From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 47 - Odin's Intervention

How long has it been? Minutes at the most, I think. It doesn't feel like it though. It hurts so much, what is happening to me? By the gods, this pain, what is this pain. I feel as if someone is tearing into my very soul. That screaming, is that me? Wait. Soul? Why is that---. That's right, the ritual. I need to focus on the ritual for the runes. What were they again? I believe it was ᚷ\ᚷᛞ/ᚱᚨᛊᛁ/ᛚᛚ ᚷ/ᚢᚾ/ᚷ/ᚾᛁᚱ ᛟ/ᛞᛁ. Right? No, I'm missing something. That's it! It's ᚷ\ᚷᛞ/ᚱᚨᛊᛁ/ᛚᛚ ᚷ/ᚢᚾ/ᚷ/ᚾᛁᚱ ᛟ/ᛞᛁᚾ.

The first one is Jera: ᛃ. The Rune of a year, the results of earlier efforts being realized, a time of peace, breaking through stagnancy, hopes of prosperity, the promise of success earned, life cycle, cyclical pattern of the universe and everything changing in its own time.

Then there is Gebo: ᚷ. The Rune of gifts, sacrifice, balance and all matters in relation to exchanges.

The third is Gebo Merkstave: \ᚷ. The Rune of greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice, obligation, toll and privation.

Dagaz: ᛞ The Rune of days, breakthrough, awakening, awareness, daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty, the power of change directed by my own will, transformation, growth and release and a balance point where opposites meet

Raidho Reversed: /ᚱ The Rune of crisis, rigidity, stasis, irrationality, delusion and possibly a death

Ansuz: ᚨ The Rune of Odin the ancestral god, revealing insight, signals, inspiration, enthusiasm, true vision, power of words and naming, blessings, the taking of advice, good health, harmony, truth and wisdom

Sowilo: ᛊ The Rune of the sun, success, goals achieved, honor, life-force, health, a time when power will be available to me for positive changes in my life, wholeness, power, elemental force and contact between the higher self and the unconscious

Isa: ᛁ The Rune of ice, a challenge, psychological blocks to thought or activity, a time to turn inward and seek clarity and reinforcing runes around it

Laguz Reversed: /ᛚ The Rune of a period of confusion in one's life, the possibility of making wrong decisions and poor judgements, lack of creativity, feelings of being in a rut, fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering, madness, obsession, despair and suicide

Laguz: ᛚ The Rune of water, flow, the healing power of renewal, life energy, organic growth, imagination, psychic matters, dreams, fantasies, mysteries, the unknown, the hidden, the deep, the underworld and success in travel or acquisition, but with the possibility of loss.

Gebo: ᚷ The Rune of gifts, sacrifice, balance and all matters in relation to exchanges

Uruz Reversed: /ᚢ The Rune of weakness, obsession, misdirected force, sickness and ignorance

Nauthiz: ᚾ The Rune of need, delays, restriction, resistance leading to strength, innovation, need-fire (self-reliance), distress, confusion, conflict and the power of will to overcome it, endurance, survival, determination, a time to exercise patience, recognition of one's fate, major self-initiated change and facing my fears

Gebo Merkstave: \ᚷ The Rune of greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice, obligation, toll and privation

Nauthiz Reversed: /ᚾ Constraint of freedom, distress, toil, drudgery, laxity. Necessity, extremity, want, deprivation, starvation, need, poverty, emotional hunger.

