From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 58 - Caliburn is Drawn

Following Zelretch's declaration of the start of the assembly, every mage finds themselves a couch or chair and sits. Following Romani, my entourage sits itself in the back of the room, facing the door and with a view of everybody in the room. As I take my seat in between Scathach and Zelretch, I cannot help but notice the disdainful glare that a certain magus sends towards me. He tries to hide it, however I have been reading people for centuries now and can see through his facade easily. I am not the only one who notices however, judging by the sneer in Scathach and Morgan's eyes, I can tell that they noticed the man's feelings towards us and the fact that he will most likely be causing a scene.

Once everyone is situated, the magus that has been disdainfully glaring at me stands and makes his way to the center of the room, gaining the attention of everyone. He stands at around five feet nine inches tall, with a very slender build. He has pale skin that likely has not seen much sunlight, the most abnormal color of blue-green for hair tied into a ponytail with a few bangs coming down on both sides of his face. He wears black trousers and shoes with a type of tunic colored white with gold accents, and a black and white cane with gold accents in his hands.

As I look at the cane, my telumkinesis acquired from my mother Bellona immediately identifies the weapon as a cane. Perusing through the weapon's history, I immediately find out the identity of the man, Claudius Yggdmillennia. Head of the Yggdmillennia family, and if my memory serves me right, he is the ancestor of Darnic Preston Yggdmillennia.

"Before we begin." says the man once he has everyone's attention. "I believe that there is a situation that we, as the future of magecraft, should discuss."

"Oh? And what could this situation possibly be?" asks Julius Archibald with a somewhat mocking tone.

Looking at the man, I cannot help but praise his attention to details and his political He was one of the few others who noticed Claudius' disdain. Originally I thought that he was a simple fanboy, however It is clear to me that he is the head of the Archibald family for a reason.

"The situation that I allude to is the inclusion of Mister Malphas in this assembly." replies Claudius.

In response to Claudius' words, many in the room raise their eyebrows in question while others look on with intrigue. The reaction of my group however is entirely different. The majority of them hold a gleam of amus.e.m.e.nt in their eyes with Brennen not being able to hide his amus.e.m.e.nt as a smile crosses his features. Once again Julius surprises me as he easily hides his amus.e.m.e.nt and his impulse to automatically defend me. Instead he allows Claudius to talk and dig himself into a deeper political grave.

"While I am very much grateful for Mister Malphas' part in the elimination of Crimson Moon, I must object to his presence here due to the fact that he is not a magus." explains Claudius.

"Please explain yourself, Lord Yggdmillennia.�� says an elderly man as he stands up, a young man and a cane helping him stand. "Many of us have witnessed Lord Malphas perform magecraft."

"Of course Lord Wodime." replies Claudius. "As you all know, we mages are researchers. We research and perfect our craft in an attempt to reach the Root and be able to accomplish feats that, once were possible during the Age of Gods, are now lost to us."

"Naturally." replies Lord Wodime. "However, what does that have to do with Lord Malphas?"

"While Mister Malphas uses magecraft, he is not a researcher. Rather he is a warrior, a man who makes use of magecraft in battle and has no interest in reaching the Root." says Claudius.

His words immediately cause an uproar as many of the room's occupants question him on how he could possibly know that while others refuted his claims. Despite the clamor, Claudius calmly raises his hand and waits for the room to quiet down.

"Many of you may wish to deny my claims, however I have checked the Records and in the centuries that he has been a member of the Mage's Association he has not contributed anything other than a paper on the advanced application of runecraft." explains Claudius.

Claudius' words silences the room as many of them contemplate what he has said, while others try to remember if what he said is true. However, Claudius is correct. I have only contributed one paper to the Mage's Association Record, a depository of all knowledge on magecraft. Every single magus is expected to contribute to the Association by submitting research papers and hypotheses to the Records. While it is not required, it is expected of every magus to submit something every few years to uphold their status as a magus of the association. While failure to do so will not result in one's expulsion, it will cause one's life as a member of the association to become difficult. Although there have been talks about making it a steadfast law with loss of privileges and even expulsion acting as a consequence.

"Mister Yggdmillennia is correct." I answer the questioning gazes as I get up. "I have only contributed one paper to the Records in the centuries that I have been a member of the Association."

Hearing my words Claudius gains a confident smile and seems to be about to speak. Unfortunately for him I have no intention of letting him talk.

"However,-" I say as I interrupt him. "-I have in fact been continuing my research and have made some discoveries."

"Oh?" mockingly replies Claudius. "Then perhaps you should share with us what it is you have discovered. After all, many of us are interested. Perhaps you will even share with us your method of eternal youth. After all, the last time I checked the Second Magic does not stop one's aging, and even if it did only Lord Zelretch would have kept his youth. Or perhaps you would like to share with us your field of research to reach the Root."

