From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 107 - Interlude Before Vacation

The Disputed Lands

Continent of Essos

~ 6 years after Daenerys' Coronation

The Disputed Lands, a region of southwestern Essos. It has long been contested between the Free Cities of Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh, often involving skirmishes and small wars. Currently two armies face each other there in a battle that will determine the fate of the Seven Kingdoms.

The first army is the standing army of the Seven Kingdom led by none other than their Queen, Daenerys Targeryen, also known as Daenerys the Wise, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Protector of the Realm and the People, Favored by The Olympian.

In the past six years, Daenerys has grown the crown's standing army to a substantial number of one hundred thousand in total not counting spies and the ANBU division. As far as most are concerned, the ANBU division is simply a myth perpetuated by the army in order to make their enemies fearful and paranoid to the point of it being detrimental. Despite popular belief however, the ANBU is a very real division and they are the reason for Daenerys and her army's reason for being here.

Some months ago, rumours began circulating of an army of sellsword companies gathering in the Disputed Lands of Essos. A small set of spies were sent to verify the validity of these rumours, and that is how they found a man claiming to be Aegon Targaryen, the son of Elia Martel and Rhaegar Targaryen, in secret. From what the spies were able to find out, the pretender leads the Golden Company as his standing army along with having hired the Company of Cat, the Second Sons, the Brave Companions and a slew of other sellswords for a total of around twenty thousand combatants. He also bought eight thousand Unsullied, bringing his total combatants to around twenty-eight thousand.

"A beautiful day to go to war." says a man sitting on a horse next to Daenerys as he looks at the beautiful sunny sky.

"This is no war Oberyn." answers Daenerys as she too looks up at the sky. "This will be a skirmish at the most before we return home."

"True." replies Oberyn. "Although if I had a say in it, the pretender would be dead from an 'accident' along with every member of the Iron Bank's council for funding him and we would peacefully be enjoying a feast right now."

"Yes, well you have made your thoughts on the matter clear and I have decided not to follow your advice in favor of testing my army here and now as opposed to at a later time when their competence is crucial." answers Daenerys.

"Normally I would be fine with that except for the fact that you left the majority of your army back in Westeros." says Oberyn with a frown.

"I left them in case the army here is simply a diversion." she answers with a frown as she sees grey storm clouds begin to slowly roll in overhead in the sky. "Besides, it isn't like you to worry. Old age must be getting to you." says Daenerys with a small smirk.

"Old?!" bellows out Oberyn. "I will have you know-" he begins only to be interrupted by a thunder clap.

"This storm… there is nothing natural about it." quietly whispers Daenerys as the sun is blocked by the massive storm clouds, causing her Queensguard and many of her soldiers to look up at the sky in worry. Waging battle during a storm is not something that they look forward to.

"Gawain must be looking down from the heavens." says Oberyn with a bit of sarcasm.

"I thought that you didn't believe." comments Daenerys with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't believe in him being a god, but I do know magic when I see it." he says as he points at the thundering clouds.

Before Daenerys can answer, a knight on a horse approaches her from the middle of the battlefield.

"What did they say?" says Daenerys as she questions the Knight.

"They refused all terms of surrender and…" says the Knight as he trails off near the end of his sentence.

"And?" asks Daenerys.

"And…um…he says to pray to your false god for mercy because he will have none." answers the Knight as thunder booms overhead, spooking some of the horses and startling the Knight.

"Anything else?" asks Daenerys.

"At some point during his rant, he mentioned something about making you his consort." says the Knight.

"Thank you. Spread the order, we finish this battle today to return home." says Daenerys as she dismisses the Knight and ignores Oberyn's amused expression next to her.

"Seems that I'm not the only nonbeliever." comment Oberyn as a chill begins to envelop the battlefield despite the earlier summer weather, causing him to shiver a bit.

"The world is full of nonbelievers." answers Daenerys as her breath frosts in the air and she turns to address her soldiers.

Before Daenerys can even open her mouth to speak, a bolt of lightning strikes the land between both armies causing many of the horses to become spooked and for all those presents to avert their eyes from the bright flash of light.

As the light disappears, Daenerys turns back to face the land to see a single Knight with his back to her army, facing the opposing army with his sword impaled into the ground and their palms resting over the hilt of the sword. Unlike most armor worn by knights, this one's armor is quite slim and it is worn over a red tunic with silver accents.

"Gawain?" questions Daenerys with a whisper. "No. That knight is too short and slim." decides Daenerys after inspecting the knight.

"How astute." says a powerful masculin voice from in front of Daenerys, causing her, her Queenguards and Oberyn to draw their weapons and point it at the voice's direction where they find a man petting Daenerys' horse.

The man stands at six feet two inches, possesses long silver hair that reaches his upper back and has a slight glow to them, beautiful brown skin and a physique perfect for a warrior. He wears a red sleeveless cuirass with silver accents, a red and silver pauldron on his left shoulder, silver vambraces that reach from below his shoulders to his wrist, silver tassets over black trousers, and silver greaves that completely covers his boots, and on his back he wears a red cape with silver accents.

"Impressive reaction." says the man as he looks up at Daenerys, allowing the group to see his handsome smirking face and the red and silver helmet he wears that frames his face and his slightly glowing red eyes.

"Gawain? Is that really you?" asks Daenerys apprehensively.

