From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 138 - The Queen Lives

Edenian Wastelands

Day of the Mortal Kombat Tournament

The Edenian Wastelands, a location that once held the most beautiful realm in this entire universe in the form of Edenia. Based off of the Garden of Eden, Edenia was a lush and beautiful realm rich in resources and home to the Edenians who greatly mirrored their home realm with their beauty and peaceful nature. Despite being peaceful in nature however Edenia was also home to some of the greatest warriors in this universe before Shao Kahn slaughtered the majority of them and Rain betrayed the rest to Shao Kahn in order to receive more power. With the death of the Edenians and the forceful merging of Edenia into Outworld, the once beautiful realm full of life is now an arid and deserted wasteland. Despite this however I can still see signs of the once beautiful realm in the form of the now destroyed architecture. Anyone with eyes can see that this used to be a place of beauty.

Shaking the thoughts of Edenia's former glory from my head, I make my way towards the only building in the distance that still stands, the Royal Castle. According to some records from Shang Tsung's library, the Royal Castle once stood as tall as Shao Kahn's fortress and was just as beautiful as Shao Kahn's fortress is dreary and dreadful. Now its sole remains are two stories of rubble, and one room in the form of the royal quarters that can only be accessed through a single window only.

Arriving near the rubble, I jump through the only opening in the form of a window and quietly land inside the royal bedchambers. As expected the room is a mess. The furniture is dusty and destroyed, the walls and floor have weeds growing on them, and a section of the walls is completely destroyed. The only thing intact in this room that is even remotely close to an acceptable condition is the massive bed where one can find a skeleton dressed in what were once a royal purple and black dress along with thigh high heeled boots of the same color. These are the remains of none other than the Edenian Queen, Sindel.

According to what I was able to find, this Sindel is similar yet different to canon. In canon she fought with her husband Jerrod against Shao Kahn before the Kahn killed him and forced her to marry him. She would eventually kill herself while using her death to create a barrier that would stop Shao Kahn from taking over Earthrealm by any means other than the Mortal Kombat Tournament.

This Sindel however is different in one aspect, she betrayed her husband. She saw the foolishness of her husband's constant defiance of Shao Kahn and betrayed him in exchange for the survival of her people and her daughter. Of course Shao Kahn partially renegaded on his promise and slaughtered her people while sparring Kitana. Enraged and filled with grief and regret at the loss of her people and knowing that no harm will come to Kitana while in Shao Kahn's court, she killed herself while using her death as fuel to create the same barrier her canon counterpart did.

All in all she is quite the tragic figure and one who would fit in well as a member of the Malphas family, whether as an ally or an extended member will be up to her. Which is why I have no qualms about resurrecting her and making her the overseer of this universe while Kitana rules outworld.

Incinerating the remains of her dress, I channel the power of Shinnok, the Elder God of Death, along with the mystical energies of this universe and begin chanting while my hands glow with the light and power of an emerald energy. The words that come out of my mouth cannot be understood by anyone who does not understand the primordial language of the Elder Gods. It is a rough sounding and guttural language that is hard on the throat and the ears. In spite of this however the words come to me easily and the power flows through me as easily as a river flows downstream. However, even with the ease that I begin to conduct the resurrection, I find that my body is not well suited for such forms of magic, and were it not for my Edenian heritage, which gives me an affinity for all forms of magic, I would not be able to accomplish what I am currently doing.

As the resurrection reaches its climax, I find that the majority of Sindel's body has already recovered and all that is left is her skin which already begins to form. With the formation of her skin, her hair begins to grow until it reaches her thighs and her body reaches her prime, looking exactly like her MK11 counterpart as opposed to MK9. Normally this is where one would stop since the resurrection is all but complete, however I have other plans and it all begins with me forming a portal to Shao Kahn's Soul Chamber. With the portal formed, Ermac makes his way through and appears before me, looking no different than before despite having absorbed the souls of millions of Edenians and being easily more powerful than Shao Kahn and Raiden. Without wasting a second I grab the beings massive power and easily transfer it to Sindel, causing her eyes and mouth to open and expel a mix of green and purple light.

