From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 140 - Benefactor

Shang Tsung's Throne Room

Day of the Mortal Kombat Tournament

Shao Kahn is dead, that is the thought that goes through every Earthrealm warrior as they watch the Kahn's headless body fall to the ground while his betrayer presents it to an unknown Outworld warrior dressed in blue. It sounds fantastical and too good to be true, yet the proof is here before their very eyes. The Tyrant of Outworld has been betrayed by his champion and generals who have decided to name the unknown woman the new Kahn.

While it may not be much, to Sonya this is an opportunity to save Earthrealm. While she and the other Earthrealm warriors may not know much about this new Kahn, they must still try. Perhaps they can convince her to not merge Earthrealm with Outworld in exchange for an alliance. Not only is this a viable option, but it could also prove to be beneficial beyond saving Earthrealm. After all, with an alliance with Outworld criminals like Kano and Eron Black will have nowhere to go to seek refuge other than places like the Netherrealm which even they are not stupid enough to go to.

With her mind made up, Sonya gives Jax Liu Kang's ashes to hold while preparing to make her way to the new Kahn in order to plead her case. Before she can even take a step however, a bright multicolored beam of light strikes the middle of the room from the skies, drawing everyone's attention to it along with the three silhouettes that appear from it.

As the light disappears the new arrivals can be seen quite clearly. The first one that Sonya's eyes are drawn to is the woman in the middle, a beautiful woman with midnight black tied into a top knot and with gold eyes that seem to glow and possess a glint to them that puts her on edge. She wears the same armor as Outworld's champion with the only difference being her bracers that lack the sharp fins. The second one is also a beautiful woman with magenta hair that possess icy white streaks to them, and red eyes that also glow. Unlike her companion, she wears black and purple armor along with a purple cape that reaches her calves, along with a veil on her hair. The third woman, like her companions, is a beautiful woman with pale blond hair, almost white, with a black and blue crown on top, along with glowing emerald eyes. Unlike her companions however, she does not wear any armor at all and is dressed in a simple black and blue dress that not only accentuates her figure, but is also bare after covering her b.r.e.a.s.ts, allowing one to see her stomach and the red markings on it.

"Husband!" happily calls out the first woman as she approaches Outworld's champion while he turns around to face him. Having finally taken notice of the situation however, the woman stops a few feet away from Malphas and looks at Shao Kahn's head in his hands. "Is that for me?" she asks with a happy smile on her face.

"No Azula, the decapitated head is not for you?" replies Malphas.

"Oh." answers the woman disappointedly. "You never got me a decapitated head when you crowned me Queen. In fact, I don't think that you ever crowned any of us Queen. Did he, Morgan?" asks Azula as she turns to Morgan.

"No, I don't think that he ever did. What ever will we do with a husband like you? Gallivanting across the omniverse, crowning other beautiful women Queen, while we, your wives, are at home worrying and raising the children." says Morgan with a heartbroken expression as she stands next to Azula. "A-are we not enough for you?" she asks, her voice cracking at the beginning of her question.

"What will I do with the two of you?" asks Malphas with an exasperated sigh as he rubs the bridge of his nose. "You had to interrupt now? Could you not wait until I was finished crowning Kitana and the Earthrealm warriors were gone?" he asks.

"Do you hear that Azula? He doesn't know if he wants us anymore!" says Morgan as a sorrowful tear slides down her dejected face.

"Enough!" exclaims the third woman as she gently smack the other two upside the head. "Our husband is currently conducting important business." she says.

"Thank you Scáthach." says Malphas with an appreciative smile.

"Do not thank me yet beloved. We will speak of your promiscuous behavior later." She replies as she fixes hima hard glare, causing her and her companions to laugh at Malphas' shocked expression before he too joins in on the laughter.

"Now, would you please do me a favor and erase the last few seconds from all but Sindel's, Kitana, Jade, and Mileena's minds?" asks Ambrosius as he turns to Morgan who simply snaps her fingers. "Thank you, now please make yourselves scarce before you return everyone to normal. I don't want anyone but a select few to know of my origins." he says as he looks at everyone's frozen expressions.

