From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 158 - YHWH


The Seventh Heaven

~492 AD

Heaven, home of the Angels, God of the Bible, and the former home of the Fallen Angels. It resembles a place sitting above the clouds with a bright white ceiling high overhead. Guarded by a large gate with a white stone path leading up to it, it possesses stone buildings that appear to be floating along with white another stone path similar to the one that leads up to the gate.

Heaven is divided into seven regions, or "Heavens", with each region serving a different purpose and arranged by importance in increasing numerical order. The Seventh Heaven is the present location of the God of the Bible's system as well as the location where the God of the Bible resided within Heaven.

Currently within the Seventh Heaven, one can find the affromentied god sitting on his throne with his eyes closed and his eyebrows furrowed as if he were experiencing something unpleasant. After a few more minutes in this position, the God of Bible opens his eyes with a disappointed sigh. He had been attempting to peer into the home of the Edenians in search of information. The group is a wildcard that had joined the three way war between the Angels, Fallen, and Devils, and he would very much like to know more about them.

The world had first noticed the budding nation when massive amounts of magical energy began to be felt from their island. The majority of the world had not done more than observe them before the devils had invaded and the entire supernatural world watched as the devils were massacred with ease. Most had believed it to be due to the devils not sending their best and had not expected the Edenians to retaliate. Surprising the supernatural world once again, the Edenians had retaliated the same day by wiping out fifteen of the Pillars, a feat that was only found out about because many of the Pillar capitals had been bordering the Fallen territory of the Underworld. The Fallen Angels had not wasted any time finding out about what happened and spreading word throughout the world in a campaign to discredit the devils and make them seem weak. The campaign had been largely successful due to Edinia's following actions.

In an act that had not gained the nation any friends or allies, one of Edenia's queens had released a recording of the event as well as a recording of ten Pillar leaders in captivity, and one of Satan Leviathan in a dungeon. In addition to these pictures and recordings, they released a warning to all supernatural factions to tread carefully when it comes to humanity. Following that, they had closed their nation off to any form of magical surveillance, and any non-Edenian who entered the island was swiftly caught before being kicked back out.

Those events had caused an uproar in the supernatural community, but no one had been willing to try Edenia's strength, at least not with the fate of those fifteen Pillars still fresh in the mind. Most factions elected to simply watch Edenia from now on while others continue to try and obtain information about them, whether to ally themselves or to prepare for a potential enemy all depends on the faction.

For the God of the Bible the matter is a bit more simple yet complex at the same time. To him, Edenia can be what humanity needs, a faction of supernatural humans willing to protect them against those in the supernatural community that would do them harm. While he and his Angels are more than willing to protect than humanity, he feels that a human faction can understand best how to protect humanity as opposed to his Angels who are disconnected from the reality of what being human means.

The problem however comes in when he considers their views on non-humans are. It wouldn't do for them to be biased against other supernatural creatures. Which was why he was attempting to peer into their island to no avail.

"If you want to know something you should just ask." says a humored female voice, shaking him from his thoughts.

Turning his head, YHWH finds himself looking at a beautiful woman in her twenties and immediately recognises her as Morgan, one of Edenia's queens.

"How did you get in here?" he asks as he slightly nods his head towards her.

"Oh, how interesting. You don't seem surprised to see me at all." replies Morgan.

"Believe or not I am quite surprised. Not only to see someone manage to intrude here, but also to feel your aura. I did not expect you to be a goddess. Especially a seemingly independent goddess." he says.

"Oh I'm not as independent as you think." answers Morgan casually before looking around Seventh Heaven. "A bit bland don't you think." she says as she waves her hand to bring attention to the all white decor of Seventh Heaven.

"I think that it's quite fitting considering the location." answers the God of the Bible.

"Wow, you and my husband would get quite along should you decide to discuss decor." she says with a roll of her eyes. "If it were up to him the entirety of Heaven would be gold."

"Heaven?" asks YHWH with a raised eyebrow.

"Heaven, the paradise where our faithful followers go to be rewarded once they die. The name is a work in progress to be honest." she informs him.

"I see." comments the God thoughtfully. "Now tell me, why exactly are you here? I doubt that you came to discuss my poor choice in decor."

"Would you believe me if I said that I didn't come here with a plan?" asks Morgan as she tilts her head sideways. "I felt your attempt to peer into Edenia and I became curious, so I decided to meet you."

"Well, since you're here we may as well get acquainted." says YHWH as he waves his hand and a chair and table appear across from him. "Do you want anything to drink?" he asks as Morgan turns the seat into a throne before sitting down.