With the amount of power I have to transfer, it would normally take hours for the process to be completed, however by channeling more of Shinnok's power I am able to reduce it to mere minutes and soon all of Ermac's powers are transferred to Sindel. With the process complete Ermac's clothes fall to the ground, empty while I go about stabilising Sindel and making her sure that her newfound power seamlessly acclimates with her soul and body. While I do this I also transfer all of Quan Chi and Shinnok's knowledge of the mystic arts to her before binding them in a seal that will slowly allow the knowledge to trickle into her mind without overwhelming her.

Once I am finished, a purple light erupts from her along with a shockwave of power that completely inscinerates the remains of the royal palace and would have knocked me back had I not anticipated it. With the resurrection finished I release my hold on her body while slowly levitating us to stand on the sandy ground of the wastelands just as her eyes open and she disoriently stares at me with her grey eyes.

"Wh-who are you?" asks Sindel as she comes to the realisation that she has been brought back to life. "Do you have any idea what you have done?!" She questions as she realises that with her return from the dead the barrier she placed around Earthream will soon come down since it was by her death and stayed there on the condition that she remains dead.

"You may call me Ambrosius, and as for your second question…yes I do know what I have done." I reply nonchalantly.

"No, clearly you do not. Otherwise you would have left me dead so that Earthrealm may be protected from Shao Kahn." she refutes with a shake of her head, no doubt still a bit disoriented from her restoration to life.

"Perhaps, however why worry when Shao Kahn can simply be killed in order to protect Earthrealm?" I ask her, causing her to look at me incredulously before mockingly laughing at my words.

"Kill Shao Kahn?" she asks in between laughs. "Kill Shao Kahn." she reiterates as her laughter comes to an end. "Do you have any idea how many times I have tried?!" she exclaims with fury, her rage causing her new powers to run wild as they cause her to hover above the ground and create a powerful tornado to form around us. "I have poisoned the bastard, sliced his neck, and even stabbed him in the heart, but he always survives!" she screams as she rises further up and her eyes gain a violet glow reminiscent of mine when my biotics are engaged. "One does not simply kill Shao Kahn for he will ALWAYS survive!" she says with a scream that causes her powers to create a shockwave that causes a sandstorm around us that is blown away from us.

As her fury begins to run dry, Sindel slowly comes back down to the ground while bewilderedly looking at the carnage she has caused.

"Did…did I do this?" she asks as she observes the massive sandstorm that blows away from us.

"Indeed." I answer as I telekinetically clean the sand from me. "Now that you are finished, perhaps you would like to start acting like the Queen you are?" I rhetorically ask her.

"My apologies, it's just that your foolishness will cause the deaths of millions and will further empower Shao Kahn." she answers after taking a deep breath. "Regardless, what is done is done. Our time is best served thinking of how to stop the madman." she says as she regains her composure and reverts back to her regal manner, the same manner that had me crushing on her in my first life. Like the saying goes, never meet your heroes, or in this never meet your crushes until the part of you that has a crush on them is completely dead. Evidently the part that made me, well…me, during my first life is very much alive and still crushes on the same people.

"Tell me sorcerer, why have you brought me back?" questions Sindel as she uses her newfound powers to conjure a very revealing black and purple dress along with high heel boots that reach up to her thighs and will make her as tall as me.

"Because I plan to bring back Edenia to its former glory and beyond while also killing Shao Kahn." I casually answer as if we are speaking about the weather. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/from-mortal-to-divinity_16739784805052505/the-queen-lives_50954214347692699">/book/from-mortal-to-divinity_16739784805052505/the-queen-lives_50954214347692699</a> for visiting.

"How ambition." she says with a scoff as she begins to dress herself. "Foolish, but ambitious."

"I would agree with you if it were not guaranteed." I reply, causing her to raise an eyebrow in question. "Look into yourself Sindel, and tell me what you feel." I ask her, causing her to frown as she closes her eyes follows my instructions. After a few seconds her eyes snap open and she looks at me with questions clearly written on her facial expressions.

"This…power. How did I become so powerful?" she asks me.

