the last one, and he will smash through this ceiling with the Holy Sword... can you do that?

According to the tactical information, the position we're in is pretty deep underground. It is not easy to pierce any of the holy swords if it is also a thick rock formation on top.

"We're gonna make it."

Gallius croaked and stroked Lippi's head as she looked up worried.

"Come on, go. I may take a while to prepare. I want you to let me know if anything happens."

Hmm? and lean the two men to the control device. So let me move on to Bahamut.

"Apparently, your anxiety is at stake."

Don, and.

An exploding noise rang from the direction of the entrance to the hall.

"They weren't dumb either, I guess."

Nevertheless, Gallius is surprised.

(It's still too soon. You'll never make it in the march in large numbers, and even with a few elites, it should be difficult if you don't know where we are...)

Whatever comes, you can only retreat.

Gallius set up the holy sword, and set down the entrance.

That's where I showed up...

"Galiusu...... Galiusu!

It was once Tiaris the Virgin, who should have pierced that breast with a holy sword -.

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