From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 54 - Aftermath

AN: WARNING! I get really creative in this chapter, so plz don't come for me and just kindly state your opinions. Thank you in advance.


The first thing I notice as soon as I wake up is Scathach somewhere nearby.The second thing I notice is my body's strength. I feel sturdier, stronger, and even lighter. I feel more solid, for lack of a better term. It feels as if my body has upgraded itself.

Opening my eyes, I take note of my surroundings. The room I am in is made of wood and has absolutely no furniture, not even a bed. What I am lying on are plants made into a comfortable platform. Not seeing anybody in the room, I sense my surroundings. Outside of the room, I sense a cabin with no doors, and a forest outside of the cabin. The cabin has three rooms, a makeshift kitchen, a makeshift lounge, and the room I am currently situated in. It is evident to me that the cabin was created with the idea of providing shelter temporarily. In the lounge Scathach can be found perusing some notes.

Getting up, I stretch myself out and cannot help but let out a satisfied groan as I feel my muscles react. I walk out of the room and towards the lounge. Feeling me approach, she looks up from her notes and smiles.

"You are finally awake." she as she gets up and gives me a kiss before sitting back down and picking the notes back up.

"How long have I been out?" I ask as I sit next to her on the ground.

"About two months. You launched the moon back into orbit, so it really should not come as a surprise to you that there were some adverse effects. Especially with the amount of raw magical energy you were channeling." she answers.

"Well I would not have been able to do it without your help. Specially during the last phase of the battle when you struck him with a bolt of lightning." I tell her as I pick up one of her notes to study it.

"That was not me." she says as she puts her notes back down.

Putting the note back down, I send her a questioning glance.

"Who was it?" I ask.

"That would be me." says a young, masculine voice from behind us.

Without thinking, my body springs into action as I launch away from the voice, turn to face it, and summon my spear to me. Standing there, four feet from where I was sitting, is a young man of around twenty years of age. He stands tall, at around six feet five inches, attractive, and with a well-built physique. He has dark hair that constantly blends with his low top hat, a strong jaw, bold eyebrows, and green eyes. Over his strong build, he wears a black form fitting tuxedo with a white button down shirt and black tie. In his hands he wears white formal gloves, and black formal shoes on his feet. He also bears a mild resemblance to an a.d.u.l.t Jotaro Kujo.

"There's no need to be hostile. You can consider me a friend." he says with a genial smile that for some reason I do not completely believe.

"Zelretch,-" says Scathach as she gets up and puts away her notes. "-it is good to see you. To what do we owe this pleasure."

Zelretch she says. As in Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, the wielder of the second magic, and the person who defeated Crimson Moon in canon. I am honestly not surprised that he is alive and in his prime. Scathach and I spent around a century in what will become Ireland helping out Cu's descendants since we had nothing better to do, then the Dead Apostles started coming and we decided to start traveling and leave them behind. Although, I would not be surprised if someday they joined the Clocktower as a prominent family of mages. Especially with the weapons we left for them to use and the emergency seal I gave them should they ever need our help. Since then it has been around two hundred years which would make the year around three hundred AD, around the time Zelretch and Crimson Moon fought in canon.

"Well, I just came by to see if Ambrosius had woken up yet. Imagine my surprise when I find out that he has in fact woken up." he says bringing me out of my thoughts. Then he looks at my face and raises an eyebrow. "I expected your battle to have some lingering effects on your body. However, I did not expect for the changes to be so drastic. Although that does prove my theory about you not being fully human."

"Excuse me?" I cannot help but state as I return my spear to its storage. "What do you mean by drastic changes?"

"It is in your face, and I am not talking about the hair." he says as he points his pointer finger at his face and waves it around.

With a frown I conjure a silver shield and study my face on it. Immediately I can tell what he means. My previously midnight black hair is now grayish white at the majority of the roots, with only the tips remaining black, and my cheekbones have become slightly more pronounced. However none of those can count as truly alarming. My hair can easily be explained as the stress of the battle and the final struggle against Crimson Moon having gotten to me, and my cheekbones can be explained as me having lost weight, although I know for a fact that I did not and that is not the explanation for my cheekbones. No, none of these changes are truly alarming. What is alarming however, are my eyes. My previously luminescent sea green eyes are now red with slitted pupils. Far too similar to a certain arrogant archer that I very strongly dislike, and a certain breed of vampires that inhabit this world.

"What happened? Crimson Moon did not manage to turn me, did he?" I ask, not even bothering to hide the alarm I feel from my voice.

"What?" asks Zelretch incredulously. "Of course not. He was way too dead to even attempt to."

