From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 117 - Visiting Family

East Forest, Magnolia

Kingdom of Fiore


It has been a week since our arrival in Earthland and as of today we are finally settled in. Our house has been properly furnished, our registrations from Fairy Tail have been accepted in the Magic Council, and our status as S-Class Mages has been relayed to the Magic Council. Therefore Scáthach, Morgan, Azula, Mordred and I have decided to briefly visit the PJO world while Jason and Cassandra have elected to stay here with their friends. Which is why we are currently waiting for Modred's arrival in the living room of our house with me reading my book on magic of this world while Morgan reads a cooking book, and Scáthach and Azula experiment with their magic.

"Are magic circles required?" wonders Azula as she cancels out an illusion spell of a red eastern dragon.

"No." answers Morgan. "Once you are proficient enough you shouldn't need them." she says as she flips the page of her book. "If you want I can teach you." she offers Azula before looking at me. "I can even teach you what 'The One Magic' is." she tells me.

"And ruin the book for me? No thank you." I answer. "Pick someone else to show off to."

"Besides, that would take all the fun out of training." adds Azula.

"Please, you and I both know that you can master this world's magic in a few more days if you wanted to, and that is without Ambrosius or Scáthach using their godhood in this world to their advantage." replies Morgan with a roll of her eyes.

"Not all of us are in a rush to master magic like you." retorts Azula.

"I was not in a rush. I simply mastered this world's magic because as a goddess of magic it's what I do." she says with a smile just as the door to the house opens and two sets of footsteps walk in.

"Hiii!" excitedly greets Mavis as she runs down the corridor and into the living room.

"Master Mavis, what brings you here today?" asks Scáthach as she dissolves an ice replica of Dun Scaith that she was in the process of making.

"Well, I heard that you guys were going somewhere, and I wanted to know if I could come too. Please?" asks Mavis, causing me to look at the others in question.

"I don't see why not, but Azula and Ambrosius are the ones that you have to ask." answers Scáthach as she turns to Azula and I, and Mordred walks into the room with her armor on.

"I have no problem with her coming along." I answer as I close my book and stand up from the couch while Mordred walks towards me.

"*Father, who is this?*" asks Mordred mentally as she greets me with a kiss on the cheek.

"*You let a stranger enter our home?*" I ask her with a raised eyebrow as we observe Azula denying Mavis' request despite actually having no problem with her joining. She is simply doing it to tease the childish guild master, or ex-guild master since she has decided not to retake her post.

"*She said that she knows you and my powers as a goddess of justice let me know that she's alright, whatever that means.*" answers Mordred with a shrug. "*Besides she is nowhere near powerful enough to give any of us a warm up, much less be an actual threat.*"

"*You haven't been practicing with your godly powers, have you?*" I ask her, to which she simply shakes her head no that she hasn't. "*I know that you didn't want to be a goddess and don't want any of the responsibilities that come with the position, and that's fine. Your mother and I did not decide to turn you into a goddess to give you responsibilities, we did it so that we wouldn't have to worry about you dying and this was just the way we decided to do it.*" I tell her as I gently grasp her shoulder.

"*You made me the goddess of justice, victory, battle, fortune and knights for Westeros of all places. The responsibilities from just my first domain alone are big.*" retorts Mordred.

"*And those responsibilities can be taken care of by any of us four until you are ready to shoulder them yourself.*" I answer as I point to Morgan, Azula, Scáthach and I while ignoring the questioning looks they give me. "*Besides, I didn't choose your domains, they were just the most compatible to you.*"

"*So I can just live like a mortal until I feel ready?*" she asks me.

"*Of course.*" I answer her with a smile. "*In fact, you and your siblings can choose to stay here or any other world you want as long as I or any of your mothers can access them.*" I tell her.

"*I see. You aren't planning on turning Cassandra or Jason in gods right?*" questions Mordred.

"*Of course not.*" I answer with a scoff. "*At least not anytime soon. Those two need to experience life as mortals first. It will teach them lessons that neither I nor the others are comfortable to teach them as parents. Lessons Such as death, loss and many other painful lessons that only living as a mortal can teach, and while it may pain us to see them suffer any more than they already have, it builds character and will ensure that they do not abuse their power as gods.*" I explain to her.

Before Mordred can answer Azula loudly clears her throat and interrupts us.

"Anytime now, but preferably today." she says with a raised eyebrow while the rest of the room looks at us questioningly.

"We're ready." says Mordred with a slight blush on her cheeks.

After scrutinising us for a few more seconds, Azula, Morgan, Scáthach and Mavis turn around and make their way towards one of the walls of the room.

"*Hey dad?*" calls out Mordred as the wall turns into a set of stairs towards the bas.e.m.e.nt.

"*Yes.*" I answer as I let her go down the stairs ahead of me.

"*Thanks for the talk. I needed that.*" she tells me.

"*Anytime little lion.*" I reply while gently patting her on the head, something I haven't done ever since she became a teenager.

"*Little lion?*" she questions with a blush as we watch Morgan activate the portal to the Bifrost.

"*You remind me of the King that you were so happy to serve, and if she could see the young woman you turned out to be she would be proud.*" I answer her with a smile as we make our way through the portal and onto the rainbow bridge that connects Earthland to Mount Olympus.

