From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 153 - Malphas and Leviathan Captured


~490 AD

Gawain, son of Aidan and Aine, members of the first tribe and a barren couple until the Descent of The Four. When the couple first met The Four they hoped that one of them would be able to help them conceive, at least that was the case until they found out that none of The Four were gods of fertility or childbirth. Aine, the ever optimist suggested that they ask either way even if the answer is possibly no, however Aiden felt that doing so would be disrespectful since they have not done anything yet to earn such a favor. As such the couple spent the better part of twelve years trying and failing to conceive until Aine could no longer take it and began to pray.

At first she did not expect to receive any reply since The Four spent most of their time in their mortal forms, and only did so in order to help herself cope. After the first few months however she started to hope after seeing Queen Morgan observing her as if she were a puzzle. Eventually, the Queen approached her and offered her a solution, she would take hers and Aiden's blood and with it she would create a baby. While she could magically fix her and her husband, according to Queen Morgan it would be disrespectful to the future god/goddess of fertility and childbirth of the pantheon.

Excited, Aine agreed and promptly told Aidan. Together they followed the Queen's instructions and a few months later they had their baby boy on the day of the Festival of The Descent. On that very same day they named the boy Gawain after one of Lord Ambrosius' mortal incarnations and vowed that they would raise the boy to dedicate himself to The Four.

Like this the boy grew, hearing stories of The Four, of their journey from universe to universe, of their different mortal incarnations, and of The Descent. He learned that it was Queen Morgan who made his birth possible and due to the other three that life was so much easier. As such he grew up admiring them and looking for how to dedicate himself. It was then that his father told him about the warriors, and he immediately went to enlist.

During training it quickly became obvious that while there were quite a few geniuses among them, Aatrox, Ajax, Alexander, and Enyo to name a few, Gawain however, was an entirely different beast. He excelled in hand to hand combat, all forms of weaponry, tactics, and he had a terrifying willpower that allowed him to continue when most had given up. He was the first to awaken his touki, the first to win a battle against one of the Knights of the Round, and when they were turned into Edenians he was one of the first warriors not specialising in magic to show his prodigious talent, easily mastering storm magic and being the one of the few warriors to receive the Power of Destruction.

Unlike Aatrox and Alexander however, he did not resonate with any of the six imprints. But it seemed that Ambrosius had foreseen this since he provided Gawain with a lancer figurine with the imprint of a specific hero, a hero that should have never existed. Naturally there was a chance of him not resonating with the hero, and even if he did there was the chance of death should he fail the test. Despite the risks however Gawain was not deterred and proceeded to fuse with the lancer figurine, causing him to fall in a coma that lasted for months which resulted in him missing the first two official battles of Edenia. When he finally awoke, it was to the sound of battle and the summoning of two massive beasts, Kulshedra and a nine-headed hydra.

Without even making sure that he did not suffer any adverse effects from the Resonance, Gawain activates one of the Noble Phantasms he received from the heroic spirit, Primaevo Armis Maris: Gift of The Sea God, a red and silver armor that protects him from curses and any Anti-Divinity weapons/conceptual attacks. In a second Gawain is already outside and manipulating his Power of Destruction into a dense ball no bigger than a needle point at his fingertips. Before anyone can even notice his presence, he launches the balls at the hydra's heads in the form of ten beams that strike it in the chest and on its nine heads. Slowly, the hydra begins to disintegrate from its head down, drawing almost everyone's attention to him.

Not caring much for the attention and wanting to rid his home of the invaders, Gawain fires a thin beam of destruction from his pointer finger that zig zags around the battlefield, striking every devil in its way and killing the majority of them. Those who survive the beam however are too distracted by the pain of the attack to defend themselves and quickly die, leaving behind the only six devils who were able to defend themselves against the attack.

"Put down your weapons and turn yourselves in." orders Gawain as he floats closer to the battlefield.

"That power…" mumbles one of the devils loud enough for everyone to hear before he turns to Gawain, the dead body of an Edenian warrior held tightly in his hand by the throat. "Tell me boy, where did you come about this power?" he demands.