Isa: ᛁ The Rune of ice, a challenge, frustration, psychological blocks to thought or activity, times to turn inward and wait for what is to come, to seek clarity and reinforcing runes around it

Raidho: ᚱ The Rune of Travel in terms of lifestyle direction, a journey, evolution, seeing a larger perspective, seeing the right move for me to make and deciding upon it, personal rhythm, world rhythm and the dance of life

Othala: ᛟ The Rune of ancestral property, what is truly important to one, land of birth, spiritual heritage, aid in spiritual and physical journeys and source of safety

Dagaz Merkstave: /ᛞ The Rune of a completion, ending, limit, coming full circle, blindness and hopelessness

Isa: ᛁ The Rune of ice, a challenge, frustration, psychological blocks to thought or activity, times to turn inward and wait for what is to come, to seek clarity and reinforcing runes around it

The last one isNauthiz: ᚾ The Rune of need, delays, restriction, resistance leading to strength, innovation, need-fire (self-reliance), distress, confusion, conflict and the power of will to overcome it, endurance, survival, determination, a time to exercise patience, recognition of one's fate, major self-initiated change and facing my fears.

The array gains its power by recreating the event where Odin sacrificed himself to himself by hanging from the world tree Yggdrasil for nine days and nights, pierced by his own spear, in order to learn the wisdom that would give him power in the nine worlds.

"An interesting ritual you have there, little demigod." says a wizened, cold, stoic voice full of power.

Someone is here? That shouldn't be possible. Ferdiad and Setanta are guarding the path to this clearing. Even if someone were to manage getting by those two, Scathach would not have let anyone come close to me.

"And right you are. They are performing their task marvelously. However, I am no mere mortal. You may call me, Odin." replies the voice as it reads my mind.

Odin? That's not possible. Ragnarok happened a few hundred years ago.

"Correct. However, we gods are not completely gone yet. Especially not when you mortals still strongly believe, prolonging the time of our existence. I am not fully Odin, you may think of me as the last remnants of his will."

While that is fascinating, may I know why you have reached out to me?

"Such a powerful ritual. Such an interesting way to invoke my name and gain power. How could I not take interest? It leaves me to wonder who you are? Let us see what memories lay in your mind."

"Oh? Yes, it all makes sense now. Only a Roman of all people would take such risks for power. Isn't that right, Ambrosius Malphas, son of Neptune, and First Praetor of Rome. You somehow survived Tartarus and found yourself in the realm of Scathach, the only mortal to whom I have taught my runes. You have accepted this land as your new home, even becoming close to Scathach and seeing Setanta and Ferdiad as your own sons. Yet despite all of this you still see yourself as a Roman, a child of two Roman gods and the grandchild of another Roman god. In a way, the Roman gods live through you and your actions in the future."

You interrupted a ritual that may see me dead to psychoanalyze me?

"No need to worry. Nary a second has passed since we have begun to speak."

Very well. What is it that you want, Odin.

"Do not get cheeky with me boy. I may just be a remnant of my former self, but that does not mean that I cannot punish you for your insolence."

My apologies.

"They are accepted. Now as for why I am here, well I think I found myself the perfect legacy. Between your battle prowess, magic, and proud disposition, one who did not know better could call you a child of mine. And what a fine son you would have made. Better than that oaf Thor. 'Retreat id unforgivable' he says. All he does is attack and attack. Does the fool not know the value of strategising? I digress. Through you Asgard's legacy shall live. And what better way to do it than through the spear that resembles Gungnir."

What are you doing?

"Giving you a gift. What is the term you used to define wands and other items that function as such? Mystic Code, I believe. Yes, I am turning that spear into a mystic code."

"It is done. Remember boy, runes have the potential to be limitless, never listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. Before I leave you however, there is one more thing that I wish to do. Now open your mind and focus on every single rune you have ever learned." he says as the previous pain is increased ten fold.


How long has it been? Seven or eight days? No. Today is the final day. I can feel the ritual reach its crescendo. I must focus on the runes, Odin said. Every single rune that I know

Fehu: ᚠ (F: Domestic cattle, wealth.) Possessions won or earned, earned income, luck. Abundance, financial strength in the present or near future. Sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. Social success. Energy, foresight, fertility, creation/destruction (becoming). Fehu Reversed or Merkstave: Loss of personal property, esteem, or something that I put in effort to keep. It indicates some sort of failure. Greed, burnout, atrophy, discord. Cowardice, stupidity, dullness, poverty, slavery, bondage.