"WOW!" exclaims Mavis as she looks at the Bifrost and Mount Olympus in awe. "This is where you all live as gods?" she asks.

"It is. Beautiful isn't it?" replies Morgan with a proud smile.

"Yea." breathlessly replies Mavis as we walk across the bridge. "Hey, since you're gods, does that mean the fairies exist too?" she asks.

"I'm sure that fairies with tails exist in some world out there. We just need to find them" I answer her as I understand the motivation behind her question.

As a child Mavis never had anything, and was the servant of some guild who's name I don't remember. That guild was destroyed however and eventually she met Makarov's father and two others whom she formed Fairy Tail with. The name Fairy Tail is meant to be an unanswerable question about the existence of fairies, and whether or not they have tails, that speaks to the members' adventurous nature, and the guild itself is meant to be a family for all those who need it. At least that is what I can remember.

"So who exactly is she?" whispers Mordred to me as she points to Mavis.

"That would be Mavis. One of Fairy Tail's co-founders and its first guild master." I answer as we watch Mavis skip towards the end of the bridge with a smile on her face.

"Mavis? As in Mavis Vermillion, the Fairy Tactician? The one who helped defeat the Alvarez Empire with just her strategies even though they're wayyy more powerful than Ishgar." questions Mordred with wide eyes.

"Yes. That Mavis." I answer.

"How is she still alive and how come the Council hasn't heard rumors of her being around?" asks Mordred as we reach the end of the bridge and teleport to the royal palace in Asgard.

"Your mother is to blame for the Council's ignorance, and as for how she is still alive…" I answer her as I mentally implant the relevant information in her mind while we make our way to the throne room while the guards bow as we pass them by.

"Woah." answers Mordred as she processes the information. "You four just can't help but cause trouble wherever you go can you?" she asks while shaking her head. "You do know that I have to report all of this to the Council right? I can omit the part about our godhood and being from outside of Earthland, but everything else will be reported." she tells us.

"Oh we know." answers Morgan with a smirk on her face. "We just didn't want to be swamped by them until after we were properly settled ourselves. It would be such a nuisance otherwise." she says as we greet the guards, enter the throne room, and make our way to its center where a holographic display of every world we can travel to appears before us.

"How come the city and the palace are so vacant?" asks Mavis as she looks around the throne room.

"There are around one million habitants in the entire mountain spread out all over, including the city. Most have duties that they must attend to outside of Mount Olympus" answers Scáthach as I access the Bifrost System and we are enveloped in a rainbow light similar to the Bifrost from the MCU.

Unlike the literal Bifrost, the Bifrost System is a mode of transportation that takes us to worlds that we have not connected the Bifrost to since the connection can only be made inside the world as opposed to outside. It is how we can revisit worlds we have already been to without R.O.B's help before those worlds are connected to the physical Bifrost.

As the light vanishes we find ourselves in a familiar wilderness night, surrounded by wolves that are being led by a familiar seven feet tall wolf with silver eyes and beautiful chocolate red fur. The wilderness is none other than the forest where the Wolf House is located, and the seven feet tall is none other than Lupa, the immortal wolf goddess who trains Roman demigods.

"Identify yourselves." orders the giant wolf with a feminine yet powerful voice as she bares her sharp teeth towards us with a snarl.

"It's good to see you too Mother Lupa." answers Azula nonchalantly as she approaches the wolf goddess.

"Cub?" wonders Lupa as she approaches Azula and sniffs her for confirmation. "It is you." she says before turning her eyes to me as she orders her wolves to stand down.

"Lupa, it's nice to see you again." I say with a smile as I approach her.

"So you two did manage to find each other and escape The Pit. That's good" she says before her eyes turn to our companions. "And who are they?" questions Lupa with a nod of her head.

"Those would be our companions.Scáthach, Morgan, Mordred, and Mavis" I answer her as I introduce each of them respectively.

"Companions?" asks Lupa.

"It's a long story, and one better told in a more comfortable environment." responds Azula.

"I see." says Lupa as she turns around. "Let us see if you have improved at all. Keep up." orders Lupa as she and her wolves take off at a speed that would put most sports cars to shame.

With a smirk on our faces, Azula and I take off after the pack with the others following not far behind.

"Is the Wolf House in the same location?" I ask her as Azula and I catch up to her.

"Of course." answers Lupa with well hidden pride in her eyes.

"Perfect." says Azula with a smirk. "The last one to the Wolf House is in charge of hunting dinner for the night." declares Azula as she takes off towards the Wolf House followed quickly by Lupa.

Not one to be outdone, I increase my speed and easily catch up to the two of them.


AN: I know some of you guys might be worried that I'll focus too much on the world's they've been to already as opposed to the ones they are visiting, but this chapter was bound to happen and I felt that it would be out of character for Ambrosius to put it off any longer. As a parent he understands the pain of losing a child so he knows what Neptune, Bellona, and Salacia are going through with him reportedly being stuck in Tartarus. So I felt that for him to put off visiting them any longer would be out of character especially since he actually had a mother/son relationship with Salacia and Bellona. Next chapter will be all of the visit and after that the main focus will become Fairy Tail.

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