From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 39 - Son of Neptune

Panting as he sprints through the woods, Percy can't help but lament on his misfortune. He woke up in the middle of these woods near a road with no recollection of his life so far, except for a single name, Annabeth.

He had made his way down the road where he encountered his attackers. Percy first saw her in a Bargain Mart store posing as a greeter. At first Percy thought that her name was "Beano" until he decoded a big green button that said, "Welcome! My name is Stheno." She appeared to be a dumpy old grandmother, but her hair is actually made of vipers. She also has bat wings on her back and tusks sticking out the corners of her mouth. She also carries around a big silver platter of free samples of Crispy Cheese 'n' Wieners.

Accompanying her was an old lady that looks exactly like her, except scarier and seemingly the dominant of the two.

At first he had attempted to ask them for help, until they had recognized him and immediately tried to kill him. He doesn't know how he managed, but he somehow knew how to fight before he died. With skills he didn't know that he had, Percy managed to kill the duo, only for them to immediately reform a few hours later and attack him again. He had retreated to the woods, hoping to lose them. Ever since then he's been running for his life.

"Percyyy, why don't you stop running darling and let auntie Stheno take care of you." says a sickeningly sweet voice from somewhere behind him.

Ignoring the voice, Percy continues to make his way through the woods in hopes of finding a safe haven. One thing he's learned these past two days is that they love ranting and monologuing. That's how he's learned that his name is Perseus Jackson, he killed somebody called Medusa, Stheno and Euryale want to kill him for killing Medusa who's their sister, and somebody called Mother Earth is making it so that monsters can't die. Also, he apparently has a brother that's going on a rampage in someplace called Tartarus.

Before Percy can lose himself in his thoughts, he comes upon a cliff and is forced to stop running, lest he fall to his death.

Percy turns around in hopes of changing directions, unfortunately Stheno and Euryale have caught up and are blocking his path. If he wants to go back he'll have to somehow get past them.

"Are you finally seeing reason, darling." says Euryale in her nauseatingly sweet voice.

"Or maybe he just wants these delicious Crispy Cheese 'n' Wieners!" cheers Stheno as she presents him bags of ch.i.p.s on a large grey platter.

"Stheno, the Bargain Mart was a front! You're far too engrossed into your role! Now, put down that ridiculous tray and help me kill this sea spawn." says Euryale through gritted.

Seeing the two distracted in their argument, Percy makes a judgement call and rushes Stheno. Once close enough he grabs the tray from her, bashes her head with it, then ducks under Euryale's lunge. Without a second thought he jumps off the cliff while using the tray as a sled.

Arriving at the bottom of the cliff, Percy looks for the best option to escape his the bottom of the cliff is a highway that runs into the mountain, turning into a tunnel. Next to the highway is another cliff that leads to the sea. Before he can make a decision however, a voice interrupts him.

"You could always turn to the sea." says the voice.

Turning to face the voice, Percy is met with an old hippie lady sitting on the side of the road. Looking the old lady over, Percy gets the feeling that it may be best to listen to her. Something in his gut is telling him to accept her request.

"What do you mean?" asks a puzzled Percy.

"You may call me June." says the lady. "And what I meant is that you can jump into the sea, live the rest of your life there in peace. Or you can carry me across the highway, and gain the chance to regain your memory. Also, you might want to hurry."

As soon as June finishes speaking, Percy hears Stheno screech as she jumps off the cliff. Making another judgement call, Percy lifts the old woman and begins to run across the highway.

"Where are we going?!" he asks.

"Next to the highway boy. There's another tunnel, it's only big enough for people to pass. Focus on the mountainside across the highway." replies June.

Listening to her instructions, Percy looks to the mountainside and squints his eyes. As soon as he focuses, the mountainside shimmers and is replaced by an entrance big enough for people instead of cars. Next to the tunnel are two people dressed in typical Roman armor, with military issued combat boots and pants instead of skirt and sandals.

"Good. You can see them." says June. "Those are members of the Legion, New Rome's army."

Making it across the highway, Percy quickly sprints towards the entrance, while desperately trying to ignore the sound of his enemies getting closer.

Once about ten yards away from the entrance, Percy sees one of the soldiers grab his bow from his shoulders. Before he can even say anything the person knocks an arrow and fires it at him, only to miss. Soon after however, Percy hears both of his pursuers scream in pain. Taking a glance backwards, Percy sees an arrow sticking out of both of the gorgons, and wonders how did he miss the soldier shooting a second arrow.

Before he can ponder anymore however, he's grabbed by the shirt by one of the soldiers and dragged towards the tunnel.

"Admire the view later, right now we need to get into camp." says a feminine voice.

"Get him inside Hazel. I have enough poison tipped arrows to hold them off, even if they can't die they'll be in too much pain to follow." says the soldier.

Hazel seems to hesitate for a second before nodding and leading them into the tunnel.

"Wait. Why are we going?! We can't just leave him by himself, he'll be killed!" exclaims Percy.

"Don't worry. Frank is just behind us. We need to get inside to call for reinforcements." replies Hazel just as they make it out of the tunnel.

Once his eyes adjust to light the first thing he sees is a big river that runs across from the tunnel's entrance. Looking past that, Percy can make out that on the other side is a big military camp obviously inspired by ancient Rome's military.

Following Hazel, Percy steps into the river, only to suddenly feel as if he plunged into an acid bath and is hit with a sudden feeling of vulnerability. Before he can comment on it he hears Frank screaming from behind him.

"Why are you two still here?! They're coming." exclaims Frank as he arrives next to Percy

As he finishes speaking, the two gorgons emerge from the tunnel with a screech.

Before they can do anything however, both are suddenly struck by the biggest bolt of lightning that Percy has ever seen, disintegrating them. His gut tells him that lightning shouldn't be this big.