"You used to make me sleep next to you for awhile because you had nightmares from your time on the streets." he answers, causing her to put her sword away and slightly blush at the revelation.

Despite putting her sword away, Daenerys has no idea how she should greet him and just stares at him in awe for a few moments even as her Queensguard looks to her for guidance on what they should do. While everyone else may not know what to do, Oberyn has no qualms with reacting how he feels and gets off his horse to get a better look at Gawain.

"You've changed." comments Oberyn as he looks at Gawain's more mature and slightly different face. "Aren't gods supposed to be immortal and not age?" he asks.

"If you want I can look like you remember." answers Gawain as he becomes slimmer and his face changes to look like what it did before his merging with Romulus.

Seeing him shapeshift like this shakes Daenerys out of her shock and she dismounts from her horse.

"How should I address you?" she asks as she wonders if she should kneel or bow or if there is some other way to greet a God.

"Ambrosius is fine." says Ambrosius as he reverts back to his previous look.

"You have not visited in six years." says Daenerys as she decides to treat him like before until he tells her otherwise.

"I have been busy." he answers as he continues to pet her horse.

"Gods get busy?" questions Oberyn.

"Yes." answers Ambrosius as he looks at the surroundings and Daenerys realises that since Ambrosius' arrival the world has stopped.

"Are you doing this? And who is that Knight?" questions Daenerys as her mind races and she struggles not to voice all of her questions.

"Yes I am, and that Knight would be my daughter. Mordred, Goddess of Justice, Victory, Battle, Fortune and Knights." he answers fondly as he looks towards the Knight. "I know that you must have many questions, but we can speak once this situation is dealt with." he says before she can speak as he returns her to her previous position on her horse and the world resumes.

"Warriors!" bellows out Mordred as she addresses the enemy army and draws the attention of the army of Westeros. "There is no need to carelessly forfeit your lives for a pretender. Leave and you will not die this day!" she exclaims.

While most of the sellswords have already been spooked by the supernatural change in the weather, their greed overcomes their fears and they decide to remain where they are.

"Who might you be?" questions an armored man with red three headed dragon over a black background.

"I am Mordred. Daughter of The Olympian, Goddess of Justice, Victory, Battle, and Fortune." she answers, shocking the Westeros army and making the sellswords even more uneasy.

After Mordred's exclamation, an eerie silence falls over the field as the sellsword army uneasily whispers amongst themselves over the possibility of it all. Between the unnatural shift in the weather and the way the Knight appeared, some believe that it may be true. Others however do not share the sentiment and make that quite clear with their jeers and laughter.

Not bothering to address the Knight anymore, the armored man gives the order to attack and leads the charge. As Daenerys prepares to give her own army the order to attack, Ambrosius taps her hand, bringing her attention to him.

"Let her deal with it." he says.

Obeying him, Daenery gives her army the order to simply watch. What follows suit cannot even be called a proper battle as Mordred proceeds to effortlessly destroy the sellsword army in a more humiliating way then what Ambrosius did to Stannis' army when he went by Gawain. While Ambrosius' battle at the time took minutes, this one took seconds as Mordred simply disappeared from all but Ambrosius' sight before appearing behind the army with a clean sword. A second after her appearance, the sellsword army proceeds to fall over with many of them either dead or injured. The only ones not injured by her are the horses, and they proceed to rid themselves of their riders before running away.

As her enemies lie on the flooring dead, dying, or injured, Mordred's sword dissolves into light and she turns to face the Westeros army before walking towards them. Seeing the approaching Knight, many fall on their knees praying to her before slowly all of them follow suit except for Daenerys and Mordred.

"Father, will it always be like this?" asks Mordred, referring to the headache that the prayers cause.

"Not always." answers Ambrosius as he makes himself visible to the entire Westeros army for the first time since his arrival, making them bow even more and begin to pray more fervently.


AN: This chapter is an interlude before we begin the vacation jumps. I have been looking at all of the suggestions you guys have given me and tbh I like a lot of them. Also, someone suggested I do a sequel where it focuses on Ambrosius and the family building their pantheon and at first I wasn't sure how I would go about it, but then I stumbled upon the Mortal Kombat jumpchain where they have a perk that allows you to own an entire world if you beat it in a Mortal Kombat tournament. Another idea was a sequel that focuses on the kids instead of the parents. Some people even suggested I do one for Ambrosius' biological kids instead of the adoptive kids. Tell me what you guys think. Also thanks for all of the constructive criticism they mean a lot to me. I know some of you guys are wondering what their domains are, so here is the list of their domains and titles.

Ambrosius, King of the Sea, God of War, Storms, Sea, Earthquakes, Destruction, Intelligence, Poisons, Horses, Protector of the People, Patron of Warriors, Kings, and Fathers.

Scáthach, Queen of the Dead, Goddess of Death, the Hunt, Winter, Ice, Mountains, Wilderness, War, Fate, Leader of the Valkyries, Patron of Fallen Warriors

Azula, Queen of the Sky, Goddess of Lightning and Thunder, Fire, Deceit, Choices, Revenge, Illusions, Leader of the Amazons, Patron of Warrior Women

Morgan, Queen of the Earth, Goddess of Magic, Life, Crossroads, Luck, Beauty, Prophecy, Patron of Mothers, and Royals

Mordred, Goddess of Justice, Victory, Battle, Fortune, Patron of Knights

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