From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 28 - The Day of Black Sun

The weeks following Azula's takeover of Ba Sing Se, and awaiting the arrival of the avatar, the group split off to do their own things. Azula and Kagutsuchi spent the time between sparring and consolidating her hold over the Dai Li while also strengthening their power over Ba Sing Se. While the council of five is the major party that controls the city, it is possible to replace them. Therefore, Azula had the Dai Li "persuade" the major candidates for replacement should such a situation occur. During their spars, Azula finally reached a skill level that almost equals Kagutsuchi, unfortunately for her Kagutsuchi's flames still burn hotter than hers.

Meanwhile Zuko and Mai have taken to spending time together, to the point that even Azula can tell that it's only a matter of time before they make their relationship official. Ty Lee on the other hand spent the time alternating between hanging out with her friends and exploring Ba Sing Se.

Just like that two months go by and Azula awaits the arrival of Aang's group.

It is during a particularly warm day that Aang's group arrive at the mansion where Azula's group resides in the upper ring.

One of the servants, having been notified to expect them, leads the group to an open courtyard where Azula's group is currently holding what seems to be a free for all spar.

The spar itself looks like complete chaos, with flames and thrown weapons flying around. Sometimes members will team up with one another against a single member, and other times they'll turn on each other. Most frequently however, Mai, Zuko, and Ty Lee will team up with each other to deal with the terrifying duo of Azula and Kagutsuchi.

While it looks like the trio are doing well against the duo, Iroh himself can easily tell that Mai, Zuko, and Ty Lee are barely holding on by the skin of their teeth. Eventually Zuko is hit by a flaming roundhouse to the rib, disrupting him and leaving an opening in his group's offensive for Azula and Kagutsuchi to mount a counterattack, taking them out of the spar.

Turning to face Azula, Kagutsuchi says "I'd love to take the time to beat you again princess, but our guests have arrived."

"Using our guest's arrival to shield you from your upcoming humiliation captain?" replies Azula

Mai, who is sitting with her back leaning on Zuko's chest, groans and says "Get a room already. I can feel the tension all the way from here."

"Oh?" says Azula, as she quirks an eyebrow and looks at Mai.

"Are you sure that it isn't the s.e.x.u.a.l tension between you and my brother that you're referring to?" Azula says.

Mai can't help but blush while Zuko awkwardly looks to the sky.

"Hmm, Azula is right" says Kagutsuchi. "You two haven't been able to stop staring into each other's eyes"

"And don't forget the uncomfortable silences between you when one of you says something that's supposed to be romantic." continues Azula

Kagutsuchi places his hand on his chest and says in his most convincing Zuko impersonation "Mai your eyes are such a beautiful tawny color, I could stare at them forever."

Azula daintily sweeps a piece of her hair behind her ear and makes a bashful expression while saying in her best imitation of a lovestruck Mai "Really? You think so? I thought that they were dull."

Kagutsuchi makes an affronted expression before he once again imitates Zuko's voice and says "Of course not. They're beautiful and anyone who says otherwise is a liar."

Ty Lee and team avatar, no longer being able to stop themselves, erupt in a boisterous bout of laughter. Mai, whose face is now as red as a tomato, promptly hides her face in Zuko's chest while Zuko himself hides behind his hands.

Iroh attempts to be the responsible a.d.u.l.t and orders the duo to stop. The order unfortunately never makes it past his mouth, as he's too busy laughing at the expense of his nephew.

Eventually the group recovers and makes their way to the living room.

As the group sits down in various areas around the couch, Azula can't help but notice a new member in team avatar's group. The girl is about Aang's age and the shortest person in the room. Unlike girls her age, her body is well built for battle and she's completely barefoot. Her most eye catching features however are her blank eyes, indicating blindness.

Her question however is voiced by Ty Lee who excitedly makes her way to the girl.

"Ooooh, you're a new member of team avatar. What's your name?" she asks

The girl visibly recoils from Ty Lee's overabundance of excitement and says "Lady, have you ever heard of personal space?"

Ty Lee sheepishly steps back and says "Sorry. I get excited when I meet new people."

"Her name is Toph, and she's Aang's earthbending master." answers Katara.

Azula nods and turns to Aang and asks "I presume that you mastered the rest of the elements?"

He nods and answers "Yup the trip was really successful. I even mastered the avatar state."

"We also have a plan to take down the Fire Lord" chimes in Sokka.

"Do tell" replies Azula

"The Day of Black Sun." says Katara

"The day of what?" questions Zuko

"The Day of Black Sun is a day where the moon completely blocks out the sun, it makes firebending completely useless." explains Sokka

Hearing this Azula's eyes unnoticeably narrows as she asks "How long does this last?"

"About seven minutes" replies Sokka

Azula nods before turning to Aang and saying "You do know that by the time you reach the throne room the event will be over and the Fire Lord will be able to firebend again?"