As he ponders this, a voice speaks out from above him.

"Lady Juno, to what do I owe the pleasure." says a beautiful and alluring feminine voice.

Turning his gaze upwards, Percy is met with the most beautiful woman he's ever seen floating at least ten feet in the air.

Wearing nothing but black sneakers, jeans, and a purple shirt, Percy estimates that she's around five feet seven inches tall. Her skin is a natural tan, with midnight black hair flowing behind her, and golden eyes that seems to glow. Her face has high cheekbones and full lips, giving her aristocratic features and a majestic air, and it's easy to tell that her body is made of toned and defined muscles.

"Why my dear Azula, can't a mother visit her child at work." replies June, breaking Percy from his trance.

June gets off of Percy to stand in the river, and promptly turns into a seven feet tall goddess. Gone is the old hippy grandmother, now Juno stands at about seven feet tall, while her face is stern and stately. She is dressed in a blue dress with a cloak made of goatskin, which hangs over her shoulders, and her hand holds a staff with a white lotus flower on top.

"Jokes aside, I bring you a new demigod. Perseus Jackson, Son of Neptune." says Juno.

Hearing her words, Frank and Hazel's eyes widen while Azula merely raises an eyebrow.

"Oh? A son of Neptune you say?" replies Azula as she slowly descends from the air. "You wouldn't happen to be trying to replace our kidnapped praetor would you?"

"Ah" says Juno, as if she's just heard the funniest joke ever.

"Replace him?" she continues. "Let me ask you something my dear. Can a cat replace a tiger?"

"Of course not." replies with a scoff Azula.

"Then you have my answer." says Juno.

With a nod, Azula turns and studies him.

"He doesn't look like much." she says.

"You're doing it again. You're comparing every demigod by Ambrosius' standards." replies Juno.

"There is nothing wrong with those standards. After all, using those standards he was able to transform the Legion into the formidable force it is right now." says Azula.

"My dear, you're exaggerating the Legion has always been powerful. You merely added to your numbers." replies Juno.

"Exaggeration?" says Azula with a raised eyebrow. "How many armies can you name that can reduce an army of one thousand monsters by forty percent using guerrilla warfare, and decimate a force of five hundred monsters in Mount Othrys while only losing ten percent even though outnumbered."

"Fair enough. However, I'm sure that New Rome is not as broken up about it as you make it." replies Juno.

"The Senate elected to not demilitarize after the war. All of his wartime policies are still in effect, even the one stating that praetors have full power during wartime."

Hearing this, Juno frowns before shaking her head.

"Regardless, that is not my concern. I only came to lead the new demigod. You may count my words as his recommendation. Now I must leave before Jupiter gets jumpy." says Juno as she disappears in a flash of light, prompting the demigods to avert their eyes, and for Hazel to block Percy's.

Once the light disappears, Frank and Hazel turn to Azula and salute.

Now that he is no longer running for his life, Percy finally notices what his saviors look like.

Standing at about six feet three inches, Frank is very tall. He looks to be of Asian descent and can be considered handsome. He would be more handsome were it not for some of the baby fat on his face and the babyish brown eyes. He has close-cropped black hair cut into a military haircut. His frame is large and stocky, and with muscles can be made out from under his armor.

Hazel is of Louisiana Creole descent with shoulder-length, curly, cinnamon brown hair tied in a braid,and gold eyes. She stands at about five feet two inches with dark skin. Like the previous two demigods, Percy can make out well toned arms under her armor, suggesting that she may also have a toned or muscular build. All in all a very beautiful girl.

"Hazel, Frank, you know the procedure. I leave him in your hands." says Azula, breaking Percy from his train of thought.

Hazel and Frank salute and watch as Azula flies off.

"Wow, who was that?" asks Percy.

"Taken." replies Frank

"Not what I meant." says Percy.

"That was retired praetor Azula, child of Jupiter, crush of every male in camp, and idol of every female." replies Hazel.

"Not every male." whispers Frank under a cough.

Hazel merely ignores him and begins to lead them out of the river and into the camp.

"Go on without me." says Franks as he runs off towards a cabin. "I have to get someone to replace us in guarding the tunnel."

"You have high expectations to meet." says Hazel once Frank is out of sight.

"What?" asks Percy.

"You're a son of Neptune. The last one here is being hailed as the greatest general in Roman history, and the most powerful demigod to ever live." she answers.

"Why does everyone keep saying Neptune? Isn't it Poseidon?" says Percy.

He doesn't know why, but Poseidon just seems to be right.

"No. Why would it be Poseidon? That's what the Greeks use to call him." she replies with a raised eyebrow.

Percy merely shrugs

"So who's this Ambrose everyone keeps mentioning. Was he really that great?" he asks

"I wouldn't know. I came here a few months after he was kidnapped. But the stories around camp say that with him around Rome would never lose a war, and that even if he dies his reforms would still make Rome unbeatable. He even has a bunch of titles." replies Hazel.

"Titles?" says Percy.

"Ambrosius Malphas, Son of Neptune, Prince of the Sea, Sword of Rome, Praetor of the Twelfth, Slayer of the Carthaginian Serpent, Most Powerful Demigod to Ever Live, and One Man Army." she answers.

Before Percy can process and comment on it, they arrive at a cabin, where inside they are met with a group of people lounging around a wooden table.

Hazel salutes before speaking.

"We have a new probatio, personally recommended by Juno. He is Perseus Jackson, Son of Neptune" says Hazel.

Hearing Hazel's words, the room's occupants immediately sit up and scrutinize him.

"Are you sure?" asks one

"He doesn't look like much." says another one.

Percy can feel his left eyebrow twitch in annoyance, and knows that this will become a constant occurrence.

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