Uruz: ᚢ (U: Auroch, a wild ox.) Physical strength and speed, untamed potential. A time of great energy and health. Freedom, energy, action, courage, strength, tenacity, understanding, wisdom. Sudden or unexpected changes (usually for the better). S.e.xual desire, masculine potency. The shaping of power and pattern, formulation of the self. Uruz Reversed or Merkstave: Weakness, obsession, misdirected force, domination by others. Sickness, inconsistency, ignorance. L.u.s.t, brutality, rashness, callousness, violence.

Thurisaz: ᚦ (TH: Thorn or a Giant.) Reactive force, directed force of destruction and defense, conflict. Instinctual will, vital e.r.o.t.i.cism, regenerative catalyst. A tendency toward change. Catharsis, purging, cleansing fire. Male s.e.x.u.a.lity, fertilization. (Thorr, the Thunder god, was of Giant stock.)Thurisaz Reversed or Merkstave: Danger, defenselessness, compulsion, betrayal, dullness. Evil, malice, hatred, torment, spite, lies. A bad man or woman. ****?

Ansuz: ᚨ (A: The As, ancestral god, i.e. Odin.) A revealing message or insight, communication. Signals, inspiration, enthusiasm, speech, true vision, power of words and naming. Blessings, the taking of advice. Good health, harmony, truth, wisdom. Ansuz Reversed or Merkstave: Misunderstanding, delusion, manipulation by others, boredom. Vanity and grandiloquence. (Odin is a mighty, but duplicitous god. He always has his own agenda.)

Raidho: ᚱ (R: Wagon or chariot.) Travel, both in physical terms and those of lifestyle direction. A journey, vacation, relocation, evolution, change of place or setting. Seeing a larger perspective. Seeing the right move for me to make and deciding upon it. Personal rhythm, world rhythm, dance of life. Raidho Reversed or Merkstave: Crisis, rigidity, stasis, injustice, irrationality. Disruption, dislocation, demotion, delusion, possibly a death.

Kenaz: ᚲ (K: Beacon or torch.) Vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration, technical ability. Vital fire of life, harnessed power, fire of transformation and regeneration. Power to create my own reality, the power of light. Open to new strength, energy, and power now. Passion, s.e.x.u.a.l love. Kenaz Reversed or Merkstave: Disease, breakup, instability, lack of creativity. N.a.k.e.dness, exposure, loss of illusion and false hope.

Gebo: ᚷ (G: Gift.) Gifts, both in the sense of sacrifice and of generosity, indicating balance. All matters in relation to exchanges, including contracts, personal relationsh.i.p.s and partnersh.i.p.s. Gebo Merkstave (Gebo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice. Obligation, toll, privation, bribery.

Wunjo: ᚹ (W or V: Joy.) Joy, comfort, pleasure. Fellowship, harmony, prosperity. Ecstasy, glory, spiritual reward, but also the possibility of going "over the top". If restrained, the meaning is general success and recognition of worth. Wunjo Reversed or Merkstave: Stultification, sorrow, strife, alienation. Delirium, intoxication, possession by higher forces, impractical enthusiasm. Raging frenzy, berzerker.

Hagalaz: ᚺ (H: Hail.) Wrath of nature, destructive, uncontrolled forces, especially the weather, or within the unconscious. Tempering, testing, trial. Controlled crisis, leading to completion, inner harmony. Hagalaz Merkstave (Hagalaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Natural disaster, catastrophe. Stagnation, loss of power. Pain, loss, suffering, hardship, sickness, crisis.

Nauthiz: ᚾ (N: Need.) Delays, restrictions. Resistance leading to strength, innovation, need-fire (self-reliance). Distress, confusion, conflict, and the power of will to overcome them. Endurance, survival, determination. A time to exercise patience. Recognition of one's fate. Major self-initiated change. Face my fears. Nauthiz Reversed or Merkstave: Constraint of freedom, distress, toil, drudgery, laxity. Necessity, extremity, want, deprivation, starvation, need, poverty, emotional hunger.

