From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 109 - The Tower of Heaven

Tower of Heaven

Caelum Kingdom, South of Fiore


Appearing within a three way corridor inside theTower of Heaven, the first thing I do is inscribe a runic array that stops time in the entire tower for everyone but my family and I. The array is the same I used to stop time in the Disputed Lands, and since I do not know how my status as a god will affect my use of magic from this world I decide to refrain from using it until I have further experimented with it. Turning to face everyone else, I can see the excitement in the children's eyes at the prospect of this new adventure. Especially Jason who is slowly turning his body from an icy blue little drake to his human form.

"Alright, this location that we are in is called the Tower of Heaven." I inform them from my limited knowledge of the Fairy Tail world. At this rate I will only remember basic information that will allow me to blend into my jumps and nothing too complex such as the plot or characters that do not have a significant role.

"And it is an abomination." says Scáthach before I can continue. "Perhaps it is due to my domain as a Goddess of Death, but I can sense its purpose simply from a glance and it unnerves me."

"Not only that." adds in Mordred with a frown on her face. "But the creators kidnap a.d.u.l.ts and children alike to enslave them to work here." she explains, earning a raised eyebrow from Morgan and I on how she could possibly know this. "My identity as a rune knight was sent on an assignment to verify rumours of its creation. I am supposed to save anyone in need of saving, arrest anyone responsible and destroy the Tower by any means necessary." she explains.

"Is your identity going to be an issue?" asks Morgan.

"Nah." answers Mordred with a shake of her head. "They only know that I was raised in the woods by some powerful recluse wizards and that's it."

"Well? What are you waiting for, an invitation? Get to work Rune Knight." I tell her with a smirk that she returns.

"Oh man! Can I help?!" asks an excited Jason.

"Sure. Just stick with Cassandra and call for help if you need it." I answer as I deactivate the runic array and Jason turns back into a little drake with an excited grin on his face.

"Alright! Let's kick some bad guys but!" exclaims Jason as he stumbles into the air with a flap of his wings and turns down the left corridor. Not far behind him, Cassandra follows suit while Mordred takes the corridor to the right.

Soon enough I hear a grown man's scream followed by the temperature in the air dropping down a few degrees. Not far behind I hear Cassandra's elbow smash into a slaver's temple before his body drops to the floor unconscious.

"Was it wise to allow the little ones to participate?" asks Scáthach as we make our way to the middle path that leads towards the Tower's very top floor.

"There is nothing to worry about." answers Azula as she casually blasts a guard out of the Tower with a fireball. "With their current skill level they can easily take all of these NPCs down while blindfolded."

"NPCs Azula? I didn't know that you were into gaming." I comment with a smirk as my eyes flash red and the guards proceed to turn on each other.

"Well, if you must know, Jason roped Cassandra into gaming and she roped me in." answers Azula with an exasperated sigh that elicits a chuckle out of us.

"In all seriousness, I am not worried about them. I'm worried about the guards." clarifies Scáthach as she freezes a set of guards in our path before Morgan telekinetically moves them aside.

"Fair point." I answer as a particular guard screams loudly in pain from what sounds like a broken arm.

"Oh well. No one told them to pick this hazardous occupation." comments Azula as she blasts down the door to the only room in the top floor.

"You are awfully quiet Morgan. Is there something on your mind?" asks Scáthach as we make our way inside the completely empty room.

"The magic energy here, ethernano I believe Ambrosius called it, is somewhat similar to the magical energy from DC." she comments as magic circles flicker around her hands before disappearing. "They are different enough however to mean that our status as gods will not help in our mastering of the magic here." she adds.

"Are you saying that we are weaker here?" asks Azula.

"Yes and No. Yes because we will have to practice to master the magic here. No because our control over our domains still remains. Ambrosius can still command the sea at will, Azula can still command lightning at will, etc…" she explains.

"And how does that affect your domain as a Goddess of Magic?" I ask as an explosion goes off a few floors below us.

"What do you think?" asks Morgan with a pleased smirk as she conjures a sword and proceeds to cut a hole in the wall. "If I make use of their system of magic I will simply be one of the most skilled and powerful mages to ever grace this world despite my lack of training. Once I train properly I will be THE most skilled and powerful mage to ever be in this world. And perhaps with some more work I can even become The Goddess of Magic here too." she explains as the sword in her hand begins to dissolve into light only for Scáthach to summon it to her hands.

"Interesting." comments Scáthach as she inspects the weapon. "You used magic from DC to create the sword and enchanted it using Magic from this world. I wonder if you can mix magic from the world of Westeros along with the one from DC and the Nasuverse, and here?" wonders Scáthach out loud.

"My only issue with that suggestion is that magic from Westeros is quite primitive." answers Morgan as Scáthach lets the sword dissolve into light.

