From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 134 - Mileena

Shang Tsung's Island, Outworld

Four Days Before the Beginning of MK9

"What are we doing here Malphas? And what does this have to do with Edenia and my family?" questions Kitana as we appear at the docks of Shang Tsung's island where I had placed a teleportation array upon my arrival.

"Tell me princess, what do you know of Edenia?" I ask her as I gently lead the way towards Shang Tsung's flesh pits by the shoulder.

"They were weak and lost the Mortal Kombat Tournament to my father." she replies cruelly, no doubt regurgitating Shao Khan's lessons. "Although they lost, they rebelled and my father was forced to wipe them out. It's a miracle that you even exist much less are as powerful as you are." she adds.

"Interesting, but false." I reply nonchalantly even as she and Jade look at me questioningly. "Edenia was one of the most powerful, peaceful, and beautiful realms in this entire universe. Our people were beautiful, skilled, and each possessed a magical ability of their own. From your ability to manipulate wind, to Jade's force rejection, and Queen Sindel's ultrasonic sound manipulation." I explain.

"Queen Sindel? Was she the ruler of Edenia?" asks Kitana.

"Yes. Her along with King Jerrod were powerful warriors and the rulers of Edenia when Shao Khan launched his assault. King Jerrod was killed in battle while Queen Sindel commited suicide as opposed to becoming Shao Khan's wife. In retaliation the Khan slaughtered all of Edenia's warriors and took their princess as his own." I explain as we begin to traverse into the deeper and more disgusting parts of the island.

"Why are you telling me this? I still do not see the connection between this story and my family." argues Kitana with a frown.

"Because you're the princess of Edenia, Kitana." answers Jade, earning a look of confusion from Kitana.

"What?!" asks the princess. "I refuse to believe that. I am Shao Khan's daughter, not the daughter of some weak Edenian Queen and her idiotic husband. When my father chooses to end his rule I will be his successor as heir to the throne" she argues.

"I highly doubt that." I say as we arrive at our destination, the flesh pits, a massive chamber full of monstrous creatures, experiments, and tortured prisoners. "After all if he planned on making you his successor, then why would he need her." I say as I lead the horrified duo to an operating table where Mileena's sleeping body can be found.

"W-what is this?" whispers a horrified Kitana as she looks upon her 'twin'. "S-she looks like me!" cries out the princess.

Before I can answer her I feel a presence enter the room and I suppress a smile knowing that it is none other than Shang Tsung and that the idiotic sorcerer will unknowingly push Kitana further towards my side.

"Of course she looks like you, princess." says the sorcerer, causing us to turn around and face him. "She is after all your sibling."

"You despicable swine!" exclaims Kitana as she marches towards Shang Tsung. "Do you think my father will stand for these…these…abominations you have created!" she rages as she points towards Mileena.

"I am merely perfecting you, princess." he replies. "And despite how difficult it might be I believe that I have succeeded with your sister." he says as he looks towards Mileena with pride.

"Silence!" orders Kitana. "I will drag you before Shao Khan. Whether as a cripple or not is simply up to you." she says as she draws her fans and takes her fighting stance.

Following her example, Shang Tsung lowers himself into his own fighting stance before he and Kitana launch themselves at one another. Jade makes to aid Kitana but I grab her by the shoulder and pull her back.

"Are you mad?!" questions Jade as she attempts to slap my hand away only to find that she cannot. "I am Kitana's friend and guard, I will not allow Shang Tsung to harm her." she says.

"Kitana will not lose." I argue as I point towards the battle where Kitana easily dodges and parries all of her opponents blows. "When we arrived on the island I inscribed a runic array on her that augments all of her physical capabilities. Even if Shang Tsung is more skilled the difference in physical prowess is simply too vast for those skills to aid him, and his sorcery will be even more useless against her." I say as Shang Tsung blasts Kitana with a fireball only for it to harmlessly splash against her chest like water on a stone.

"Why would you do this?" asks the now calm Jade as she watches Kitana slam her foot against Shang Tsun's chest, sending him flying into a wall.

"Because I anticipated this." I reply, causing her to look at me questioningly. "Kitana is brash and currently very loyal to Shao Khan. As such she would rather drag Shang Tsung to the Khan in order to make him pay for his crimes rather than believe that Shao Khan is the true culprit." I explain while also leaving out the fact that the runic array will make her confront Shao Khan about Mileena as opposed to what I have told her about her heritage and Edenia. I do not want Shao Khan to know about my treachery yet as it would be too troublesome to kill him now and have to deal with a battle for Outworld's throne. No, I would prefer to kill him once Kitana fully defects from him and Mileena is loyal to me. Once that is done I will resurrect Sindel and place either her, Kitana, or Mileena on the throne based on which one is most accepted by Outworld.

"Why do you do this?" asks Jade, bringing me back from my thoughts. "Why tell Kitana all of this and pit her against Shao Khan?" she wonders.

"Because she deserves to know, because Shao Khan must pay for his crimes against Edenia, and what better way to make him pay than to take his throne from him and place an Edenian on it." I tell her with a smirk.

"And how exactly do you plan on removing Shao Khan from the throne?" she questions with a raised eyebrow.

"By killing him myself of course." I answer matter of factly as if we are simply discussing the weather.