Isa: ᛁ (I: Ice.) A challenge or frustration. Psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances. Standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity. This rune reinforces runes around it. Isa Merkstave (Isa cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Ego-mania, dullness, blindness, dissipation. Treachery, illusion, deceit, betrayal, guile, stealth, ambush, plots.

Jera: ᛃ (J or Y: A year, a good harvest.) The results of earlier efforts are realized. A time of peace and happiness, fruitful season. It can break through stagnancy. Hopes and expectations of peace and prosperity. The promise of success earned. Life cycle, cyclical pattern of the universe. Everything changes, in its own time. Jera Merkstave (Jera cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Sudden setback, reversals. A major change, repetition, bad timing, poverty, conflict.

Eihwaz: ᛇ (EI: Yew tree.) Strength, reliability, dependability, trustworthiness. Enlightenment, endurance. Defense, protection. The driving force to acquire, providing motivation and a sense of purpose. Indicates that I have set my sights on a reasonable target and can achieve my goals. An honest man who can be relied upon. Eihwaz Reversed or Merkstave: Confusion, destruction, dissatisfaction, weakness.

Perthro: ᛈ (P: Lot cup, v.a.g.i.n.a.) Uncertain meaning, a secret matter, a mystery, hidden things and occult abilities. Initiation, knowledge of one's destiny, knowledge of future matters, determining the future or my path. Pertaining to things feminine, feminine mysteries including female fertility, and v.a.g.i.n.a. Good lot, fellowship and joy. Evolutionary change. Perthro Reversed or Merkstave: Addiction, stagnation, loneliness, malaise.

Algiz: ᛉ (Z or -R: Elk, protection.) Protection, a shield. The protective urge to shelter oneself or others. Defense, warding off of evil, shield, guardian. Connection with the gods, awakening, higher life. It can be used to channel energies appropriately. Follow my instincts. Keep hold of success or maintain a position won or earned. Algiz Reversed: or Merkstave: Hidden danger, consumption by divine forces, loss of divine link. Taboo, warning, turning away, that which repels.

Sowilo: ᛊ (S: The sun.) Success, goals achieved, honor. The life-force, health. A time when power will be available to me for positive changes in my life, victory, health, and success. Contact between the higher self and the unconscious. Wholeness, power, elemental force, sword of flame, cleansing fire. Sowilo Merkstave (Sowilo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): False goals, bad counsel, false success, gullibility, loss of goals. Destruction, retribution, justice, casting down of vanity. Wrath of god.

Tiwaz: ᛏ (T: Tyr, the sky god.) Honor, justice, leadership and authority. Analysis, rationality. Knowing where one's true strengths lie. Willingness to self-sacrifice. Victory and success in any competition or in legal matters. Tiwaz Reversed or Merkstave: One's energy and creative flow are blocked. Mental paralysis, over-analysis, over-sacrifice, injustice, imbalance. Strife, war, conflict, failure in competition. Dwindling passion, difficulties in communication, and possibly separation.

Berkano: ᛒ (B: Berchta, the birch-goddess.) Birth, general fertility, both mental and physical and personal growth, liberation. Regenerative power and light of spring, renewal, promise of new beginnings, new growth. Arousal of desire. A love affair or new birth. The prospering of an enterprise or venture. Berkano Reversed or Merkstave: Family problems and or domestic troubles. Anxiety about someone close to me. Carelessness, abandon, loss of control. Blurring of consciousness, deceit, sterility, stagnation.

