From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 42 - Epilogue

As the Doors of Death close, I make my way to the chains tied to it, and break them. As soon as I do, the doors emit a ding sound before they disappear. Just as the doors disappear, the world around greys out and stops.

"Well that was an interesting jump. Don't you think so?" says a voice I've come to recognize as ROB's.

Turning to face the voice, I'm met with his shadowy figure floating in the air.

"Perhaps. What I wish to know is why you paused the world. Whenever a jump is finished, you always pull me out right away." I answer.

"Well yes. Except this time things are different. You're in Tartarus, a place that's only supposed to be for the worse of the worse after they died. You basically skipped out on the entire Gigantomachy, and instead went to the Greek version of hell." he says.

"What's your point?" I ask.

"Well my boy, the point is simple. Why should I remove you from Tartarus when I have the opportunity to witness something that can be considered classical in Greek myths. An escape from the underworld, Tartarus in your case." he replies.

"The reason you won't remove me from the jump is because you want me to accomplish something that many heroes in Greek history have already accomplished?" I say with a raised eyebrow.

"You misunderstand." he says. "Your journey will be far more spectacular. You aren't escaping from Hades. No, my boy. You are escaping from Tartarus itself. Besides I added another twist."

With a frown I cross my arms and nod at him to continue.

"You see, I know that your next world is going to be the nasuverse. I know that you were planning to battle in a grail war. So I decided to send you at a very early time in the modern nasuverse history, The Ulster Cycle. Somewhere around this pit, I made a passage to the Irish version of the land of the dead, The Land of Shadows. Your job is to find it and travel through it because it's the only way out of Tartarus for you, I made sure of it." he explains.

That doesn't sound too bad. That does leave one question though.

"What about Azula?" I ask.

"She will be in the nasuverse also. You can meet her there before the fourth holy grail war. Think of it as an incentive to survive from The Ulster Cycle to modern day. Also, before you reach modern day you must convince one hero to become your companion. It's honestly boring watching you dodge drama just because you're smart and logical." he answers.

That sounds remarkably idiotic. What's stopping me from choosing an equally logical and smart person as a companion?

He must have read my mind, because the insufferable being just started laughing as if he's just heard a joke.

"Anyway, one more thing. When you arrive in The Land of Shadows, a character sheet for that jump will appear before you. Now excuse me, I have to deliver this delightful news to Azula" he says before disappearing in a flash of light as the world around me recovers.


The war against Gaea went far smoother than it did during canon to a few major changes. The first is the fact that The Argo II was put down a mile away from camp and no one was on it. Due to this, when the ship suddenly started flying and attacking camp, it was evident to the Romans that Gaea was trying to set them up against their Greek cousins. In retaliation, the Romans were far more happy to cooperate than before.

The second major change came as an extension of the first. Without the Romans hindering them, the seven were able to accomplish their task much easier.

Being more militarized than the Greeks, The Legion sent a majority of their cohorts alongside Azula to help Camp-Half Blood while Reyna, the first and second cohorts, and the Amazons stayed to defend New Rome.

With the help of the Romans, Camp Half-Blood was able to build fortifications to make defending the camp easier. By the time the seven returned with the Athena Parthenos, the enemy army had made no headway in their assault of the demigod camps. While the army against New Rome could not attack due to the defenses, the army that was assigned to Camp Half-Blood had no such problems. Unfortunately for them they ran into the storm that is Azula who thinned out their numbers to the point where the demigods outnumbered the monsters and suffered minimal casualties.

Eventually Gaea decided to reassign the army attacking New Rome to bolster the one assaulting Camp Half-Blood. They arrived after the seven alongside the gigantes.

Like in canon, Gaea was resurrected, unfortunately for her she was soon defeated by a coalition of Jupiter and Azula.

In the aftermath of the war, Azula was offered godhood but refused. She explained that until Ambrosius returns from Tartarus she will not accept and subsequently went missing and was never again seen. Everyone believes that she went to Tartarus to find him. As a reward for their services, they were deified by both Romans and Greeks as the most powerful demigods, protectors of New Rome and all demigods, and what all demigods should strive to be. Statues were built in New Rome, Olympus, and one in Atlantis for Ambrosius.

Meanwhile, the two camps united. The demigods also focused on coming up with terms for an alliance that both Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood can agree on, cleaning up, as well as giving the demigods that perished in the battle with Gaea a funeral. After a few days, the Romans returned to Camp Jupiter and all the demigods had plans for the future.


(Stats are translated to nasuverse parameters.)