"Is there a particular reason why?" asks Scáthach. "You've never cared much about people finding out about our origins once we became gods." she observes.

"*Because this universe can help me fight off my warlike urges.*" he tells them in latin, with a somber tone.

"*Are they really that bad?*" asks Azula worriedly.

"*I can somewhat understand Ares' constant warlike behaviour now. While I am not the exact same war god as him, my domain encompasses all aspects of War unlike his which only covered the savage side of war. As such I get urges to be brutal and warlike just for the sake of it. However, just being here satisfies those urges.*" he explains.

"*Not surprising, once you consider the fact that it is normal for someone to have their spines removed here.*" observes Azula. "*Still, with the amount of seals we've placed on ourselves one would think that the urges would be more subdued than they currently are.*" she adds.

"*It is because our powers are growing. With the stabilisation of the DC Multiverse, along with whatever Hecate is doing with the Dark Multiverse, has caused it to grow. At this rate we'll need more than five seals to hold them at bay until we master them.*" explains Morgan.

"*Guess we'll have to cut our vacation short.*" sighs Azula.

"*What vacation?*" questions Scáthach with a scoff. "*We all know that slaying monsters, dark mages, and demons cannot be considered vacation. To top it all off we fought a war.*" says Scáthach, causing them all to smile wistfully at the truth of her words. None of them know how to properly have a vacation. They are gods whose entire existence as mortals was battle. Azula was trained to be a weapon of war as soon as she could firebend and did not even know how to interact with others socially unless the conversation involved politics, war, or firebending. Scáthach was a Queen who fought in countless battles before she became the ruler of the Land of Shadows. Morgan was a princess who spent every moment awake training to be Queen, before she became her sister's political advisor and spent that time trying to get rid of Merlin or dealing with nobles in the political field. The closest one to normal out of the four of them is Ambrosius and he cannot even spend more than one week without a battle before going stir crazy from idleness. Even reading a book or working on magic doesn't help much.

"We really are a bunch of sorry existences." says Ambrosius after a few seconds.

"*While we may not be able to vacation like normal beings, I believe that what we have been doing can count as vacation, at least for us. After all, what is a vacation other than an extended period of leisure and recreation. While to others it may mean being idle, to us it simply means doing what we usually do without the stress of what would happen should we fail.*" says Morgan, earning nods of agreement from the others.

"*Well put Morgan.*" compliments Scáthach before she erases her presence from the mortals' detection with Azula following closely behind. Before Morgan can do the same, Ambrosius grabs her arm.

"Memories." he reminds her with a raised eyebrow.

"Spoilsport." replies Morgan with a roll of her eyes before she snaps her fingers, erasing all the past proceedings involving them from the minds of everyone save for Jade, Mileena, Kitana, and Sindel. Afterwards she erases her presence from all forms of detections before returning every mortal back to normal.

For the warriors of the Mortal Kombat Universe, it was as if the past few minutes did not happen. All they remember is Malphas' coup and nothing afterwards. Not only do they not remember any of it, but it is as if time did not pass at all. The only ones who not only remember what happened but also know that minutes have passed since the coup are Jade, Mileena, Kitana, and Sindel.

Knowing that now is not the time to question Malphas on the recent events, Kitana simply walks over to him, and accepts his offer before making her way to Shang Tsung's throne and seating herself.

"You may all stand now." orders Kitana before she turns to the Earthrealm warriors. "Let me make myself clear." says the new Kahn, causing the Earthrealm warriors to tense. "I have no intention of merging Earthrealm to Outworld, however I cannot simply allow you to leave without some form of recompense. After all, it was us who won the Mortal Kombat Tournament and not you." she tells them.

"What do you want?" asks Sonya cautiously, yet also respectfully.

"Trade. I will have an offer drawn up and be given to your ruler, and as a token of good faith, I offer you Kano's head." replies Kitana, causing the Earthrealm warriors to sigh in relief while the criminal begins to panic.

