From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 6 - Mass Effect

The attack came out of nowhere. There were no sirens to alert us, nor did anybody use any type of loudspeaker system to warn us of the approaching mother ship or that we were under attack. It's almost as they teleported into orbit. One minute I'm enjoying lunch in my apartment and the next explosions and gunshots are heard throughout the planet. Without bothering to finish my meal, I don my N7 shadow armor, activate my omnitool and turn on my HUD display in my helmet.

"Max, run a systems check."

"All systems are online and functioning at optimal condition." answers my AI, or Max as I like to call him.

Strapping on my monomolecular blade and rifle I quickly step out of the building. As I survey the area, I hear the faint sounds of gunshots and immediately run towards it. I arrive just in time to see Ashley Williams run away from three geth troopers. Executing a flawless shadow strike, I quickly arrive behind the trooper that's furthest in the back and immediately decapitate it with an electric slash while stunning the other two. Not giving them time to recuperate, I arrive in between them with Sprint and waste no time in decapitating them also. Sheathing my blade I turn just in time to see Shepard, the armor design indicating that's it's a male, arrive with Alenko not far behind.

Before I can say anything, Williams aims her pistol at me and demands "Who are you?" However, before she can say anything more Shepard gently puts her arm down before he answers for me.

"I recognize that armor. What's an N7 shadow doing on Eden Prime?" he asks. With a smirk on my face I remove my helmet and answer "Ambrosius Malphas N7 Shadow class and this was supposed to be my vacation." He regards me for a second before replying "Commander Jake Shepard N7 Soldier class. Behind me is Lt. Alenko." We turn to face Williams and it takes her a few seconds before she realizes that we're waiting for her to introduce herself. "Sorry sir, Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams."

With the introductions done, I return my helmet to my head as Shepard asks "Do any of you know what's going on?" Shaking my head no, I turn to face Williams as she answers " We were patrolling the perimeter when the attack started, they cut off our communications so we tried to double back to the beacon only to walk in an ambush. I... I'm the only one who made it." Before she can continue I interrupt "We should probably check on that beacon. Other than the beacon there's nothing on the planet that would warrant such an attack." Nodding his head Shepard thinks for a second before shouting off orders "Williams you're with me and Alenko. Malphas scout ahead and report back on this radio frequency." I nod then swiftly sprint towards the beacon and expectantly find it missing.

"This is Malphas, I'm at the dig site and there's no beacon. It must have been moved." I report in and continue moving towards the research camp. Maybe if I move fast enough I can save Nihlus so that he can testify against Saren. That'd definitely save us some time. Before I can continue that line of thought I hear Alenko answer back.

"By our side or the geths?" he asks

"I don't know. I'm moving on ahead to the research camp."

"Roger that." Shepard answers.

As I get closer to the camp I see that it's predictably ravaged with two zombie like creatures roaming around. Without a second thought I draw my blade and Slide in between them cutting their legs off in the process. Then with practiced ease I sheathe my blade, draw my rifle and shoot them in the head until they stop moving. Holstering my rifle and continue to where I know Nihlus and Saren meet.

I arrive just in time to see Nihlus turn his back to Saren. Without thinking twice I execute shadow strike to appear behind Saren and sidekick him in the back just as he pulls the trigger causing him to miss. Hearing the gunshot Nihlus turns in time to see Saren readjust and aim at him once again. Quickly taking cover Nihlus yells "What are you doing Saren?" He turns to face me while answering "It's nothing personal Nihlus, it's just that you've seen too much." He looks as if he's planning to continue, but I launch myself at him before he can. Saren is a combat based spectre, normally that would have been a problem. However, close quarter combat is my bread and butter, from taekwondo, escrima and capoeira competions before the jumpchain to training with Batman and the N7 instructors during my jumps. By the time he realizes what's happening I'm already in his personal space. The first thing to go is his pistol with my blade cutting it in half. Then I continue with palm strike to his solar plexus, followed by a knee to the face and a roundhouse kick to the knee and an elbow to his pistol arm breaking it. I give him a few seconds to recuperate while acting out breath. He regards me for a second, inclines his head and frown. It's almost as if he's having a conversation with someone I can't hear. Before either of us can do anything else Shepard and the rest arrive prompting him to throw a grenade at us. However, just as I turn to take cover he lunges at me and the last thing I feel is pure agony before darkness greets me.

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