From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 142 - Arrival on the Isle of Man

Unknown Location

Unknown Time

The first thing that my attention is brought to, upon our materialization, is the stench. The alleyway that we currently find ourselves in is dark, however with my enhanced senses I can easily see as if it were daytime, and easily smell this alley's stench. Similar to our arrival in Bludhaven, this alley also smells heavily of sewage, feces, vomit, alcohol, and even s.e.m.e.n.

"Disgusting." comments Azula as she conjures a wind bubble around us that gets rid of the smell.

"Indeed." agrees Azula as she wrinkles her nose in disgust. "This is the second time that we find ourselves in this situation. I hope that this does not become a habit"

"Please." says Morgan with a roll of her eyes. "I would not put it past ROB to do this simply to get on our nerves, and considering the fact that we are during the time of the Great War, or during the Devil Civil War, then we must be sometime during the middle ages. Or even worse, the Dark Ages, meaning that this entire city might smell like this"

Having said her piece, Morgan proceeds to magically clean the alley with a wave of her hand.

"Interesting use of the cleaning spells from the Fairy Tail world." I comment with an appreciative nod. Truly it is an interesting use of those spells considering the fact that the most they should be able to clean are household messes. Meaning that she either overpowered the spell with a massive amount of magical energy, which is not her style at all, or she modified it on the spot. Considering who she is, I'm willing to bet on the latter, even if she currently does not have access to the usual knowledge or powers that she receives as a goddess of magic.

"Now that we are no longer suffering from the smell,-" comments Scathach. "-I believe that it is best to plan our next steps."

"Our first priority should be to obtain information. Where are we? What year is it? Who is in charge of this land? etc..." I answer.

"I propose that we split up and meet up outside of the city in fifteen minutes." suggests Azula, earning nods of agreements from the rest of us before we collectively walk out of the alley and go our separate ways.

The streets are almost devoid of life except for the few people who seem to be rushing in order to go home. Oil lamps can be found on the sides of the street in order to light the cobblestone path. All in all it looks like your typical medieval fantasy street. Having gotten a feel for our location, I begin to make my walk away from the street before stopping next to the building that makes up one of the walls of the alleyways that we just came from. Looking at its sign, I cannot help but smile at my luck. The building is a tavern, one of the best places to receive information.

Changing my rune suit to that of a weary traveler and putting a small illusion on myself, I slowly open the worn out door and make my way in with the door's creak announcing my arrival.

Hearing the door, many of the building's occupants turn to look at me and only see a young man with dirty black hair and dull brown eyes, causing them to relax their postures before returning to their affairs. As I approach the bar, the bartender observes me carefully while wiping down the table. Interesting, not only are the people on edge but the bartender, a man who clearly has combat experience going by how his eyes rake over my body in order to find a weapon, seems to be even more on edge than normal. Sitting on a barstool, I observe him. A strong frame that can only be earned through battle, a weary gase of one who has seen too much, tense muscles ready to explode into action on command, and even a few weapons hidden on his person and around the bar, making it easy for him to be armed regardless of where in the bar he stands. Evidently these times are far more turbulent than normal. I can easily use this to my advantage.

"What a young man you be doing out this late at night, much less travelin on your own?" he asks me as he pours a drink into a mug before handing it to me.

"Village was attacked. Ah barely survived to get away." I reply with a perfect match to his accent before taking a gulp from my drink. With a face clear of any emotion other than grief, I force the horrible drink down my throat even as I interestingly watch the room fall into silence due to my words.

"Devils?" questions one man from behind as he stands up.

"Aye." I reply as I put my mug down and tighten my grip on the handle with grief and rage clear on my face. "They came from nowhere. Before I knew the village was burnin and people was dyin." I tell them, causing many of them to curse while the man who stood up earlier throws his cup in a fit of rage before sitting back down in his seat.

"How far away is yer village?" he asks me, his posture tenser than before.

" I don't know. Been traveling for days before reaching here." I tell him, making him relax a little, or at least return to his state of alertness before my arrival. Evidently we've arrived sometime during the Great War between Heaven, the Grigory, and Hell. Finishing my drink, I get up from my seat, return the discarded cup to the man before making them all forget about me while also getting knowledge of our location from them as I leave.

With the relevant information in my mind now I make my way to the town's exit where I find the others waiting for me already.

"Now that our slowpoke of our husband is here, we can begin to plan." jokes Azula and making me roll my eyes at her comment. Despite whatever she says, I am easily the fastest amongst us in terms of combat and travel speed. It is the aspect that I focus on the most when it comes to physical training.

"Let us walk. We can talk on the way." I reply as I walk out of the town with them following next to me, our pace being easily faster than any man or horse despite us simply walking.

"It seems that you already have a destination in mind." observes Scáthach.

"The Isle of Man. An island that lays in between England and Ireland. Considering the date, it should not have been influenced by any of the civilisations surrounding it, nor should it be a place of interest." I explain as we make our way to the nearest shore.

"Perfect. Once we land there we can set up a magical barrier around the island to not only make it hard to find, but also discourage anyone from approaching it." says Morgan.

"Then we present ourselves to the inhabitants in our forms as gods and turn it into a nation worthy of being called Edenia." suggests Azula.

"Is that wise?" questions Scáthach. "Would that not cause the inhabitants to clash with the New Edenians once you make them?" she elaborates.

