"Let's camp around here today." Looking into the woods, a bit off the highway, Kuders gave instructions to Milon and stopped the carriage. Then, Amoena rolls out of the carriage as if waiting for it.

"Foo, I'm finally calm and able to take a break." Kudels calls out to Amoena, who stretches greatly from above the platform.

"Are you worried about the swaying of the carriage?" Its complexion is slightly blue. He seems to have a little motion sickness.

Dolce calls out from the side while unloading his luggage.

"Mr. Kudels, this isn't a place suitable for camping, but ..." "Oh, it's OK alone. I'll make vacant lots and tents by magic."

It's a pretty insightful dolce, but I've never heard of making a tent with magic. Probably it could have been an earth spell, but I had no idea what it would look like.

"What's the support?"

Wedge "How do you fix the tent?"

"What is the rope?"

"Is that really a tent?" "Well, I'm not confident when you say that."

What an unusual exchange.

"Ah, Dolce's is the first time to see." "Yes, I haven't seen it, Amoena. I've seen Kudels's weird magic a few times, but how do you build a tent? I don't know. "

Shaking his head, Dolcez was taking note papers out of his pockets, inspired by curiosity. In retrospect, there was a modest village from Patronne to Linderke, so there was no need to camp.

"Well, look, it's over," Kuudels crouched down and touched the soil with his finger.

At the next moment, the tree in front of you opens like a living creature, and a large plaza is born beyond it. Subsequently, vines grew from the ground of the vacant lot to form a wall, and when it was noticed, the roof was completed.

It's a cottage rather than a tent. No, it's already a house. Moreover, it is quite large.

Porori and a notepad fell from Dolce's hand.

"... Somehow, it's a joke."

It is clear to everyone except Kudels that it is more correct to be amazed than to be praised.

Everyone is silent and silent. The strong wind of spring shook the bangs, which had become the kapapis of Kuders, who seemed to praise the lines.

"Um ... the tent is ready." With no comment available and everyone quiet for a while, Kudels' shoulders begin to fall. Nobody praise it, so it looks like he's starting to get a bit crazy.

"Oh, oh, that's amazing Kudels. It's been a while since I saw it, but I hope it's a good one this time too!" "Yes, that's right! Please look inside, Amoena-san! "

When Amoena tries to resist the painful air and forcibly complains, Kudels happily makes a fist. When I saw the hem of the robe swaying, it seemed to be wagging and tailing like a dog.

The majesty of the Demon King was ruined ... No, unfortunately, there was no such thing.

"For the time being, a tent ... no matter, now that we have a house, let's carry in our luggage.

Finally, Dolce, who returned to me, looked inside and was partitioned by a wall made of vines, with a 5LDK with a toilet. Each room had a nameplate, and for some reason, even Milon's room was prepared. The largest room is a shared room of Dolce and Kauffana.

"Since the soundproofing is perfect, there is no problem even if you enjoy the night." "The useless care is fine ...." In addition, there is also a king-size bed made of trees and ivy It had been. I'm faintly dizzy when thinking about how I can do this, but Dolches doesn't dare pursue.

Probably, showing me your hand so far means that you trust me. At the same time, they are casually trying to see if they can really be trusted.

For a short time, Dolce understood only a small part of the Kudelsian thinking circuit. And Kudels also likes Dolce's intelligence.

"Then, I'll be preparing for the bath, so everyone should prepare for the meal." "Bath !? Not here in the village, but in the camp !?"

Kudels told him that he had heard the impossible word, set apart Dolcez, who was confused by hearing the impossible word, and gladly begun to work inside the vegetation walls and roofs, blocking sight around the vacant lots. .

When Amoena and Kaffana gazed at the inside gently, only the giant tulip flowers, which would allow about three people to enter from the ground, grew from the ground. Apparently, it seems to replace the bathtub.

"Ufufu, today is a natural hot spring. The temperature is so low that we have to heat it. The ingredients are ... a carbon dioxide spring, which is unusual!

Apparently, Kuders decided to stay here because he sniffed the hot spring from the ground. It's not clear how you found it while moving the carriage, but it is expected to be largely magical.

Then, when I noticed, the steam rose from the tulips, and the hot water was starting to drip from the gap between the petals like a small waterfall. Apparently, hot water is boiling around the pistil of the flower.

Amoena and Caffana looked away as she saw Coudels begin to undress.

"It's kind of a mess," "I'm OK. I'll get used to it pretty soon." Traveling with Kudels requires a lot of getting used to.

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