From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 136 - Final Plans

Shao Khan's Fortress, Outworld

Training Arena

Two Days Before the Beginning of MK9

"What are the rules father?" asks Mileena from her position opposite of me in the training arena.

I roll my shoulders for a while before answering "No lightning bending, no lethal shots and winner is determined when the opposition yields."

Nodding her head, she set herself into a stance that incorporates the standard firebending stance taught by the military and the dancing dragon with her own personal twist added to it. Following suit, I take a stance that is influenced by waterbending. A more sedate and calm stance to counteract her aggressive one, or at least it seems to be that way. In actuality this stance is a deceptive one. Upon seeing this stance most would believe that it is a defensive one when it actuality is optimal for turning a defense into a powerful counterattack.

Without saying another word, Mileena launches a fireball at me via a roundhouse kick followed by a jab. I step to the right avoiding the first fireball and into the second fireball. Bringing my left palm up, I clench it and completely extinguish the fireball. Not giving her time to continue her assault, I launch a fire arc at her feet via a sweeping kick, using the momentum of the kick, I launch myself into a flying roundhouse and send out another arc at her head. Following through, I use flames under my feet and glide my way within thirty feet of Mileena just as she splits my attacks right down the middle.

Before she can move I punch two fire streams at her and a fireball via front kick when he deflects the streams to his sides. She manages to block the fireball but is unprepared for the roundhouse fireball that connects to her right side. Taking advantage of Mileena's brief lapse of attention, I follow through with a back kick fire stream to her solar plexus, which she redirects over her head. Using my back foot, I launch into the air and send a pillar of fire crashing down on her head via a hatchet kick, a move I once used to defeat Iroh in one of our many spars.

As I fall I jab a comet towards her as she barely manages to block the pillar. The comet is barely blocked and forces her to step back. Using it to her advantage, Mileena completely retreats away from me before inhaling deeply and launching countless fireballs at me in a manner that reminds me of the Uchiha's Phoenix Flower Jutsu. While my situation may look grim due to still being in the air, I think of countless viable options in under a second before choosing the optimal one. Allowing one of the fireballs to connect with the balls of my feet, I make use of its momentum to launch myself into a backflip over the other fireballs before safely landing on the ground where I find Mileena's flaming fist inches away from my face.

With barely any effort I tilt my head just in time for it to graze my cheek instead connecting, causing her eyes to widen in surprise and the growing smirk on her face to freeze. Before she can recover I place the palm of my hand on her stomach and let out a massive fire stream that sends her flying backwards until she smashes on a wall and cracks it.

"I believe that it's my win." I claim as I make my way to her.

"Yes it is." she answers with a disappointed sigh as her healing factor kicks in and the charred skin on her stomach completely heals in under five seconds.

"Don't be so disappointed daughter, I've been at this for centuries. Other than me no one in this universe can best you in combat." I reassure her while ruffling her hair, causing her to hum in satisfaction with her eyes closed.

"That was an impressive display. I don't think I've ever seen someone use fire like that." comments one of our spectators, Jade. I had sensed her and Kitana enter the training arena midway through our spar along with a third companion whose identity I could not place until now.

"Jade, Kitana, my two favorite assassins. What can I do for you?" I ask them as I stop ruffling Mileena's hair, causing to narrow her eyes in anger at the duo for interrupting us. "And you also brought another companion with you." I comment as I see Sheeva walk in behind them.

"This is Sheeva. She used to be Queen Sindel's personal guard." introduces Kitana as I set up a secrecy bounded field around us as I anticipate what the conversion will be about.

Sheeva, like Goro, belongs to the Shokan, an ancient race of mighty four armed half Human, half Dragon beings from Outworld that are the archenemies of the Centaurian race. As with all Shokan, she possesses a tall, muscular build, four arms, reptilian eyes, dragon scales, three digits on each hand, and two big toes on each foot. Unlike most Shokans however she possesses four horns that come out of the sides of her head and curve up and inwards towards her mohawk, two on the left and two on the right. She wears a grey cuirass that completely covers her chest and stomach, slim pauldrons to guard her shoulders and upper arm, short bracers around her wrists that stop halfway up her forearm, a skirt to cover her lower half along with knee protectors and greaves.

"You…" begins Sheeva as she takes a closer look at me. "You are not a full blooded Edenian." she comments once she looks into my eyes.

"What do you mean by that Sheeva?" asks Kitana.

"Edenians do not have slit pupils or crimson eyes. I have seen green, blue, brown, and even gray, but I have never seen one with red eyes." she explains. "He is half Edenian, the question is what is the other half?" she asks me.