Just like that, Claudius has lost this round. From the beginning of his speech it was evident that he wanted something from me. If he had truly wanted to expel me, he would not have made such a show of it and would have simply moved for my expulsion. However, I did not know what, so I baited him by implying that I have had some groundbreaking recoveries and letting him suggest what part of my research I should share. By his answer, it is evident that he does not know for sure what it is from my research he wants only that he wants it. It is obvious that he believes that I have found some way to remain in my prime.

"You are also correct in your belief that I have no interest in reaching the Root." I say, causing the room to erupt in another uproar. This time due to my rejection of the goals of the Mage's Association. Instead of raising my hand to garner the room's attention, I instead decide to wait for them to act like the a.d.u.l.ts they are and quiet down.

Looking over to where my allies are sitting, I can tell that they all somewhat expected that answer. Yet for some reason, none of them seem to find that problematic. Eventually the room does quiet down and I am able to speak.

"The reason for my lack of interest towards reaching the Root is simple." I say as I stare into Claudius' eyes. "I have already looked upon the Root, and it is because of this achievement that I was able to find a way to remain in my prime for centuries. Unfortunately for you, I will not be sharing any of that particular research since it will be making up the foundation of the Malphas family's magic crest."

My response completely catches the room off guard. However it is a lie. While I found a path to the Root during the Odin's Gallows ritual, and traveled it all the way to the doorway to which the Root hides behind, I did not go through the door since that would require me to complete the Heaven's Feel magic. Nevertheless, they do not need to know that. They only need to know that I have looked at the Root and failed to achieve a True Magic due to my incompatibility to it. It will keep them off my back for another century in which I can use illusions to appear to age before going into seclusion. After a few years in seclusion, I can return while claiming to be the son of Ambrosius Malphas. Not one of them will be able to tell that it is a lie, and the only person who will know other than Scathach and Morgan is Zelretch.

"I see." answers Claudius, bringing me out of my thought's. "Perhaps there is another field of research that you can submit?"

"Of course." I tell him with a condescending smile while I bring out a stack of papers from the storage runes tattooed on my stomach and hand it over to him. "This is another research paper on runes. The Application of Runes: The Age of Gods."

With rage burning in his eyes, Claudius takes the stack of papers and thanks me before going back to his seat. Left unsaid is how useless this paper is to the majority of the families since only the Fraga makes constant use of runes. Unknown to them however, the Edelfelt, Animusphere, and the Archibald family have also started to make heavy uses of runes since joining in alliance with me. Especially with me guiding them. Although there are many things I will not teach any of them.

It was a valiant attempt, unfortunately for him he is centuries far too early to meet on a battlefield. Political or otherwise.


It has been two weeks since the Mage's Association assembly, and today is the last day of the competition to draw Caliburn from the stone. The reason why we waited this long before is because Scathach and I wanted to see if we could spend those two weeks intensively researching how to remove the curse from Morgan's being with help from our allies from the Mage's Association. Unfortunately we had no results. Even the Icecolle family, proficient practitioners of the dark arts, have no idea how to remove the curse other than killing the caster. While they have also failed at tracking the caster, they have been able to discover that the curse was cast by using the lifeforce of someone close to Morgan. The only possible option that it could be is her sister, Morgause. That discovery has enraged Morgan to extreme proportions. Luckily however her rage does not seem to have activated her curse.

Putting on my rune suit, I transform it to take the form of my Atlantean armour and walk out of the room. I make my way to the training grounds where Scathach and a somber Morgan await in silence.

Similar to her first design in Fate/Grand Order, Scáthach can be seen wearing a mask on the lower half of her face, black protective gear underneath the dark purple bodysuit, and is carrying Gáe Bolg Alternative.

Unlike her mentor, Morgan wears armor appropriate for the time. Her head is left bare with her hair tied in a bun with only two bangs left framing her face, making her look almost exactly like lancer Artoria. On her chest she wears a medieval cuirass that accentuates her b.r.e.a.s.ts with tassets attached to protect her upper thighs and covers the upper part of her black skirt. Under the armor she wears a royal blue bodysuit that covers everything from her neck, to her hands, and down into her boots. On her feet she wears boots that are covered by greaves that reach her knee, and vambraces on her forearms to protect them.

Arriving in the training grounds, I make my way to them and teleport us to the rune in Roan that I had Zelretch place there.

Our arrival point is an open field full of grass with the only remarkable thing about it being the slab of stone that has a luminescent sword stabbed into it. By this time the field is already crowded with many knights, lords, and other warriors gathering here to witness whether anyone will be able to draw the sword or not. So far none have been able to do so, and there are already talks of organizing a different competition to decide who is to be the King.

