From Mightiest Hero to Demon King

The Demon King will cut off the cause.

Lights abound. Holy light.

At the same time that Tiaris understood his second death, he was remembering just before his first death.

The faith was torn apart.

What I believed and didn't suspect was shattered.

A second raw who just resented the person who did it and scorched himself with a flame of hate.

I have no regrets. It's true that there was no regret in my second life just to kill someone I hated. Though...

(I have sinned...)

He pleaded guilty to many innocent people with a degree of faith that could be lost and crushed.

I just remembered that.

Her own sins pushed at her like a running lantern, and she was heartbroken, just like her first time.

Hate. I want to kill you.

Its pure thoughts remain intact,

(I deserve to go to hell...)

I couldn't do it then, with intense regrets in my life for the first time.

The Virgin did not leave a single piece of flesh, but was consumed by the running of the holy light -.

The roar rocks the whole room wide.

The dust blew and ravaged the indoors.

(Has Tiaris passed away? That's what I said about the destructive power of the Holy Sword. But this...)

Disappointed to grab her throat, Kella only moves her eyes to observe her surroundings.

The dust doesn't come to them.

Clear walls surround Kera and Gallius, preventing them.

Something with twelve straight pentagons.

Floating in the void, Gallius stood in it.

"Well, it's your turn next."

Gallius waves his grabbed arm.

Kella was thrown out like garbage and hit her hips on the transparent floor.

"Is this a dimensional plane...?

"That's three hundred years of wisdom and knowledge. I didn't know I'd say anything I didn't know."

This is not a dedicated feature of the Holy Martial Arts. It was completed by combining the special effects of the Holy Sword and the Holy Armor.

It's also the first time Gallius has used this in action. It was the first time I practiced for vs. Kella.

Kella bit off her back teeth.

"The ultimate defense to bounce back any attack, whether physical or magical. Magi Canceler, who wipes out magic, and now the attack of the holy light, it's enough to line up for a full recovery."

"Sounds like you could use it for defense, indeed. But I don't need the effect so far on defense compared to the mental power I consume. It's the only way to use it right now."

"What are you going to...?

"Do you really already know that? The principle is incomprehensible to me, too, but this seems to cut off space and not pass through all things. Although the light seems to pass that the view outside can be grasped..."

Gallius pierces Kella with a cold eye.

"It has been confirmed that no spiritual geisha can pass through the walls. So you can't get through, too?

Kella rides to the other with her personality and memory.

Perhaps even for those who are far away, even without direct contact. That's why she can't be killed where she has destroyed her flesh.

That measure was this cage of transparency.

"If you kill me, you will lose 300 years of humanity's wisdom!

"That's troublesome. But, well, it's a build-up of knowledge for once. It'll take 300 years to get it back."

"With our knowledge, the prosperity of the Subhumans is promised. How could you not use me!

"That's a lot of confidence. But I also think it makes sense."

"If so -"

"But if we leave the 'evil' of you alone, doom will come before we prosper. You have no sense of belonging, but you are the one who stands on the 'side of men' wherever you are raised. How can you say if you don't scratch my sleeping neck and ravage my suburbs?

Gallius set up the holy sword.

"Profit and peril if I let you live. It's a problem before I put it on the scale."

Kera found light in the words of Gallius, even as she trembled.

"Wait! Did you say doom? Do you know that you are walking with a presence that will lead all of this world to doom, including the subhuman!?"


"It's a deal. Let me tell you something about him. Two hundred and fifty years ago, the woman called The Witch of Disaster..."

Zubash, and.

As Gallius silently waved down the Holy Sword, a single line was drawn from Kera's shoulder to the opposite flank, and blood erupted.

"Hey...? He loses the world, he's a woman..."

"Unfortunately, the time is up. Dimensional frontiers and dots require more spiritual strength to make and maintain. Exactly tired."

"Help me, give me... I swear I will devote myself to the Record, no matter what happens in the future. I do not seek the doom of the world. Instead, they exist to avoid doom..."

"Oh, you can trust me on that,"

"Well, then..."

"Let's believe it doesn't involve 'me'. But one day when I'm dead, you're gonna give the Subhumans another bite. In the name of avoiding the doom of 'man'."

"Oh, no..."

Dosari and Kera's upper body fall. He also stopped breathing.

Leaving it for a while, a blonde woman appeared from Gallius's back.