"This is why one of the perks I chose gave me the Evil Pieces. I will study them and reverse engineer them to turn the inhabitants into New Edenians. And with the Brave Saint pieces from the angels we look at both creations to make an even better one." I explain.

"Perhaps we can even see about giving them the same advantages of the devils and the angels with none of the weaknesses." mutters Morgan as she thinks of the impressive piece of magic that could accomplish such a feat.

"Look at her, she's practically drooling." says Azula with a laugh. "The two of you are such magic geeks." she says, causing us all to look at her with raised eyebrows. She has no place to talk, while not as obsessed with her field of magic as the rest of us, Azula can easily be called a geek when it comes to charms and illusionary types of magic.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks, causing us to simultaneously shake our head in perfect sync.

"Nothing." we tell her just as we reach our destination, a cliff connected to the sea.

"Do you all know where the Isle of Man is?" I ask them as my rune suit transforms into my Atlantean armor just as they all nod. "Perfect. The last one there has to do dishes with no powers for the next century!" I exclaim with a smirk on my face as I dive into the turbulent water while ignoring their cries of protest. The cliff is easily far too high for any regular mortal to survive, much less swim. And with the turbulent waves their corpse would easily be washed out into the sea. Despite this however I easily make it into the water with no trouble due to my Edenian heritage. While not exactly human, Edenians are close enough to humans for ROB to allow me to jump into DxD without turning me into a human. Once in the water, I activate the array in my vambraces that allows one to control water before forcing the water to push me towards my destination. The array is nothing special and can in fact be considered primitive since all it allows the user to do is push or pull water, nothing. Regardless, it serves its purpose well and is immensely useful for when my divinity is sealed. Just like now for example.

The trip to the Isle of Man takes me about a minute at the most and I cannot help but chuckle at the thought of the loser's facial expression.

"Is there something funny dear?" ask Azula as I come out of the water.

"Yes, the loser's facial expression." I reply with a smile.

"Is that so?" she asks me with a raised eyebrow, making me suspicious. Before I can answer, Morgan and Scáthach appear in front of me as if they were there the entire time with a smirk on their faces.

"What?" I stupidly ask with wide eyes and an open mouth before a camera appears in Scáthach's hands and she takes a picture.

"Such a wonderful picture. Don't you think so, beloved?" she asks with a smile as she shows me the picture of my dumb, yet still somehow handsome, face staring at them.

"I believe that you will now be doing the dishes with no powers." comments Morgan, making the others giggle, they actually giggled, at my predicament. One thing about the four of us that can be considered odd is that for all of our magical powers, we prefer to do mundane tasks like cooking and cleaning like regular mortals. We will sweep and even dust with no problem. However, one thing that we all despise is dishes. There's no meaningful reason as to why, other than we just do. As such, whenever there are dishes that need to be done they are always completed magically. We would use disposable ones, but Morgan uses them as part of the kitchen decorations. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/from-mortal-to-divinity_16739784805052505/arrival-on-the-isle-of-man_51058195757592590">/book/from-mortal-to-divinity_16739784805052505/arrival-on-the-isle-of-man_51058195757592590</a> for visiting.

"I want to know how you all did it. I can understand Azula since she has wings now and can even use her devil magic to teleport." I say as I dry myself.

"Azula was kind enough to teleport us to the island with her." answers Scáthach as she puts the camera away.

"Oh, well. You can't win them all." I answer with a sigh before straightening myself. "Now, let's get to work." I say as I release the first seal on my divinity while the others follow suit.

Without saying another word, we get to work. I begin by reaching out to the sea and create a mist that quickly surrounds the island before pushing it back twenty miles away from the island where Morgan and Azula take over by weaving a set of illusions and enchantments in the mist that makes the island almost impossible to find and even harder to reach.

As they do that, I will a thin layer of the ocean to rise and form a dome over the island and inscribe a set of protective arrays on the new dome that will make it so that nothing short of the top five will be able to damage it, much less penetrate it. Strong enough to stop almost anything, but weak enough so that New Edenia will not become complacent in its defenses.

While Morgan, Azula, and I were working on these two small projects, Scáthach had inscribed an array on the island's perimeter that will make the island draw magic from the nearest major layline and the air. This in turn will enrich the island and turn it into a magical hotspot, and with the dome also acting as a barrier to keep all that magical energy inside while also hiding it from the outside world, this will be a perfect place to train anyone in magic or to perform any sort of magic extensive ritual.

With everything done and connected to one another, the dome disappears from sight along with the mist, allowing anyone on the island to see outside while anyone on the outside will completely miss the island and in fact avoid.

"This should be good enough to serve as a foundation." says Morgan as she observes our work with a look of satisfaction on her face.

"Personally I think that it is too much." argues Scáthach. "These defenses are powerful to hold back anyone but the top five beings of this world. It will make them complacent." she explains.

"Please, if it were up to you there would be no defenses." says Azula.

"We will leave it like this for now. Should Scáthach be proven to be right, then we will lower them to a more reasonable level." I interrupt before Scáthach can answer. "For now let us meet the locals." I say as I switch to my divine armor and take to the sky with Azula, Scáthach, and Morgan switching to their own divine clothing and following a step behind me.


AN: Here's the chapter and the end of the MK arc. As usual tell me what you guys think. The first chapter of my Campione fic is currently in my ******* page one day before the chapter is published. The link is, (******* . com / servantambrosius), minus the spaces.

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