From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 25 - World Changing Conversations

After dinner Azula took Mai and Ty Lee and dragged them to her room for a private talk.

Ty Lee, who had never seen Azula act this way put herself into a handstand while she excitedly asks "So what did you want to talk about Azula. Is it some super secret part of the mission that you didn't want to tell the others? Oh, maybe it's a secret task you can only trust us with. Or maybe it's---

Azula, not too keen on letting Ty Lee prattle on, interrupts in a hurry "Ty Lee. Maybe if you let me talk you'd find out what it is."

"Oops. Sorry Azula." apologizes Ty Lee.

With a sigh Azula moves to lean on the wall across from Mai who sits on the bed.

"It's fine. I just need some advice." says Azula.

"Ok. So spill. What's so important that you didn't even want your trusted bodyguard to know." says Mai in her usual monotone voice.

"Well, I've been having these weird reactions whenever I'm in close proximity to Kagutsuchi." says Azula.

"Oooh, like butterflies in your stomach, you're distracted when he's around, and when he's not around you think about him. Righ?!" exclaims Ty Lee as she flips back onto her feet and closely approaches Azula's face.

Azula leans back a bit and slowly answers "Yeees. How did you know?"

"Well when there's purple and some pink in your aura" replies Ty Lee as she once again reverts back to a handstand.

Azula looks at her skeptically and turns to look at Mai who is now vividly paying attention.

"Now that I think about it, you seem to prefer being near him when we're together in a room and have a tendency to sneak him glances, especially when you do something impressive." says Mai.

Azula once again can't help but look at her friend skeptically.

"You love him silly!" excitedly says Ty Lee.

"Love?" questions Azula, not fully understanding the concept.

"Well yes." says Ty Lee.

After looking at Azula and seeing that she doesn't understand, Ty Lee returns to her feet and decides to explain.

"Well yes. When you're so attracted to someone that you would do anything for them even die." says Ty Lee.

Now Azula's confusion increases, and it shows in her face while she asks "I would most certainly kill for him. But why would I want to die for him? If anything was truly a threat to us we could simply team up and easily take care of the problem. Between our cunning and martial prowess nothing would stand in our way."

By the end of her statement, Azula is completely grinning. Mai and Ty Lee can't help but look at their friend and sigh.

"Ty Lee's point still stands. You're extremely attracted to him, even if it's not love yet, you're well on your way to falling in love with him." says Mai

"I see" says Azula as she crosses her arms and furrows her eyebrows in thought.

After a few seconds she looks at Mai and asks "Do you think that he would accept me if I were to make him my consort when I become Fire Lady."

"He definitely will!" exclaims Ty Lee as she does a split on the floor.

Mai nods and replies "I think so. He seems to react the same way around you. Are you going to ask him or demand?"

Azula tilts her head and asks "What do you mean? Why does it matter if I ask or demand if he feels the same way?"

Mai once again sighs and replies in her usual monotone voice "Just ask. I don't think I can explain it to you in a way that you would both understand what I mean and care. It's just better if you ask him."

Azula thinks about it for a few seconds before she nods her head just as someone knocks on the door.

"Enter" commands Azula.

A soldier enters and salutes before saying "Captain Kagutsuchi wants me to inform you that the prisoners are awake Princess."


They arrive in the throne room to see Kagutsuchi and Zukko standing in front of a kneeling Katara and Sokka respectively with their right hands a few inches away from the captured while lightning sparked around it. The avatar himself is also kneeling on the ground while facing the throne, with his hands tied behind his back.

Azula makes her way to the throne and sits, while Mai and Ty Lee stand on her right and left.

"There's no need for that you two. He won't try anything. Even if he did I made sure that the doors are locked. They're stuck with us now." says Azula

Hearing her, Kagutsuchi and Zuko retreat to stand guard on the stairs of the dais, prompting the two water tribe members to release sighs of relief.

"Now that this is taken care of, we can finally speak like civilized people." says Azula

"Civilized?! You have us completely tied up." exclaims Sokka

"Of course. You three have a reputation of running at the first sign of trouble. I can't really have a conversation with you if you run away now, can I." replies Azula. Her tone condescending and spoken as if it's the most obvious thing ever.

"Whatever you want you won't get it. Aa---

Her words are interrupted by a small bolt of lightning that knocks her out. All heads turn to look at Kagutsuchi who just shrugs and says "Her input for this conversation would have been more of a hindrance than actually being useful."

"What do you want from us?" demands Aang.

Azula crosses her legs and rests her chin on her right hand before she answers "I want you to defeat my father, the Fire Lord."

"What? Why would you side with us against your father?" asks Sokka.

"Simple. My father is an abusive psychopath who wants to completely burn the Earth Kingdom to ashes." answers Azula.