"Elzanad, what happened to him?

'I've been trying hard to get away from the flesh and pass the dimensional plane for a while, but now it's completely gone'

Gallius exhales softly.

But the clear positive dodecahedron did not turn it off.

It's not that I don't trust Elzanad's words, it's because I didn't like the dust still drifting in the domed room, just in case.

"Don't you ask?

"You want me to ask?

'I don't like it. I'll never talk to you.'

The bitter smile leaks without thinking of her swelling.

"Everyone has a past they don't want to talk about. All the more so if that's what the world was turned down to be 'evil deeds'."

"Experienced people weigh differently in their words."

"I just don't want to talk aggressively myself, and I'll answer if asked. And if they told me to redeem the sins that once killed so many of my compatriots, I would"

"The Subhumans cannot say such a thing."

"Right...... But suppose one day when it does, I'm just saying I'll accept it."

Elzanad drifts at ease.

'... I do not trust you'

"I know, and so do I."

"Mmmm...... By and large, it is bad that you suddenly arrived one day and signed the contract without any consultation!

"At the time, I didn't know there was a strange woman in the holy armor. I didn't come out and complain, but I think you're responsible, too?


When Elzanard stopped at the front of Gallius, he vanished his expression and looked down at him sincerely.

"Are you sure you don't want to ask me what I've done in the past?

A woman I can't grasp, but I understand that this is my last question.

"I'm not interested, it's a lie, but it's the same thing I do when I ask."

'And say what?

I feel a frightened atmosphere somewhere.

"What you fear is that I will completely shut down the function of the Holy Martial Arts and destroy myself. but I'm not gonna do it."

"I am under your control. I can always hold my breath. Just like Kella. '

Gallius didn't dare answer.

People's minds are moving.

Even if we once tried to destroy the world, it is premature to say no now.

(This guy seems unconscious, but he's been acting 'save someone' a lot before.)

When I first face to face with what she looks like now, Lilianea and the Elves are informed of the plight of a line of elves.

Even when he was about to be sealed, he heard that information about the subhuman paradise was desperate not to be known to the Empire.

And when she dealt with others, she seemed to enjoy herself.

(I don't even think he's the one who can hide his sexual roots, even if he's planning something behind it)

However, if the hostile day comes sooner or later, then...

(With the whole spirit, I will destroy you)

Gallius sent a sharp glance and Elzanard laughed lightly why.

"The dust is clearing up."

"You were quick as you thought. Apparently, it's pouring into a big hole in the floor."

"It's also a big cavity in the basement, and maybe that's how it got through."

Gallius erased the clear cage. Lightly shed light from the holy sword, breaking down the entrance to the room and blocking it. Return the holy sword to the sheath and walk with it.

"Don't you want to retrieve the control device?

"Once we get back to Bahamut. I'll be back when I get some rest. Crushing the entrance is a measure to prevent the people of the Patriarchate from entering the scene in the meantime"

"Oh, were you so exhausted"

"No, if we have one more shot, we're going to be able to drill a big hole in the ceiling. But I could have done it before that."

Things to do? And Elzanard puts his neck up.

"Oh, I'm so curious. It's about Tiaris."

"You want to unravel the secret art of anti-soul?

"I'm not interested that way. How could she have gained so much power just because she was resurrected from death?"

Leaving it alone, I didn't feel like it would be a tremendous threat in the future.

"I didn't finish Kella right away because I had the expectation that I wouldn't be able to pull the information around it out well. And that woman, she tried to tell me something I didn't care about."

"I don't care about my biggest crisis situation...?

Elzanad is stunned. but I quickly regained my mind.

'Are you going to assault the country by yourself again?

There will be no stopping when you are frightened. But as usual, I was impotent, and I sighed.

"No, this is a base suppression battle using the military. The entrance to the ruins is connected to the cathedral. From there all at once avalanche, control the Cathedral and squeeze information out of the Pope"

"Army? Do you have the power to turn now? Unlike you with holy armor, the people who came here can't recover immediately, can they? You don't mean to put a full recovery on everyone, do you? How black. '

Gallius said, "What are you talking about?," he said in disdain.

"There are plenty of Sparia ruins (here). The guardian beasts here were stronger than the rest of the ruins. I'm not willing to let them be unscrupulous when I'm one of them, but let me guess."

Without a smile, I headed to the airship...

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