Overall Build

Name: Ambrosius Malphas

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 5'8

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Gold

Looks: Ozymandias from Fate

Build: Medium

Body Type: Athlete

Stats (Without Enhancements)

Strength: E+

Endurance: E+

Agility: D+

Magic Circuits: 50

Luck: E

Metavore: Retain physically fit body no matter how much or what you eat as long as it's enough to keep from becoming malnourished

Cosmic Warehouse:

Belt O' Tools: Batman graciously seems to have loaned you a belt containing the tools that he'll be using for this adventure. This includes stuff like remotely applied explosives gel capable of bringing down walls (though never seems to kill when blown up near someone's feet), to a cryptographic sequencer able to track signals, hack terminals, and listen to live radio broadcasts. ...How did he know you'd be needing this stuff?

Animal Suit: A high tech set of body armor themed after an animal of your choice (DCAMU Damian Wayne Robin suit). The head piece contains advanced electronics equipment that scans the environment for information and clues relevant to the situation. It can pick up anything from gaseous alcohol molecules that'll lead you to a crooked guard, to traces of tobacco on the ground to lead you to a hostage. You may also import a set of armor you already own to gain these qualities.

Bat Wing: Hmm, seems like you've picked up one of Batman's spare vehicles. The Batwing is a supersonic aircraft faster than many jet fighters, possess advanced stealth systems that make it invisible to radar, and can be operated remotely, or operate autonomously.

Bat Cave: A series of platforms and bridges situated within a small cave. Contains a computer with immense analytical abilities, a landing platform for any aerial vehicles you have, and some workshops for working on gadgets and gizmos. After the jump this can either be attached to the warehouse, or will appear somewhere nearby.

Assistant VI: Top of the line assistant model Virtual Intelligence. Can be stored in an omni-tool and keep track of large amounts of data.

Weapon Locker: Cache of mid to high grade weapons of all types. Enough to outfit a battlelion.

Armor Locker: Cache of mid to high grade armor of all types. Enough to outfit a battlelion.

Conflict Minerals: Massive stash of various rare elements.

Fine Clothes: A very fine and ornate set of clothing. The equivalent of the finest you'd expect to get in your starting region.

Land Deed: A deed to an area of land close by in your chosen region. It will be accepted by all authorities as rightfully yours. This updates each jump but is generally not a particularly large plot of land elsewhere.

Dragonglass Cache: A black cloak with a few obsidian dagger, arrowheads, and spearheads.

Poison: A woman's weapon to be sure, but it can't be beaten for efficiency or for matters of subterfuge.You have a replenishing chest of poisons from around the known world. From vials of the Tears of Lys to Sweetsleep to crystals of the Stranger. There is bound to be one that suits your purpose.

Valyrian Steel Spear: An excellent weapon of your choice made from Valyrian steel. Light and exceptionally sharp. Serves as a symbol of status. Gives an impression of great strength and brings dread to your enemies. (It looks like Gungnir from Thor 2011 movie)


Custos - Black panther (can import for free)

Azula (must always import. In exchange can import for free)

Fate Legends: Land of Shadows

1000 cp

Origins: Lord - Fighting was in your blood but what was in your mind? The nature of a leader. You have the red blood of any Irish man but you sought to gather warriors beneath you and make a real mark on the land, instead of whiling away your days in the mess of conflict you seek to turn the land to your will entirely. You are a minor lord of the land, beholden to the king or queen of the part of Erin that you control, with numerous loyal men serving you. Legends are still to be made and you will progress nowhere by sitting satisfied with what little you have now.


Green Life (Free): The Age of Gods may be over but humanity is still far from what it becomes in the modern day. As a human in these times, you have abilities quite beyond the ordinary man of the later years. Your body is physically at the peak of human capability, even without training, and your magical potential sees you with around 50 magical circuits of a very high quality. Not quite enough that you'd outmatch most modern magus without effort but enough that you'd be a notable prodigy in those times. Now though? You're rather ordinary for a warrior or wizard, perhaps a little beyond the average.

Runelord (-600 cp): The most iconic of magics for this place it seems, though what you are taking hold of here isn't from Ireland at all. With the purchase of this, you have become a master of Rune Magic, which utilises magical energy drawn in set forms to create powerful spells. It takes more time to perform then many other kinds of magic but is exceptionally powerful. Of course, you know all the normal Norse runes and much of your spells come from combining them in different orders to create magic. But what makes you special is that you are aware of the Primordial Runes, the same ones that Odin himself used. Even just using two or three at once can accomplish things like rewriting a Servant's saint graph, grant sapience to mere animals, bring terrible monsters to life from nothing or harm even a divine spirit. Of course, you'll need a lot of energy to equal the sort of stuff someone like Odin might have done but you'll now find yourself overflowing with more than enough magical power to destroy a mountain or three. Maybe even crack a big island into itty bitty pieces with the right rune combination.