Aang nods and answers "I know. But it's the perfect time to get in the capital since the majority of the army will be powerless."

Azula raises an eyebrow and decides against correcting him. He doesn't need to know that the majority of the army situated to defend the Fire Nation is made up of tanks and other machines.

Her musing is interrupted by Sokka who says "It's also the perfect day to mount up an all out offense and make the Fire Nation army."

With an incredulous expression on her face Azula asks "Why would you need to? As soon as I'm Fire Lord I'll have them retreat. Attacking them during that day will only increase casualties in an already bloody war. Especially since the Earth Kingdom army will have no qualms about killing every Fire Nation citizen for revenge."

Aang, who had been on the verge of arguing for the sake of mounting an all out offense, can't help but think about what Azula says and agrees. The Earth Kingdom has been stuck in this war for a century and is likely feeling resentful toward the Fire Nation. As an air nomad and the avatar, Aang feels that it's his responsibility to take the path that leads to the least amount of lives taken.

"You'll also have to give the colonies back to the Earth Kingdom." says Katara

Azula simply shakes her head and says "It's not that simple. There are Fire Nation citizens living there and if I give the colonies back they'll have nowhere to go. The Fire Nation has no room to house that many people, and the Earth Kingdom certainly won't want any of them."

Katara incredulously looks at Azula and says " That can't be true. You're just saying that because you don't want the Fire Nation to lose the colonies."

Before Azula can retort, Iroh answers with a sigh "Unfortunately, Azula is telling the truth. When the Fire Nation took the colonies, many citizens decided to move there to start new lives for themselves. Since they had the room to grow, their population has grown extensively. Too much for the Fire Nation to safely take in without destroying the economy."

"We'll just have to decide how to handle them with the help of the Earth Kingdom once the war is over." says Zuko

"Speaking of ending the war, Zuko is going to have to kill you" says Azula.

Immediately after she says that Katara stands and throws ice spikes at her. The spikes barely make it within arms length of her before they melt and splash onto the floor.

Before Katara can follow up on her attack Toph breaks out into laughter as she says "I can't believe you fell for that. She didn't mean literally."

Katara looks around the room and notices that no one else is attacking. While Aang and Sokka are certainly on edge and ready for a fight, they didn't actively attack anybody.

Azula merely raises an eyebrow and says "While I know that you don't trust me, that is an extreme reaction to have. Regardless of whether you trust me or not, I wasn't being literal."

Katara follows Sokka and Aang as they slowly sit back down.

"What I meant is that, we need to fake your death and give Zuko the credit so that dear old dad doesn't kick up a fuss about him coming home. Besides it'll also help you infiltrate the capital when the time comes. Just wear a disguise and you'll be fine. Especially since uncle wouldn't mind helping you sneak in."

"Great" says Sokka. "In two months we'll infiltrate the capital and end this war."

Katara who has been looking at Azula in askance can't help but ask "What are you going to be doing in the meantime."

"Naturally I'll be reducing father's political power to smoothen out my take over of the throne." replies Azula.


It's about a month and a week later that Zuko and Azula find themselves kneeling seiza in front of their father in the throne room.

"I am proud of two of you. Azula for having crippled the government of Ba Sing Se and giving our forces on the front lines time to plan on how to invade the city. And Zuko you have accomplished something not even Sozin himself could. You slayed the avatar. So it is with great pride that I say, welcome home my son." exclaims Ozai

"Thank you father" replies Zuko

"Good. Now you must be tired from your travels, you may go rest. We'll speak further at a later time." dismisses Ozai

Without saying a word, the two bow before exiting the throne room.

Once outside Azula taps Zuko on the arm and says "Follow me. We need to talk"

They make it to Azula's room where she quickly opens the door and walks in with a confused Zuko following her.

"What did you want to talk about that we need to do it in the secrecy of your room?" asks Zuko

"I want you to take the throne." abruptly says Azula.

Baffled, Zuko can barely open his mouth to ask "What? Didn't you always want the throne? Isn't that why you did everything you've done up to now?"

"Originally yes. However after some thinking I've decided that I would prefer to just travel rather being stuck dealing with all the politics that comes with the crown. I especially don't want to deal with the nobles. I'd sooner burn them alive than cater to them." replies Azula

Zuko looks at Azula for a while before he asks "What brought this on?"

"Traveling of course. After experiencing a journey on the road I find myself preferring it over life in court." answers Azula.

Zuko raises an eyebrow and reiterates "Seriously Azula, what brought this on"

Azula sighs before she answers "Fine you've caught me. After experiencing battles, I find that I like the feeling of testing myself against powerful warriors and seek to do just that."

Zuko rubs his face and exasperatedly answers "Azula I don't think that you'll find a warrior to match you that isn't Kagutsuchi, Aang or uncle Iroh."

Azula simply shrugs and says "You never know. So what do you say?