Before she can answer me Kitana smashes her knee against Shang Tsung's skull, knocking him out. Taking a few moments to catch her breath, Kitana makes her way towards us and prepares to unleash an attack. Before she kills Mileena however, I grab her arm and stop her.

"What are you doing Malphas?" she demands.

"I cannot allow you to kill her princess. She has done nothing wrong." I reply.

"She is an abomination!" exclaims Kitana.

"Who did not ask to be born." I argue. "Would you be willing to kill a child for the crimes of its parents?" I ask her.

"She is no child." refutes the princess.

"She may as well be one. The only differences between her and a child are that she was created as opposed to being birthed and she has a fully grown body. Think princess, we Edenians already number so few." I 'plead' to her.

Rather than answer Kitana looks at me before turning back to Mileena with a conflicted expression on her fist. As she contemplates, her grip on her fan tightens for a few seconds before loosening once again.

"Fine." concedes Kitana as she puts away her fan. "However she is now your responsibility. You can stay here while Jade and I bring Shang Tsung to Shao Khan so that he may answer for his crimes." she says as she and Jade walk away. While they leave I subtly enter their minds and slightly rearrange events. Now they believe that we stumbled upon Mileena by accident while walking around the Island as I explained Edenia's history to them, minus the fact that Kitana is Edenia's princess. While the lore never showed Shao Khan having a way to read someone's mind and memories, this is a real world full of possibilities, not a video game with a half assed lore.

As they leave me alone with Mileena, I gently carry her from the table before placing her on an open part of the floor where I begin to inscribe a ritual circle with her in the middle. The ritual is something that Morgan and I came in order to make Mordred my biological child. At the time we were nowhere near as good in our respective fields of magic as we are now. As such there was a bit of a hiccup as we could not control which part of me she would inherit. While the ritual was a success and made her my daughter biologically, while also keeping her related to Morgan and Arturia, Mordred did not inherit any of my powers or physical attributes.

Now however my mastery over my magic is such that I do not even require Morgan's aid to complete it and can even decide which part of my biology the recipient will receive. In Mileena's case I have decided to use my Edenian heritage in order to suppress her Tarkatan heritage. While I have no problem with the bloodthirsty aspect of it nor the sadistic aspect of it, I cannot deal with their love for human flesh. Bloodthirst can be controlled and curbed while sadism can be put to good use, however the need to eat human flesh is not only unnecessary but also disgusting. In addition, I will also be using it to forge a connection between us. One that will make her question everything Shang Tsung has thought her.

Finished with the inscriptions, I make my way to the middle of the circle where I stand just above Mileena and begin to chant. As I chant I activate my magic circuits and trace a ceremonial dagger which I use to slash open my wrist, causing a deluge of blood to fall from the wound even as I forcibly stop my healing factor from healing me immediately. As the blood falls on Mileena and the ground, the runic ritual circle begins to glow a crimson red and I begin to chant with more intensity. As the ritual continues, the blood begins to seep into Mileena and her body begins to convulse as the changes begin to visibly take place.

Her pale skin slightly darkens, her black hair gains a few streaks of white, and her facial features take a softer tone as the massive Takatan teeth that occupy her mouth begin to shrink into a more human size. With the teeth being a smaller size now her skin grows to cover her gums and lips form at the front while her jaws remain somewhat bare, making her look like her MKX counterpart.

As the ritual comes to an end, the circle stops glowing before disappearing. As I take a few seconds to recover from my bloodloss and allow my wrist to finally heal, Mileena's eyes snap open allowing me to see her eyes. Eyes that resemble mine with the only difference between them being that while mine are crimson red with slitted pupils, her eyes are gold with slitted pupils. While I take a step back to allow her stand, Mileena tilts her head and observes me.

"Father." she hisses, her voice reminiscent of a snake's whisper. "No, you are not Shao Khan." she says with a shake of her head. "Despite this however, I feel a connection to you. One that can only be explained as you being my father. However while my instincts tell me this, the information in my brain contradicts it." she explains as she stands up.

"The information in your brain was implanted by the sorcerer Shang Tsung in an attempt to make you loyal to Shao Khan. In truth, you are my daughter and nothing can change that. Would you like me to undo what he has done?" I ask her, causing her to tilt her head back and forth childishly as she considers. After a few seconds she happily nods before making her way to me.

With her agreement I enter her mind and begin to alter the information pertaining to her origin. I leave most of it as it is and only add the information about the ritual. However, I paint it as me saving her from a monstrous existence of constantly needing to feed on human flesh and nothing else while also changing her morality to fit mine. While there I find a few fail safes that are made to keep her loyal to Shao Khan and switch them over to me. Lastly I impart her with enough knowledge and experience in order to bring her maturity level up. It won't stop her from acting like a child sometimes, but it will give her a more mature outlook on the world.

"There, that should be better." I tell her as I finish.

"Thank you father!" she says excitedly as she envelops me in a hug.


AN: Here's the chapter. As usual tell me what you guys think. Also I'm only accepting votes for a few more hours.

When all of the votes from the four websites I post on (, spacebattles, sufficient velocity, ) are counted Campione comes out as the winner with DxD in second place. However I still plan on doing DxD as my second fic once I'm done with From Mortal to Divinity.

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