"Well, as their Goddess of Magic, it is your duty to attend to that." says Azula as we turn to face the approaching duo of Jason and Cassandra as they drag a few more children in with them.

"Old man you should've seen it!" excitedly says Jason as he stumbles in with his dragon wings growing out of his human body. "I was like woosh, and Cass was like pow, and all the bad guys were like 'Oh no! It's a dragon! Run!." says Jason as he excitedly animates while Cassandra simply nods with a small smile on her face.

"Bad guys… defeated." says Cassandra once Jason quiets down.

"Congratulations." compliments Scáthach with a smile.

Before the rest of us can also compliment them, an elderly man clears his throat as he approaches us.

He is a lean old man with pale skin. He has long white hair which goes midway down his back. Two strands of hair stand out from the rest and point outwards. His eyebrows are nearly as long as the hair on his head, reaching down past his chin. He has a thick gray beard which extends down to his chest. The only clothing that he wears are a pair of beige shorts. Despite looking somewhat healthy, any experienced eyes can easily tell that not only is he malnourished but his body is extremely frail.

"Are you the parents of these wonderful children?" he asks.

"We are." answers Azula.

"My name is Rob, and I want to offer mine, along with everyone else's, gratitude for saving us." he says with a bow of his head and with a cough.

"Yes, well you shouldn't be moving about so much in your condition." answers Morgan as she walks to the old man and places her right hand on his chest. A magic circle flickers into her hand and Rob can be seen to visibly become healthier as his muscles slightly fill out and some of his wrinkles disappear.

"This is the most I dare to do with magic. The rest will have to be done the proper way." says Morgan as the magic circle disappears and she steps away from Rob.

"*We all know that you could have healed him all the way.*" comments Azula in all of our minds.

"*I am on vacation.*" answers Morgan as Mordred walks in followed by more freed slaves from the tower.

"This is everybody. We should leave now, and I have to report back to the Magic Council about my findings." says Mordred.

"*And should we do nothing about the little bug eavesdropping with her crystal ball?*" asks Azula as a massive teleportation array emerges from beneath my feet and envelops the entire Tower. Soon after I reach out with my domain over the sea and set another teleportation array onto the shore of Fiore.

"*Leave it.*" I answer as I teleport anyone living, including the unconscious guards, out of the Tower and into the beach of the country of Fiore. "*This is Mordred's assignment and her duty to find anyone responsible for this event.*" I say as we appear on the beach.

"Woah." whisper many of the freed slaves while the children watch me in awe.

"See. I told you that he's an awesome mage." brags Jason to a certain redhead and her group of friends.

"Showing off for children now?" teases Azula as she turns around and makes a massive lightning bolt strike the Tower, completely destroying it, the island it was on, and causing a massive wave from the ocean to approach us.

"Says the one actually showing off." comments Scáthach as she completely freezes the wave along with the entire sea that is within a normal mage's eyesight.

"I believe that you overdid it." says Morgan as she hides a teasing smile while Azula laughs out loud and Scáthach sheepishly looks away.

"Are you two serious?!" demands a dumbfounded Mordred. "You know I can arrest you for this right?" she says she summons a flaming sword and proceeds to attempt melting the ice to no avail. "Fix this!" she demands as she returns her sword to her requip space and while I lose what little control I had and laugh out loud.

"My apologies." apologises Scáthach as she returns the ocean back to normal.

"That was a powerful display of magic." comments Rob. "You four must be renown." he says as he looks between us.

"Not really." I answer. "We were reclusive mages and have only decided to rejoin civilization now. We are currently looking to join a guild. I believe that it would be good for the children." I explain as I point to Jason and Cassandra.

"I see." says Rob as Mordred goes about questioning every freed slave and the children converse among themselves, even as a few of them occasionally sneak glances at Scáthach, Azula, Morgan, and I. "Do you have a guild in mind?" he asks.

"We have decided on going to Fairy Tail." I tell him with a smile.

"Ahhh! Excellent choice. Although I may be biased in saying so." he replies with a smile as he turns around and shows me his Fairy Tail mark on his lower back. "I am a member myself. Makarov and I go way back." he tells me.

"Oh my! How convenient." says Azula with a sarcasm that only Scáthach, Morgan, and I pick up on.

"It may simply be fate." answers the old man.

"Yes, fate." agrees Morgan while she and Azula hold their amus.e.m.e.nt in.

"*This world is going to be so much fun.*" telepathically comments Azula.

"*You will NOT, under any circ.u.mstances, corrupt the innocent children of the guild.*" answers Scáthach with a glare that she discreetly sends Azula.

"*And unless you want to kill the children, you will never train them.*" answers Azula with a smirk.

"*My training does not kill!*" retorts Scáthach, to which we all give her skeptical glances while I go about naming students that have died due to her training.


AN: Chapter #1 of their vacation and tbh I'm pretty hyped for this. Tell me what you guys think.

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