Lead The Way (Free): A lord that can't lead is about as useful as a bloodhound with no nose for blood. You don't break the mould here, since you're quite the outstanding leader of men yourself. You have quite a bit of talent and skill in ruling, both as a governor and through military command, given how closely the two are linked in these times. You also have a fair amount of combat skill, not the match of any experienced knight but more than enough to hold your own against the rank and file should things go sour. Your real talent is for bonding directly with your subjects, as you find it abnormally easy to befriend and gain the true loyalty of anyone under your command, either as a lord or as a commander.

Uisce Beatha (Free): Your hands have a special property, one of quite a great value to a warrior culture. Any liquid that you scoop up in your hands is granted great healing properties, able to heal any wound of the body or spirit in just seconds of contact, save for the greatest of cursed wounds. Your healing waters can be spread even on spiritual bodies to heal them and the liquids will cleanse away any poison or disease in the area it touches. The closer to pure water the liquid you hold is, the better the effect will be. Trying to use polluted river muck might only clean a few nasty scratches. You can also, should you have the need, prevent liquids you hold from gaining these properties.

Godslayer (-600 cp): The gods of this world seem to be mighty but only to those who do not realise the potential within their own forms. The gods are far from the invincible overlords they once came close to being and these days, are indeed just another mountain for a hero to conquer. You've been training yourself for this feat and have already slain many minor divine spirits, which has embedded a curious aspect of power in your spirit. Your actions have a far greater effect against any divine being, even just things that call themselves divine to a lesser extent, such that your blows that might normally only bruise or scratch will deliver actual wounds instead. You can easily sense the presence of any divine being or their servants within a vast area around yourself, enabling for the easy hunting of such arrogant creatures, and you possess an immense degree of resistance to their powers of Authority, allowing any divine being to use a tenth of their domain-based powers at most. Of course, you have prepared yourself as even with this, a god is no easy prey. While you do not have the skill or abilities that other perks earlier may give, you find yourself an incredibly accomplished combatant with an enormous variety of weapons. You won't fight any Gods of the Spear to a stand still but anything much less is easy hunting. Your raw physical and magical abilities are quite astonishing, only being a few steps below that of a proper demigod, though as yet you seem to lack any magical training.

Rune Suit (-200 cp): There's no reason to not show off as you fight, is there? Your enemies can appreciate a glance or two at you as you carve your way through them, especially with this suit stretched so tightly over your body. This bodysuit, made of a tough but terribly comfortable material, and with a few pieces of thicker armour on it to your liking, may not seem like great armour at first. Certainly, it'll inflame the passions of those that look at you but it is only the strange, softly glowing markings that can be seen when looking closely at the bodysuit that one finds the real power. This suit is engraved with countless runes, turning it from a piece of seeming fetish wear into a veritable walking fortress. A chariot smashing into you would not even be felt whilst even lower end magical spears will shatter on contact with you. Magical spells from those less than an expect will harmlessly wash over your body and even the threats of nature itself are largely calmed and left to not affect you, allowing you to walk through heavy storms without wavering or getting wet. Self-cleaning, self repairing and strangely, even able to shapeshift itself to fit any particular kind of clothing you'd like without losing effectiveness. A beach-wear bikini that still protects all the skin that appears to be exposed perhaps.


Scatty2Hatty (+100 cp): There's something to be said for attracting the eyes of the powerful to mentor you. But maybe just not someone quite this powerful. Scathach, the lady of the Land of Shadows, has seen you and decided you would be perfectly suited for what she's been searching for in a man for so long. Just not yet. She's decided you're going to be one of her students, like it or not, and emerged from her shadow fortress to train you by force. Learning from one of the greatest heroes of all time might be appealing but even for her brutal reputation, she really does seem to be trying to kill you. Throwing you against grand monsters with little preparation, spars with way too much force and way too sharp 'sparring weapons', magical lessons that feel a bit too close to magical duels. Has she just lost her patience waiting for you to get to your potential? At least she's teaching you. Survive and doubtless you'd be a great warrior yourself but...surviving might be the main issue here. Still, she might not be opposed to coming along with you if you can manage to survive her many lessons and satisfy whatever goal she had in mind for you. This cannot be taken with the Queen of Darkness Challenge.

Rage of a Divine Queen (+300): How temperamental can these ladies get? There's some crazy, minor deity queen out there that wants your guts served to her on a gold platter, fresh and still warm from the disemboweling. She's a real strong queen too, the sort that has the personal power and massive army needed to have a real chance at conquering the entire island. No idea why she's so focused on you though. Maybe you pissed her off in the past or you have something she wants? Killing her might be the most straightforward path, though accomplishing the task would be a feat worthy of legends on it's own, but perhaps if you could discover what is driving her to such a mad pursuit, you could make a friend and companion of her. (Aife)

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