"You seem to misunderstand your situation, Calan. You are in no position to make demands or ask any questions." replies Gawain with narrowed eyes.

"How do you know me?" questions Calan Malphas, Head of House Malphas, one of the 72 Pillars that is renowned for their skill in all forms of combat. He wears black armor that appears to bleed from every crevice. Rivulets of red run all over the metal and drips silently to the floor. He has long orange hair, yellow eyes like a serpent, skin that is as red as the ooze on his armor, and large black, leather-like wings that flap behind him.

Rather than answer Gawain blasts him with five thin beams of destruction from his finger. Despite connecting however, the attack has no effect and seems to wash over the armor like water on a stone.

"Give up your futile attempt now, this armor was forged to survive Zekram Bael's Power of Destruction. Your poor imitation will have even less effect." informs Calan.

Ignoring Calan's words once again, Gawain turns to the Edenian warriors watching the exchange.

"Capture these remaining devils. I want them at Lord Ambrosius' feet by the time I'm done." he orders before turning back to Calan. "This shouldn't take too long." he mutters to himself as a thin crimson and black aura surrounds his body and he disappears from Calan's sight in a burst of speed.

Caught by surprise by his opponent's speed, Calan is unable to react properly when Gawain appears before him and launches him into the ocean with a punch that creates a shockwave felt even by the citizens. Following through on his advantage, Gawain follows Calan into the ocean where he increases the pressure enough to stop Calan's movement. Before he can reach the devil however, Calan frees himself with a burst of magical energy that pushes the water hundreds of feet away, creating a circle in the ocean devoid of any water. With a roar Calan launches himself at Gawain with a punch that connects with Gawain's incoming punch, creating a shockwave that pushes the water further away.

"Tell me Edenian, who is responsible for my son's torture?" questions Calan as he launches a series of attacks that Gawain easily deflects.

"Do you honestly expect me to tell you?" replies Gawain as he smashes a palm on Calan's solar plexus, followed by a knee to the face, a roundhouse kick to the knee, and an elbow to his right arm. Normally that assault would have resulted in a shattered knee and a broken arm, but Calan's armor easily protects him from such injuries.

With a pained scream Calan swings a punch towards Gawain's face, only for him to redirect the punch away from him with a palm before striking Calan on his shoulders, elbows, and knees. As Calan attempts to defend himself Gawain grabs him by the hair and proceeds to slam his face down on the dry ocean floor, cracking it and dazing his opponent. Before he can proceed to knock him out however, he senses an attack coming from his back. Taking flight, Gawain easily dodges the attack and turns to face his attacker, a woman with long black hair, brown skin of the same complexion as him and glowing violet eyes. It is clear from her state that she has just barely escaped dying in battle, her clothes are torn, she is missing her left arm while her right one hangs limply, and her left leg is twisted in an unnatural direction. In addition, her jaw is broken and Gawain can see that her ribcage has been completely shattered.

"Identify yourself." orders Gawain as he slams his fist on Calan's temple, knocking him out.

Rather than answer the woman stares at him with hate filled eyes before controlling the water around her to attack Gawain in the form of spikes. Not bothered by her assault, Gawain merely waves his hand and evaporates the water, causing the devil's glare to intensify.

Before she can attack him again however, strands of silver hair emerge from the ocean and wrap themselves around the woman's throat.

"No, no, no, nonononono!" panics the devil as she attempts to free herself. "Why are you still alive?! I drowned you!" exclaims the devil with fear in her eyes.

"I must say, turning yourself into a massive sea serpent to drown me was quite a clever move once you realised that you could not win." says the voice of a woman as she emerges from the sea. She stands one inch short of six feet tall, possesses pale skin, silver hair with the middle strands being black, violet eyes and a very beautiful face. She wears purple, silver, and black dress that highlights her beautiful and curvy figure, especially since it is wet, thigh-high black high heeled boots and dark purple lipstick on her full lips.