"I have no idea." I convincingly lie with a shrug. "What I do know however, is that it doesn't really matter."

"Fair enough." agrees Kitana with a nod. "Besides, I did not bring Sheeva here to discuss your heritage. I came here because she confirmed what you've told me and would like you to help me."

"Interesting, and what is it that I can help you with?" I ask her.

"I want your help in avenging our people and dethroning Shao Khan." she asks, earning a raised eyebrow from me. I honestly did not expect her to be so bold as to say it out in the open like that.

"Very well, but Shao Khan's life is mine to take and no one elses." I answer, shocking him.

"That's it?" asks Jade. "You accept committing treason just like that?" she wonders.

"It's not treason if I wasn't loyal in the first place. My original purpose in coming here was to kill him. However, imagine my surprise when I find our princess of all people serving him as an assassin. It was then that I decided to not only kill him but place an Edenian on the throne. Whether it was you, Jade, Mileena, or your mother did not matter to me." I explain.

"Wait…my mother? But she's dead." replies Kitana.

"That she is, but she can be revived." I answer.

"You can revive Queen Sindel?" questions Sheeva.

"Not me." I reply, at least not without my divine powers. "Quan Chi however can-"

"The sorcerer is not to be trusted!��� interrupts Sheeva. "Even if you manage to convince him to bring her back, she will not be in her prime and will most likely be under his control. I refuse to subject her to such a fate."

"Worry not, I have my own means to control him. Besides once he resurrects her I will dispose of him, and should he not bring her back to her prime then I can do that much at the very least." I explain, causing them to look at me skeptically.

"And what do you gain out of this?" questions Sheeva.

"I already told you, vengeance." I simply answer.

"Very well. When are we doing this?" asks Sheeva.

"During the Mortal Kombat. While everyone is occupied with the tournament Mileena will go around persuading Shao Kahn's generals to accept Kitana's take over of the throne, and should they refuse then they will be slayed." I suggest.

"And what about you? As Outworld's champion you will have to participate and Shao Kahn will know if you purposely lose." says Jade.

"Is there a reason why I would want to lose?" I question them with a tilt of my head.

"Because if you win Shao Kahn will merge Earthrealm with Outworld and become even more powerful." replies Kitana.

"That won't stop me from killing him." I answer with a raised eyebrow.

"If you are confident in killing even with the merge then I will trust you, however can we trust Mileena?" questions the princess as she looks towards Mileena.

"Are you questioning my loyalty to father?" hisses Mileena dangerously as she draws her sais.

"I question your self control. With your Tarkatan heritage, what is stopping you from hurting our allies, or worse what guarantee do we have that you are not under Shang Tsung's control?" asks Kitana.

"Considering the fact that I removed all of Shang Tsung's influence from her mind, I can personally guarantee it." I say as I step in between the two of them.

Rather than reply Kitana merely stares at Mileena for a few more seconds before turning back to me. "Very well, what do we need to do?" she asks me.

"Clearly this is your first coup." I joke before turning to Sheeva. "You need to become the leader of your people. Goro would never accept Mileena as the new Kahn and would lead them in battle against us." I instruct her.

Instead of answering me she merely nods to signal her acceptance.

"You two will need to refrain from doing anything that would raise suspicion. In fact unless Shao Kahn orders you to do something you will go about your normal routine as if nothing has changed. That also means that you will not speak to Sheeva unless absolutely necessary." I tell Jade and Kitana.

"My father has ordered that I spend time with you to cement your loyalty to him." answers Kitana.

"In that case, we will be spending time with one another. Preferably in the fortress in order to give him a false sense of security." I reply.

"Is there anything else?" asks Sheeva.

"No, that will be all. Everything else will come in due time." I answer, earning a nod from the Shokan before she turns around and leaves.

With Kitana now on my side I can safely place her on the throne while controlling her through Sindel. Hopefully Sindel isn't different from her game counterpart since bringing back the Edenians and reuniting her with her daughter would be enough to earn her game counterpart's loyalty as long as Kitana is not endangered. If none of them are willing to be loyal to me than I can place Mileena on the throne even though I would rather not. Especially since Mileena would prefer to be and would do better as my personal assassin. I could always use some form of mind control, but those can be broken and I have witnessed enough of a god's mind control being subverted to place any confidence in that method. Soon I will find out which method I will need to use. Until then I will avoid stressing about it.


AN: Here's the chapter. As usual tell me what you guys think. The first chapter of my Campione fic should be out sometime next week, so look forward to that.

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