"Then explain the eyes. How did my eyes go from sea green to crimson with slitted pupils?" I ask as I dissipate the shield and take a deep breath to calm myself down. Panicking will not help my situation.

Now that I think about it, I do not have a psychological need to feed. Nor am I suppressing that need with my powers. Then that means that I am not a vampire. However that brings me back to square one. The only other people that I can think of that have crimson eyes are demi-gods. Ok, so the most likely explanation is that my demi-god heritage is starting to show itself through physical features the only way it can in the nasuverse, through red eyes. That begs the question however, how and why now.

"From what I was able to figure out-" says Zelretch, bringing me out of my thought's "Your body and your soul are finally starting to abide by this world's laws."

"That makes no sense. If I was not abiding by the world's laws Gaia or Alaya would have sent the counter force to finish me." I reply.

"Hmm,-" humms Zelretch as he shakes his head from side to side "-not necessarily. You see, you were not breaking the rules outright. You were simply an anomaly. Your body had all the signs of being a part human without any of the defining physical characteristics because your soul was fully human. It was as if you were human only with a body on par with those that are of a higher existence, like demi-gods for exemple. So essential you were not really breaking the laws, you were just an anomaly. It is probably a side effect of coming from a multiverse completely different from this one."

Before he can even finish his final sentence, I am on him with my spear inches from his throat.

"Where did you hear this?" I question while narrowing my eyes.

"Calm down." says Scathach as she walks next to me and slowly puts my arm down. "Apparently he can tell when something or someone does not belong in a universe using the second magic."

With a frown I return my spear to its storage and step away from Zelretch.

"That was fast. Far faster than your speed in the battle against Crimson Moon." says Zelretch.

"Alright." I say as I rub my hand on my face in exasperation and sit down on the ground. Zelretch is correct, that was faster than my speed against Crimson Moon and I was not even using any form of enhancements.

By the gods, whatever is happening to me is such a nuisance. However, with Zelretch helping me I might figure out what is happening to me faster if I did on my own.

"Since we both have information that the other wants, we can simply make an exchange. I tell you about myself and you help me figure out what has happened to me." I tell him as Scathach sits next to me.

Without even taking more than a second to ponder, Zelretch nods and materializes a couch across from me. True Magics are so broken. He literally just took a couch from one universe and summoned it to this one so he could sit.

"Before we begin," he says as he sits. "I would like to thank you for saving my life from that True Ancestor all those years ago. While I know for a fact that I would have won, I was still in the process of mastering the Second Magic and would have suffered an injury that would have taken a significant amount of time to recover from. "

Well, that certainly explains why he is wearing a tuxedo when they have not been invented yet, he saw me wearing my rune suit in the form of a tuxedo and somehow had one made. I pray for the talor who had to learn how to make one through trial and error using their hands.

"If my memory serves me right,-"says Scathach. "-there has only been one True Ancestor we have defeated with a bystander present, and that was about five or six years ago."

"You are correct. At the time I was still a young lad in the process of mastering Kaleidoscope." he answers.

"Think nothing of it." replies Scathach.

"Now onto the discussion. Do you wish to go first? Or shall I do the honors?" I ask him.

"You should go first. It might make it easier for me to help you figure out what is happening to you." he says, and I nod before beginning to speak.

"The first thing you need to know about where I come from is that one's soul has no effect on the body, mortals are the only beings with souls, and that the soul of a demigod is no different from a regular human. The differences are in the body not in the soul. Anything that is not a mortal does not have a soul. By anything I mean gods and monsters. The second thing you should know is that the rules of that world are far more simple than the rules here. Where I come from, the Age of Gods never truly ended, they simply separated the affairs of the supernatural from the affairs of mortals. There, the norse, egyprian, and greco-roman pantheons are still very much active. Especially the greco-roman one as they were still siring children when I accidentally left, and the year was somewhere in the two thousands."

With every word I speak Zelretch's eyes widen a bit more and I can tell that I have his undivided attention.

"Do you know the legend of Ambrosius, Rome's First Praetor?" I ask him.

"Of course." he answers. "To this day he is spoken of as one the greatest Roman generals to ever live, and one of the greatest in the world."

"I am that general, and those events happened in my original world. Albeit somewhat differently." I say.

"Excuse me?" states Zelretch incredulously. "Did I hear you correctly?"

"You did." I answer. "From what I was able to gather upon my arrival here, the events in the legend also happened here. Somehow, the events happened in both of our worlds with some differences. The biggest being the time. While my war happened in the future, sometime in the two thousands, this world's war happened sometime during the monarchy of Rome in BC."

"How did you arrive here? And can that path still be used to travel between our worlds?" asks Zelretch with a frown.