"Now, Kitana Kahn, let's not do anything drastic here. After all, your father and I had an agreement." he pleads as he attempts to discreetly make his way towards the exit.

"Mileena, be a dear and bring them his head." orders Malphas, causing Kano's eyes to widen in fear before he starts to sprint out of the room. Before he can make it far however Mileena appears behind him and proceeds to decapitate him with a fire dagger, removing his head from his shoulders while at the same time cauterising the stump due to the extreme heat.

With a smile hidden behind her veil, Mileena happily delivers the head to Sonya.

"A gift, from the Kahn." she hisses, causing Sonya to apprehensively accept the head before bowing to Kitana.

"You may leave now." orders Kitana just as a portal to Earthrealm appears behind them, which they happily go through without wasting a second. With the Earthrealm warriors' departure, Kitana turns her attention to her new generals. "I will hold court later, for now I wish to speak to my champion." she tells them. With a bow, all but Jade, Mileena, and Sindel turn and leave.

Once they are alone and the doors to the throne room are closed, Kitana gets up from her throne and marches towards Ambrosius.

"What was that?" questions the new Kahn as Azula, Scáthach, and Morgan reappear next to him.

"Now, Kitana, that is no way to treat your benefactor." says Sindel, reminding Jade and Kitana of her presence.

"Mother?" questions Kitana as she turns to face her mother. "Is that truly you?" she asks as she slowly approaches Sindel.

"Of course it is. Now come give your mother a hug." say Sindel as she opens her arms and she and Kitana share a tearful hug.

"How are you back?" wonders Kitana as she and Sindel separate and she observes her mother.

"It is a gift from our benefactor." explains Sindel as she looks towards Ambrosius.

"Is this true? And what do you mean by benefactor?" she asks while facing Ambrosius. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/from-mortal-to-divinity_16739784805052505/benefactor_51004199445524315">/book/from-mortal-to-divinity_16739784805052505/benefactor_51004199445524315</a> for visiting.

Without hesitating, Ambrosius gives her the same explanation he gave Sindel while also introducing Azula, Morgan, and Scáthach, surprising her and Jade. They never expected to meet a god other than Raiden, much less one more powerful than the Elder Gods and from outside of their Universe.

"I see." comments Kitana while deep in thought. "And you want nothing else other than me on the throne and my mother as overseer?" asks Kitana, earning a nod from Ambroius. "Very well, it's not like I have a choice anyway." agrees the Kahn.

"Perfect, now all that is left is for your mother to eat this." says Morgan as a golden apple appears in her hand, her version of Hera's Apples of Immortality from the PJO Universe. "It will give her immortality and the potential to become a goddess."

"Edenians are already as close to immortal as possible. Why do I need the apple?" asks Sindel.

"To give you immortality, or at least a close second to it. You will not age, you will be almost impossible to kill, and should someone succeed you will simply respawn back in Asgard. It will also give you the potential to become a goddess." she explains.

"I see." says Sindel as she takes the offered fruit and proceeds to eat it before falling unconscious.

"Mother!" exclaims Kitana as she catches her mother's falling body.

"Do not worry, she is simply undergoing the necessary changes and will wake up in around a day or two." reassures Scáthach. With a nod, Kitana picks up her mother and makes her way out of the throne room in search of a bed to lay her on with Jade following her closely.

"Why do I get the sense that you three have done this before?" questions Ambrosius since as far as he knows the Apples were prototypes and had not been completed yet.

"Elia was the first, but don't worry we made sure that there would not be any unwanted or surprise side effects." reassures Azula before she turns to Mileena. "Now, might this young lady be?" she asks.

"Mileena at your service, aunty. Or is it mother?" replies Mileena as she taps her chin contemplatively.

"I think that I'm going to like her." says Azula with a grin that Mileena is happy to return, causing a chill to go down Ambrosius' back as he realises the type of influence Azula will have on Mileena.


AN: Here's the chapter and the end of the MK arc. As usual tell me what you guys think.

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