"This power that you now possess, it is the acc.u.mulated power of every Edenian killed by Shao Kahn. Their souls were being tortured by his Shadow Priests before I saved them and merged them all into you." I explain to her. "Now you are easily more powerful than Shao Kahn."

"I see." she says as she finishes dressing herself while in deep thought. "Tell me, Ambrosius, what of Jerrod's soul?" she asks me after a few seconds of thinking.

"Why do you want to know? Do you wish for me to bring him back to life also?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

"I could not care less about the fool." she answers with a scoff. "I warned him that we should have submitted as soon as the tournament was lost. That way we could have bidded our time for the perfect opportunity to rid ourselves of Shao Kahn. But no, his pride wouldn't allow it. He was a 'King' and he wouldn't bow to anyone." she says with disdain. "His pride was more important than our people and daughter!" she says venomously while blasting a crater into the ground before once again regaining her composure. "Speaking of Kitana, do you have news of my daughter?" she asks me.

"Kitana is well. In fact, she is the one I plan to place on the throne." I answer.

"Is that so? If you plan on placing her on the throne then I do not see why you have need of me. Even without facing you in combat I can tell that you can easily kill. So you obviously do not need me to kill Shao Kahn." she observes.

"You know I can easily kill you and you still speak to me as if I am barely your equal?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

"I do not care about your status or power. If you want my respect then do something to earn it." she answers. Honestly, is she trying to make me fall in love with her? She's like her canon counterpart but ten times better. If I didn't have Azula, Scáthach, and Morgan I would probably be proposing right now.

Shaking those thoughts from my head I bring my attention back to her. "The reason for your revival is because I am not from this universe and I will need someone to act as an overseer of it once I conquer it." I tell her honestly.

"Interesting. I theorised that you were a god of some sort, but I did not think that you were not from this universe. Which begs the question, how are you an Edenian?" she asks me.

"Interesting, I did not think that you could tell. Especially with my eyes being of the nature that they are." I reply.

"Somehow I am able to feel a connection to all Edenian. I can feel you, Kitana, Jade, and two more that I do not recognise." she answers.

"Those would be Rain and Mileena. A traitorous Edenian demigod and my daughter. As for how I am Edenian, the answer is simple. I sealed my divinity before coming here and was reborn as an Edenian." I explain to her.

"I see, and what is your purpose in conquering this universe? Especially since you must know that the Elder Gods will not allow it." she asks me, making this conversion feel like a job interview. Then again, considering who she is this is an interview to see whether she will follow me or commit suicide again.

"I am currently under the employment of a being higher than me. I am to travel form universes and multiverses in order to provide him entertainment and in exchange I live and grow in power. Recently I have reached the realm of godhood and seek to grow my pantheon and our power. With every universe or multiverse that follows me or that I own, my pantheon's power grows and as the King my own power also grows." I tell her.

"I see, and you want me to serve me as your overseer? What does that entail, and what do I gain from this?" she asks me, making me smile at her cautiousness. Never make a deal with the devil without reading the fine print.

"I bring back the Edenians as my favored people, I kill Shao Kahn, your daughter becomes Queen of Outworld while receiving my backing, you become the most powerful being in this universe and may even become a goddess and in exchange all you have to do is make sure that the universe's habitants do not destroy it. I have no intention of telling them how to live unless they become my followers. If they do they will have to follow a few. You know the deal, no raping, no killing unless necessary, that kind of stuff." I tell her with a shrug.

"I see." she answers contemplatively. "You will have to forgive me if I do not jump at the chance to accept." she says.

"Of course. In fact why don't you give me an answer once Shao Kahn is dead and your daughter sits on the throne." I suggest, earning an affirmative nod from her. "Perfect, then let us return to Shang Tsung's fortress. There is a Mortal Kombat Tournament to be won." I tell her with a smile as I summon a portal to our destination and offer her my hand.

Returning my smile, she accepts my hand and we walk into the portal together just as Shang Tsung announces that Liu Kang is the sole remaining Earthrealm warrior.


AN: Here's the chapter. As usual tell me what you guys think. The first chapter of my Campione fic should be out sometime this week, so look forward to that.

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