"I arrived here through Tartarus. After I accomplished my goal there, I traveled the hellish realm in search for a path back to the mortal world. There I found a path not previously traveled that somehow led me to the Land of Shadows where I met Scathach, and the rest is history." I reply.

"It makes some sense now. Your soul is not of this world yet still follows the rules of a human soul in this world, making it so that both Alaya and Gaia accept you. However, your body is close enough to both a demi-god's and a human's in this world, yet at the same time it is neither. Even so, since your soul follows the rules of this world, your body never received the characteristics of a demi-god, rather it became the body of a particularly powerful man from the Age of Gods."

His theory matches up with mine. In the nasuverse, the soul is something independent from the body, not belonging to the same material world. It is an existence of a higher order in the concept of the astral plane, acting as a record of the body containing the memories, mind, and Magic Circuits. In the PJO world every soul is the same tier. Demigods are not a higher order because of their souls, rather due to their biology. Due to that my soul used to follow the rules of the PJO world. However, when I received the perk that gave me my magic circuits, my soul became one that follows the rules of the nasuverse.

The body itself, in the nasuverse, can be called a terminal for the soul to move around, and the soul itself can be considered an invincible command structure. While the body itself possesses a record of its composition in its genes that allows it to heal itself, that blueprint is not applicable when a person has lost their original body. The soul itself contains a record, the "genes of the soul", that allows both the body and its genes to be restored even if they are lost, should the person take another vessel. Since the souls between a demigod and a human are the same existence in the PJO world, and there was nothing that indicated me to be part divine spirit when my soul started following the nasuverse rules, I was identified as a human. Because of that my body did not change to match a demi-god's body from the nasuverse, which is in fact much more powerful than a demigod's body from the PJO world. A powerful human warrior from the Age of Gods can easily match an average demigod from the PJO world, and that is not even counting if they are mages on top of that.

If my soul has been human all this time, then that means I have been figuratively fighting with two hands behind my back. Other than keeping my human soul from decaying and attached to my body, my divinity has been useless. The only reason I was able to defeat Crimson Moon is purely because the trident and spears somehow made up for where I fell short. In other words, I am one lucky sob and my luck is most likely A rank now, probably EX because Crimson Moon was defeated by my hands and not Zelretch.

"Alright,-" says Scathach, bringing me out of my thoughts. "-so why did his body suddenly change"

"I can answer the why, but not the how." I reply.

"I hypothesize that somehow during our battle with Crimson Moon, my biology started to affect my soul through the link that binds them together. Unlike in this world, the body can affect the soul in my original world. It is how true resurrection is possible. When the body dies in my world, the link is severed and the soul leaves. However, if the body can be brought back to life and the soul returned to it, the link will reestablish itself and the person will truly come back to life. This however can only work with the soul's designated body. The soul cannot possess a different body. The only ones that can do so are eidolons, and those are the exemptions to the rule. And while my soul follows the rules of this world, it still holds that special link with my body from my world." I answer.

"I see." says Zelretch as he strokes his beard. "Somehow during your battle, the soul started to match the body and gained the divinity attribute thereby branding you a demi-god."

"And because your soul follows the rules of this world, it acted as a blueprint for your body and changed it into one befitting of a demi-god from this world." finishes Scathach with a nod.

As for why my cheekbones are more pronounced, I have no idea. I have to admit however, that they make me look like a perfect mix of Bellona and Neptune now, instead of a Neptune clone with some similarities as Bellona.

"Now that this is out of the way, I would like to thank you, Zelretch for your aid during my final clash against Crimson Moon." I say.

"Think nothing of it. I had been seeking him out to defeat him. As a firm ally of humanity, I could not let him run as rampant as he was doing." answers Zelretch.

"Do you know why he sought us out?" asks Scathach. "We knew that he had been attacking powerful mages, and changing those he deemed worthy to become his followers. That is why we had been keeping a low profile, so for him to attack us out of nowhere was choking"

Zelretch merely raises an eyebrow at us before letting out an amused laugh.

"You?" he asks as he tries to bring his laughter under control. "You two were keeping a low profile? As far as I know, every mage worth their salt from the mage's association has heard about the pair of centuries old warriors traveling. One does not simply kill countless Dead Apostles and two True Ancestors and remain unknown. And now that you have defeated Crimson Moon himself, the whole supernatural world will have heard of you."

By the end of his statement Zelretch has completely lost control of himself and lets out a roaring laughter.

Ignoring him, I think about his statement and realize that he is correct. Killing Dead Apostles and two True Ancestors most likely put us on the mage's association radar. And now that we defeated Crimson Moon, they will be paying much closer attention. Honestly, what a nuisance.

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