From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 56 - The Curse

"While it would be nice to see Scathach again,-" says Zelretch as he stops walking. "-I must be going. I have plenty of important things to do. So I need your answer now."

"Do you actually have important things to do? Or is there some other poor soul that you wish to pay a visit to?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Zelretch merely stares at me blankly, not bothering to answer.

"That's fine. There is no need to answer." I tell him with a dismissive wave. "Tell the faction leaders that they can expect me to be present at their gathering, just give me a time and a place."

With a nod, Zelretch disappears in a swirl of colors leaving me with Morgan.

"Come along now Morgan. It is time to meet your teacher." I tell her as we begin to make our way to the castle's inside.

As we walk inside of the castle, I cannot help but feel a sense of pride at the structure. Especially with Morgan looking at the structure in awe. The castle was built through my and Scathach's efforts. It looks quite beautiful if I do say so myself, and can theoretically stay in peak condition until the end of times. However, this is the nasuverse, so that last feature is not one hundred percent certain.

Arriving inside, we are met with the figure of Scathach walking towards us. For some unknown reason, she has lately taken an interest in fashion. Fashion from my original time period, the twenty-first century. Unfortunately for me, I am not a fashionista so describing dresses and other clothes that women wore has been a torture. Much worse than being dragged on a shopping spree. However, I do believe that I have done an acceptable job judging by what she is wearing.

Keeping with her usual style of dark colors, yet not too dark like her usual clothes, Scathach wears a form fitting royal purple dress that reaches to her ankles, and black heels on her feet. Unlike the top which hugs her figure nicely, the bottom half of the dress is designed to allow for easy movement. It looks strikingly similar to the dress one can see her wear as a caster in grand order.

As Scathach approaches us, she easily notices Morgan tagging along and raises her eyebrow in question.

"Scathach, I would like to introduce you to a candidate for new pupil, Morgan le Fay." I answer.

"Wait." says Morgan as she comes to stand next to me. "Is she the same Scathach from the legend of Cu Chulainn?"

"Well, yes she is." I reply with a raised eyebrow.

"Your name is Ambrosius, does that mean that you are the same one from the legend of Cu Chulainn? The one who helped train him? The one who married both her and Aife?"

There it is again. Someone asking me if I actually did marry both women because Setanta could not keep his mouth shut. Now, a lot of what happened in the Land of Shadows are part of his legend.

"Yes I am." I answer. "Did you not know who we were before you came to us for training?"

"Well, I only heard rumors. They claimed that you were the greatest warriors and mages in the land, and that if one were able to make it up to your castle that you would teach them." explains Morgan

That certainly explains why there have been a lot of intruders lately that have attempted to enter the forest, only to be repelled by the bounded field. However, I have no recollection of anyone who would want to spread such a rumor, except for the little bastard, Zelretch.

Watching the interaction, Scathach merely raises her eyebrow once again before turning to Morgan and studying her. While Morgan tries to look confident, it is easy however to tell that she fears being rejected. Her throat tightens and she plays with the sleeves of her dress.

"It is nice to meet you Morgan. You may call me Teacher." says Scathach after a few seconds.

"Thank you for accepting me Teacher!" exclaims Morgan with eyes wide with excitement.

"When do we begin?" she asks.

"Your lessons begin tomorrow at first light. You should be up and ready by then for Ambrosius' lessons." answers Scathach.

"Wait." says a confused Morgan. ���I believed that you would be teaching me."

"And she will." I answer as Morgan turns to face me. "However, it will be in the field of magecraft. I will be teaching you how to best apply your magecraft in combat, and how to wield a spear."

"A spear?" asks Morgan. "Why not a sword? All of the knights I have seen use swords. Is that not the better weapon?"

"No." I answer as my eyebrow twitches. "The spear is the superior weapon, and anyone who tells you otherwise is a fool"

I tell her this because it is a fact, and I am in no way, shape, or form biased towards the spear.

Morgan makes to answer only to be interrupted by Scathach who clears her throat to bring our attention back to her.

"For today, you may explore the castle. There are no rooms that are off limits except for our bedroom and workshops, but those rooms are locked and the only ones who can enter are Ambrosius and I. If you do get lost just ask one of the suits of armour for direction and they shall take you to your destination. When you are finished, come meet us in the dining room for dinner." instructs Scathach.

With a nod, Morgan excitedly walks further into the castle.

"Did you notice it?" asks Scathach once she is sure Morgan is out of hearing range.

"Notice what?" I ask.