As we make our way through the crowd towards the sword, Scathach subtly hypnotises the crowd to let us pass without any issues. Soon we arrive near Caliburn, only to see two people standing by the sword with one of them looking as if he will attempt to draw it.

The first is a man who has short blond hair and green eyes. He has a height of five feet tall and weighs about one hundred pounds. He has what one could call a beautiful form and appears composed. He wears the standard armor of a knight with what appears to be a dress under. The armor parts are silver in color. While the dress is part blue and white. Obviously this is Artoria Pendragon under an illusion that would have worked if I did not know for a fact that it is a woman. To the ignorant eye, it would seem as if he is simply a short man who wears a long tunic under their armor, especially since the only part that is under an illusion is her face. Clearly Merlin believed that this level of illusion is enough to fool the masses into believing that Artoria is male or else he would have used a much more powerful illusion.

The second is a man that stands at about five feet eight inches with a face that one would not be wrong to call pretty boy. He wears a robe woven with the finest fabrics, though he still looks modest, he has long hair appearing with the colours of the rainbow under the sunlight, and black trousers with brown boots. In his right hand he holds an intricate staff

As we approach the duo I can make out the last of Merlin's statements to Artoria.

"...becoming a king means no longer being human." he tells her.

That statement... something about that statement bothers me to Tartarus and back, and I cannot help myself but to refute him.

"That is perhaps the most idiotic thing I have ever heard in my centuries of life." I say as we approach the group, immediately bringing their attention to us.

"How so?" questions Merlin with a slight smile on his face as he inspects our group, his eyes barely widening in recognition as he spots Morgan.

"To become a King means to be more human than you ever were before. You, who are not human, would never understand." I reply as we stop about four feet away from them.

"Do tell. How could I not understand?" he asks.

"To become a King is to inspire one's people." I begin to explain as many in the crowd start to listen with rapt attention, Artoria included.

"To become a King is to inspire one's people, not because the King is beyond human, but because the King is the pinnacle of humanity. It is to show one's subjects what embracing humanity's full potential looks like. It is to cry when one's people cry, to be enraged when one's people are enraged, and to be joyful when one's people are joyful. It is to save all while smiting those who are evil. It is to bear the people's burdens without falling prey to one's emotions. It is to experience and understand the people's emotions without letting it cloud your judgement, for how can a King truly rule when he cannot understand those who he rules." I explain, and by the time I have finished, the clearing is completely silent and Merlin stares at me with an unreadable expression.

"You seem to have it all figured out." replies Merlin mockingly. "So why don't you try."

"I am not a fool Merlin." I tell him. "I know for a fact that only someone of the direct bloodline of Uther even has a chance of drawing the sword. Anyone else would simply be wasting their time."

Hearing my words, the clearing falls into an uproar as many who had believed that they had a chance realize the truth. Merlin's expression takes an interesting turn. It is not moody, nor is it the same as his previously smiling face. What interests me the most however is Artoria's expression. So engrossed in contemplating my earlier speech that she completely missed what was said afterwards.

"How did you come about such information?" Merlin asks me.

"Get over yourself Merlin, you are not a gift to mankind from the gods. Incubus." I whisper to him.

His eyes flash for a second before his previous smile returns, extremely unnerving me. Especially since it is said that he possesses clairvoyance on par with Gilgamesh and Solomon.

"Perhaps if you two are done comparing instruments, my pupil and I can proceed." says an annoyed Scathach from my side.

"And who might you be, lovely lady?" asks Merlin flirtatiously as he looks at Scathach and approaches her.

"Your demise." replies Scathach with a glare and an ominous tone, causing Merlin to recoil back in surprise.

Before Merlin can say anything else, Morgan walks by him and approaches Caliburn.

Grasping the hilt, Morgan attempts to pull the sword out, only for it to move about an inch before stopping and refusing to move any further. With a scowl on her face, Morgan tries once more. Only for the sword to not move this time.

This is what I was afraid of. Morgan has the training, the will, and the drive to become a good King. Unfortunately she does not have the ideals. To her becoming a King is something that she is attempting to achieve for her sister, not for the sake of saving the people.

With a dark expression on her face, Morgan moves away from the sword and watches as Arturia walks past her and grasps the hilt. With barely any effort, Artoria draws the sword from the stone and holds it up high as the clearing falls into silence.

Behind her Morgan watches, mortified and whispers to herself, "Only one from the direct bloodline of Uther even holds the chance to draw the sword."

Meanwhile Artoria turns to face the gathered crowd as some of them begin to kneel. Raising the luminescent sword over her head once again, Artoria exclaims.

"My name is Arthur Pendragon, son of Uther Pendragon, and I am your King."

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