"Is that why you've had me following you around while you send Kagutsuchi to do the grunt work? Because honestly, we've never been close enough for you to not make me do grunt work." says Zuko

"Yes, because you needed to see how a leader should work. Besides you'll have uncle Iroh to guide you" replies Azula

After a minute of contemplation Zuko agrees.


The Day of Black Sun came quickly for Azula and Kagutsuchi who were busy preparing for the day and finishing up their affairs.

Kagutsuchi spent the time using his connections in the army to have them leave an opening in the capital's defence and making sure that they know not to interfere with what happens on the Day of Black Sun no matter what. He also spent the time invading the houses of nobles and "persuading" them to back Zuko's upcoming claim to the throne. From blackmail, to bribery, he used everything in his arsenal to get them to agree. When he wasn't committing what could be considered treason, Kagutsuchi spent the time alongside Azula teaching Zuko whatever he knows about politics.

Azula meanwhile spent the time with her friends and her brother. It was a weird experience for her, just spending time with them idly. It was during those days that she finally understood what everything always goes on about love being a beautiful thing. During those idle days she was able to notice that her friends care about her for being her. They weren't afraid of her, nor were they treating her like the princess of the Fire Nation. It was a weird, but at the same time nice experience.

Eventually the day arrived.

It started as a normal day, until the eclipse began and a fully grown sky bison flew over the capital and landed in front of the royal palace.

Kagutsuchi, who has been waiting for their arrival by the front gates, looks on as Aang and the others jump down from the sky bison wearing the same clothes they wore in the final season. Turning his eyes to the sky bison, he can't help but feel a little pissed off. All his preparations to create holes in the capital's defense, and they didn't even use a single one. His efforts are completely wasted as they decided to fly in with the subtlety of a bull is a china shop.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Kagutsuchi watches as Aang screams while amplifying his words with airbending.


Aang's words cause an uproar in the palace as every soldier situated within rushes outside to defend it.

Naturally the soldiers, who can't firebend currently, are completely defeated by Aang who simply blows them to the wall, knocking them out.

Kagutsuchi, who remembers specifically telling the soldiers not to do anything, can feel his left eyebrow twitch as he watches them get knocked out.

Eventually, a fully armored Ozai walks out of the palace followed by Zuko, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee.

Looking up at the sky Kagutsuchi notices that only about twenty seconds of the eclipse is left.

Turning his eyes back to the spectacle happening, Kagutsuchi sees Ozai stop about ten feet away from Aang while the others stand farther away at his back.

Ozai looks Aang up and down, notices the tattoos and laughs "What are you supposed to be boy? The avatar? Please, my son personally killed him."

"Clearly he didn't do a good job" replies Aang as he earthbends a pillar next to him and waterbends water from a pouch tied around his torso.

Ozai immediately stops laughing and turns towards Zuko.

"You miserable failure!" he snarls.

"I made a mistake when I let you live, NO MORE!"

Taking a step towards Zuko, Ozai's arms make a circular motion as he generates lightning and throws it at his son.

Unfortunately for Ozai, Iroh saw Azula practicing lightning generation one day on the boat and saw fit to teach the firebenders of the group how to redirect it. Ever since then, Azula, Zuko and Kagutsuchi have been throwing lightning at each other like it's going out of style.

Without thinking about what he's doing, Zuko steps forward and reaches out to the lightning with his index and middle finger pointed. Then he goes through the familiar motion of bringing it to his stomach and completely redirects it at a surprised Ozai.

Ozai's surprise costs him dearly, and he takes the bolt of lightning straight to the chest. His screams echo out through the air as his body convulses before falling to the floor dead.

The field falls silent as the gathered people process what just happened.

Eventually a lone soldier walks up to Zuko and bows while exclaiming "Hail Fire Lord Zuko!"

His screams prompt his fellow soldiers to follow suit as the shout

"Hail Fire Lord Zuko!"

"Hail Fire Lord Zuko!"

"Hail Fire Lord Zuko!"


It has been two weeks since the death of Ozai and the end of the war, and the day after the coronation ceremony.

Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee stand in front of the royal palace to say goodbye to Azula.

"Are you sure about this?" asks Zuko.

"Of course I am." replies Azula.

"Fine. Just don't get into too much trouble." replies Zuko

Before she can reply Ty Lee envelops her in a hug while saying "I'm gonna miss you. Don't forget to write, ok."

Awkwardly patting her back Azula replies "I'll miss you too."

After disengaging from Ty Lee, Azula turns to Mai while saying "Take care of the idiot for me"

"Of course" replies Mai.

Zuko meanwhile turns to Kagutsuchi and says "Don't let her do anything too dangerous ok."

Kagutsuchi scoffs and says "You're acting as if she won't go behind my back to do dangerous stuff."

Zuko merely shrugs and says "At least try."

Kagutsuchi simply replies "No promises. After all, I also have a tendency to get caught in dangerous situations."

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