Ehwaz: ᛖ (E: Horse, two horses.) Transportation. May represent a horse, car, plane, boat or other vehicle. Movement and change for the better. Gradual development and steady progress are indicated. Harmony, teamwork, trust, loyalty. An ideal marriage or partnership. Confirmation beyond doubt the meanings of the runes around it. Ehwaz Reversed or Merkstave: This is not really a negative rune. A change is perhaps craved. Feeling restless or confined in a situation. Reckless haste, disharmony, mistrust, betrayal.

Mannaz: ᛗ (M: Man, mankind.) The Self; the individual or the human race. My attitude toward others and their attitudes towards me. Friends and enemies, social order. Intelligence, forethought, create, skill, ability. Divine structure, intelligence, awareness. Expect to receive some sort of aid or cooperation now. Mannaz Reversed or Merkstave: Depression, mortality, blindness, self-delusion. Cunning, slyness, manipulation, craftiness, calculation. Expect no help now.

Laguz: ᛚ (L: Water, or a leek.) Flow, water, sea, a fertility source, the healing power of renewal. Life energy and organic growth. Imagination and psychic matters. Dreams, fantasies, mysteries, the unknown, the hidden, the deep, the underworld. Success in travel or acquisition, but with the possibility of loss. Laguz Reversed or Merkstave: An indication of a period of confusion in my life. I may be making wrong decisions and poor judgements. Lack of creativity and feelings of being in a rut. Fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering. Madness, obsession, despair, perversity, sickness, suicide.

Ingwaz: ᛜ (NG: Ing, the earth god.) Male fertility, gestation, internal growth. Common virtues, common sense, simple strengths, family love, caring, human warmth, the home. Rest stage, a time of relief, of no anxiety. A time when all loose strings are tied and I am free to move in a new direction. Listen to myself. Ingwaz Merkstave (Ingwaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Impotence, movement without change. Production, toil, labor, work.

Dagaz: ᛞ (D: Day or dawn.) Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by my own will, transformation. Hope/happiness, the ideal. Security and certainty. Growth and release. Balance point, the place where opposites meet. Dagaz Merkstave (Dagaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): A completion, ending, limit, coming full circle. Blindness, hopelessness.

Othala: ᛟ (O: Ancestral property.) Inherited property or possessions, a house, a home. What is truly important to one. Group order, group prosperity. Land of birth, spiritual heritage, experience and fundamental values. Aid in spiritual and physical journeys. Source of safety, increase and abundance. Othala Reversed or Merkstave: Lack of customary order, totalitarianism, slavery, poverty, homelessness. Bad karma, prejudice, clannishness, provincialism. What a man is bound to.

The next one would be---. What is that? What is this feeling? Is that---. Oh. That's my soul. It's changing per the rules of the ritual. That's good, however I need to make sure that the drawbacks don't happen.

That scar, it looks as if Ozai himself decided to pay me a visit and burn my neck. There is no way I will be caught dead with that monstrosity. Personality changes are minimal. The only change is a bias towards runes over all other forms of magic.

As for the third magic, I am not---. Wait. That's it. If I want to materialize my soul and turn it into a perpetual motion machine I just need to---. Wait, do I even want to. While the benefits are great, it will be in exchange for no longer being flesh and blood. Things I enjoy now will no longer have meaning to me. If I ever wish to have a child it will be impossible unless I possess another body. Even then the child will not be mine biologically. Will I even be able to maintain the same emotional level I currently have? Will I become detached from others? Viewing and experiencing life as an outsider instead of truly being a part of it. I do not have enough information. The risks are too high and have zero chances of being reversible.

No. I will not go through that door, even if true immortality lies on the other side. Not yet anyway. If I change my mind, I can alway come back later. It's not going anywhere.


Name: Ambrosius Malphas

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Height: 5'11

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Gold

Looks: Ozymandias from Fate

Build: Medium

Body Type: Athlete

Stats (Without Enhancements)

Strength: B++

Endurance: A++

Agility: A++

Magic Circuits: 50

Od Output: 2500

Luck: B

Origin: Runes

Elemental Affinity: Divine Letters

Sorcery Trait: Rune God

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