"Unfortunately for you, I can't drown." says the woman that Gawain speculates to be Queen Sindel based on the descriptions he's heard of her. With almost no effort Queen Sindel smashes her fist on the devil's head, knocking her out, before turning to Gawain. "It seems that you too are finished. Come, let us return to Edenia." she says before Gawain can say anything and proceeds to turn to fly back to the city.

Following two steps behind her, Gawain can't help but wonder when she arrived and how much has he missed since his Resonance. From what he can tell so far Edenia has only joined the war recently and the rest of Squad Alpha are off the island, most likely on standby for a mission. If he had to guess then he would say that the devils were baited into attacking Edenia. This attack is most likely the second one on Edenian soil after what was most likely a brutal retaliation by Edenia for the devil's first attack. As such, Squad Alpha is most likely in the Underworld awaiting the order to attack after these devils have been subdued.

"You seem to be in deep thought, did your Resonance not go well?" asks Sindel, interrupting Gawain's train of thought.

"It went well. I was able to pass the test, albeit barely." responds Gawain as they float closer to the city.

"Barely? I remember Ambrosius saying that it should be no problem for you." answers Sindel.

"No offense to Lord Ambrosius, but his standards for what should be normal are quite skewed. The life of his mortal incarnation as a son of Neptune was not easy at all." says Gawain.

"Did you experience it, his life as a son of Neptune?" wonders Sindel.

"I did. The test was for me to survive experiencing it without becoming broken mentally. I was lucky to have received training from him before taking the test." explains Gawain humbly, earning an appreciative and understanding nod from Sindel as they come within a few miles of the city.

Before their conversion can continue however a teleportation circle appears in front of them, causing them to stop while preparing themselves in case of another enemy. As the light of the teleportation circle fades, a devil emerges from it. He stands at six feet two inches tall, has silver hair, grey eyes and a handsome face. He wears a standard knight armor without the helm and with his devil wings out in full display.

"Hand over Satan Leviathan." orders the devil, earning a raised eyebrow from Sindel while Gawain merely glares at him. "You humans do not even possess the right to look upon her, much less touch her with your filthy hands." says the devil.

Before Sindel can answer, Ambrosius appears next to the devil with no warning, as if he was always there.

"Is that so." hums Ambrosius as he studies the devil. "And who decided that?" he questions with a raised eyebrow. "Was it you, Sallos Belial?" asks Ambrosius as he disappears from his previous position and reappears next to Sallos, startling him. "Did you get sent here by Lucifer?" he wonders as he stares into the devil's eyes. "No, Lucifer doesn't even know that his fellow Satan lost. You came here with them in secret just to observe and intervene in case your crush needs help." explains Ambrosius, startling a terrified Sallos with how knowledgeable he is. "How adorable, the devil has a crush on his master." he says before smacking the devil, knocking him out cold and throwing his limp body at Gawain. "Put them in the dungeon with the others." orders Ambrosius. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%!d(string=16739784805052505)/malphas-and-leviathan-captured_%!d(string=51507674554102229)">#%!d(string=16739784805052505)/malphas-and-leviathan-captured_%!d(string=51507674554102229)</a> for visiting.

"Yes my Lord." answers Gawain as he catches Sallos' body before flying away.

"I observed your battle, it seems that you're still limiting yourself to your hair and banshee scream." comments Ambrosius.

"I'm not used to the new abilities yet." admits Sindel.

"You'll get there." he replies with a reassuring smile as they fly back to the city side by side. "For now you can take a break. Azula and I will interrogate these devils and prepare for the next phase."


AN: Here's the chapter. As usual, tell me what you guys think.

Also the third chapter of my Campione fic is published. The name of it is The Godslaying Pharaoh. The third chapter is already available on my p a t r e o n The link is, (p a t r e o n . com / servantambrosius), minus the spaces. That story will be updated once a week and patrons will be able to read chapters a week in advance along with other ******* exclusive content such as the Authorities that I have come up with and are considering for the main character.

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