"That won't be necessary." says Morgan as pitcher of wine appears on the table along with two goblets. "Would you like some?" she asks as she pours herself a drink.

"No thank you." he answers, earning a shrug from Morgan as she takes a sip.

"Tell me, why exactly are you and your peers so intent on eavesdropping on my husband and his people?" she asks.

"Can you honestly blame us? You wiped out fifteen Pillars, captured ten other Pillar leaders, and captured Satan Leviathan before sending a warning to the entire supernatural community to tread carefully when it comes to humanity."

"Right. I do apologise for Azula, she tends to be a bit…overzealous when it comes to any form of conflict." says Morgan with a fond smile on her face.

"No need to apologise. I understand where she's coming from. Humanity is preyed on by the supernatural world far too often." he says.

"Interesting, my husband said that you would say that. He said something about you meaning well when it comes to humanity."

"He seems to know me, but I have no idea who he is." comments YHWH.

"Well he did read The Bible." jokes Morgan.

"So, why did you join the war?" asks YHWH.

"The devils attacked first." says Morgan with a shrug before taking another sip. "We just retaliated."

"While the devils did attack first, you already seemed to be preparing for a war." says YHWH.

"It's only prudent considering that our neighbors found themselves in the middle of a supernatural war. Any sane and competent leader would prepare just in case." explains Morgan.

"True, however you didn't need to send warnings out while claiming to be humanity's protectors."

"Originally we did not. However, we decided that it humanited needed a faction of its own to protect it from the supernaturals who would do them harm. Especially with the devils and devil worshippers killing, pillaging, and raping their way through villages. Not to mention the humans being turned into devils against their will by Lucifer and his band of idiotic devils." says Morgan.

"Were it up to me the devils would be completely wiped out and the Underworld would be used as a contingency safe haven for humanity." she adds.

"If it's not up to you then who is it up to?" asks YHWH.

"Our King of course. While the others and I may make important decisions, all final decisions are up to him, and per his orders we will not help the Edenians unless someone like Lucifer shows up on the battlefield." explains Morgan.

"And do you agree with that?" he asks.

"I understand his reasoning and do agree that it is sound, however I don't completely agree with his decision. But, he is our King and his orders are to be obeyed." says Morgan as she finishes her drink before materialising an envelope in her hand and giving it to YHWH.

"What is this?" asks YHWH as he looks at the envelope addressed to him.

"An offer from King Ambrosius. He knows me well enough to know that my curiosity would get the better of me; so he had me play messenger." says Morgan as she dismisses her wine and stands up. "It has been a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, God." she says with a quirk of her lips when calling him God.

"Yes it has." answers the God of the Bible before Morgan completely disappears from Seventh Heaven.

Looking down at the letter addressed to him YHWH can't help but ponder about the bizarre meeting he's just had with the Edenian goddess. Not only did she somehow enter Heaven, and not just any Heaven, but she had complete control of the entire conversation. He swears that at times it felt as if he were facing a being higher than himself, and that's not a claim that he makes lightly. Other than Trihexa, Infinity, and Great Red who eclipse him, the only other being in this world that comes close to him is Shiva, and none of the above listed have made him feel as if he were an inferior being. This must be what mortals feel whenever they are in his presence. The questions remain however, who is Morgan and how is she so powerful? Are her peers as powerful as her? If she's so powerful how much more powerful is her King? More importantly however, where do they come from and what are their intentions.

Removing those thoughts from his head, YHWH opens the envelope and pulls out the letter within. Reading it over the God of the Bible finds that the letter is an offer for an alliance for the sake of humanity's protection. An offer that is quite favorable for him and his Angels with the Edenians offering their help should any apocalyptic threat appear in exchange for the Edenian Empire being designated off limits to the church. While the offer seems to favor the Angels more by a wide margin, according to King Ambrosius the Angels have nothing that Edenia would need other being left alone by outsiders until they say otherwise.

All in all it's quite a good offer, one he would be willing to accept after a few more attempts of research into the Edenians and a meeting with his archangels.


AN: Alright, I'm back. I took a break from this story for a few reasons. The first is because I tried to do something different with this arc but it wasn't going how I wanted it to and most of you guys didn't like it, so I'll be going back to my old format. The second reason is because I wanted to work on my original story. So far I have most of the planning done and just need to do the writing. So follow me on instagram at servant_ambrosius if you're interested; I haven't posted in a while but I'll be trying to post regularly from now on.

As usual tell me what you guys think of the chapter and don't forget to read my new fanfic The Godslaying Pharaoh. And if you can please support my pat re on (pat re on .com / servant_ambrosius)

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