Aang and Sokka look at the group skeptically as if expecting them to deliver a punchline anytime soon. Seeing none coming, their eyes widen as they realize the severity of the situation.

"He can't do that?!" exclaims Aang

"Of course he can. All he needs to do is wait for Sozin's comet that's schedule to come this summer, and reenact the airbending genocide. He doesn't care about anything. Not the Fire Nation, not his people, and not even his children. I mean…" Azula points at Zuko before continuing "... he burnt his eldest son in the face because Zuzu disagreed with the strategy of sending new soldiers to suicide missions."

By the end of her speech Aang and Sokka are as pale as they can possibly be, and are trembling from fear.

"Why? Why would he want to do such a thing?" whispers a horrified Aang.

Sokka meanwhile can't help but stare at a scowling Zuko while whispering in horror "His own son"

"He only cares about power. His full plan is to use Sozin's comet to burn down the Earth Kingdom to ashes then, using his now surplus of forces, conquer the water tribes and rule the world as the Phoenix King." replies Azula.

Aang turns to face her and asks "Why do you care? Wouldn't that just make you the princess of the entire world?"

Azula's face saddens, her eyes moisten a bit, and she replies in a somewhat shaky voice "I don't care about the war. I'll even have the Fire Nation stop the war when I take over. I just want my father stopped. Especially after what he did to Zuzu and I. Besides, other than my father and a few generals loyal to him, no one in the Fire Nation wants to continue this war, but no one is powerful enough to stop him. That's why we need the avatar. "

By the end of her statement, Aang looks very apologetic about his crass words and promptly apologizes.

"Ok. We'll help you. But I only know airbending and waterbending. I need a firebending teacher and an earthbending teacher." says Aang

Azula smiles brightly and proceeds to speak in a cheerful tone reminiscent of Ty Lee "That's great. Thank you so much. Our uncle will teach you firebending. He's the best firebending teacher you'll ever find. You won't regret it."

Sokka excitedly stands up and says "Great now how about you undo these bindings. It's really uncomfortable."

"Kagutsuchi, be a dear and untie them." orders Azula.

With a nod he unties them, while Azula gets up and says "I'll have a guard show you to your rooms for the night. Tomorrow morning we'll plan."


"What did you want to talk about?" asks Kagutsuchi as he enters Azula's room. She's leaning on the wall next to her bed with her arms crossed.

Azula takes a deep breath to steel her nerves and speaks in a commanding voice "When we take down my father, I will step in as the new Fire Lord. Eventually I will need a consort to sire heirs. The only person I admire enough, trust to take the position and not attempt to backstab me is you. You're also the only person that I am even remotely attracted to and is worthy to have the position. So, will you be my consort?"

Kagutsuchi looks at her for a second before smirking and asking in a joking manner "Are you asking me to marry you?"

"Yes" replies Azula.

Seeing that she isn't joking Kagutsuchi sighs, takes a seat on her bed and taps the spot to his right.

"Sit" he says. "I was hoping to talk to you anyway. Might as well do it now."

Azula sits next to him and turns to face him.

"I'm not originally from this world, nor is this really my first life. Well I can't really call them lives since I only died once" rambles Kagutsuchi.

"What are you talking about?" questions Azula.

He sighs and says "I'm going to talk and you're going to only ask questions after I'm done talking."

She nods and tells him to talk, and he does. He tells her that he lived a previous life and died at the age of seventeen in an attempted robbery gone wrong. Once he died, a Random Omnipotent Being, which is a being of unlimited power, offered him a chance to live once again in exchange for entertaining the ROB with his new life. He had to pick a world, with only gaining the basic knowledge of said world, create himself a background, experience said background and take part in the major events of that world based on what time period he lives in. Once done with the major events ROB removes him from that world and makes him pick a new world to repeat the process. It sounds far fetched, but after witnessing his biotics she believes him.

As Azula sits there, she imagines living a life like that. Constantly experiencing new things, meeting other formidable warriors and majorly impacting the history of many worlds. The more she thinks about it the more she begins to like it.

She stands up, faces him and says "Very well, I will accompany you."

Kagutsuchi dumbfoundedly stares at her and asks "What? What about being the Fire Lord? Isn't that what you've always wanted?"

She scoffs and answers "What is a mere Fire Lord position compared pitting myself against other formidable warriors and showing them my superiority, impacting major events in multiple worlds, and only becoming more powerful in the process. Besides I need to make sure that you don't get yourself killed."

She stands and raises her hands, while lightning sparks around them, and says "Imagine it, the two of us would be unstoppable. None would stand in our way, and if they do we will simply turn them to ashes."

With a chuckle Kagutsuchi replies "Of course princess."

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