"There is a curse tied to her being. Should she ever succ.u.mb to hatred, or obsession, she will do whatever she deems necessary to accomplish whatever goal is related to that feeling. No act will be too evil and no price will be too steep for her." says Scathach with a somber mood.

"Are you saying that the curse will control her?" I ask with a frown.

"No. All the curse will do is enhance her hatred or obsession and remove any moral she may have. Essentially clouding her judgement. But she will still be herself." replies Scathach.

"I see." I say as I scratch my chin in thought. "Is there anything we can do?"

"Honestly, I do not know. This curse is more of a geas than a curse, and I am not the most knowledgeable in them. So there is not much we can do other than teach her control, especially with how complex it is." answers Scathach.

"When you say tied to her being, do you mean her soul?" I ask since I since I did not check.

"No, not her soul. While I do not know how it is tied to her being other than that it is, I do know however that it is not tied to her soul. Whoever has placed this curse upon her must truly hate her and is most likely planning something to make sure that the curse does activate." speculates Scathach.

"Or they could simply want to use her as an instrument of destruction." I answer.

"Regardless of why they did it she is my student now, and should I ever find the culprit they will wish to have never been born." says Scathach ominously, and unconsciously leaking out a substantial amount of bloodl.u.s.t.

"We will find the culprit eventually. Right now we should focus on teaching her." I tell her as I place my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Right. Teaching." she says with a fond smile. "The last person I thought was Aoife, Connla's daughter. She was such a ball of energy that one, always playing with the boys instead of staying inside and learning 'lady things'. I remember when she stated that she would become the greatest warrior in Eire. 'Just like grandpapa Setanta.' she used to say."

Aoife, granddaughter of Setanta, the warrior queen who united Connacht after it fell into chaos due to Medb's death, and someone who originally did not exist because Connla died at his father's hands. This time however Connla was born in Ulster from Setanta's wife, Emer. He himself grew up to become a great warrior with the only things truly interesting him in life being battle, and women. Like his father, he died in battle with a smile on his face. Unlike his father however, there was no treachery or traps involved. Just a warrior taking an army of a few hundred on his own and dying from exhaustion later.

"Come." says Scathach, bringing from my thoughts. "Let us go prepare dinner."


A few hours later we find ourselves in the dining room as enchanted statues go about setting the table. Like the suits of armour, the statues are inscribed full of rooms to animate them and do their jobs. The armours are there for defense purposes while the statues act as servants.

The dining room is honestly more of a dining hall. It was made with the idea of large gatherings being held there. Since neither Scathach or I are the best at designing things, I used the Hogwarts Great Hall as a base. It is a large hall with four long tables with individual chairs aligned on the sides for seating. Where the staff table would be at the front, there is instead a raised platform where the entertainment event would be held. In front of the platform is a round table reserved for only close friends and allies. The ceiling of the dining hall is covered with candles and it is enchanted to look like the sky above. There are small windows around the side of the hall, a statue stands under each statue, and a large window is behind the raised platform where the light shines through.

Sitting at the round table, I watch with a small amount of amus.e.m.e.nt as Morgan follows a suit of armour in with eyes filled with wonder. Arriving at the table, Morgan eagerly takes her seat next to Scathach and starts to fill her plate with food when given the go ahead, somehow still managing to do so with the grace of a well trained noble.

"Tell us a bit about yourself Morgan." says Scathach a few courses into the meal.

"I was born the younger of a set of twins to King Uther Pendragon." begins Morgan, her voice somber, and making it clear that this is not a happy story. "My sister was set to be the next ruler, however father was adamant about his heir being a male so Morgause was denied. However, she never stopped training and learning to convince father while I could care less. I simply wanted to support her."

Morgan stops there for a second as she dries the tears that had begun to fall.

"U-u-unfortunately, she died of a mysterious illness.On her deathbed she had me promise her that I would accomplish her dreams for her so I began training earnestly to achieve it." explains Morgan once she gathered herself.

"Your father did not approve." speculates Scathach.

"No, he did not. So he arranged for me to marry King Lott of Orkney. I knew that if I went along with the marriage that I would never be able to accomplish Morgause's dream, so I ran away in hopes to buy myself time to figure out how I would accomplish it. I knew that I would at least need to be powerful in order to accomplish Morgause's dream, therefore when I heard rumours of you I decided to take a chance and seek you out." explains Morgan before she returns to her meal.

I look at Scathach out of the corner of my eyes, and I can easily tell that she and I are having the same thoughts. Things can easily go to Tartarus when Morgan finds out about Artoria, specifically her gender. However, what I truly wish to know is where in Tartarus is Merlin's bitch ass in all of this.

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