From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 80 - Aftermath

AN: I feel like I need to address this. The MC DID NOT get nerfed. The gods in DC make their PJO and Nasuverse counterparts look like jokes. Especially the ones who lead a pantheon (Allfather, Odin, Zeus, Darkseid, etc…). And for the ones who say that just because he beat Gil he should beat the gods, don't forget that he speed blitzed Gil instead of facing EA and Enkidu. Also you guys seem to forget that every world has different scales in term power, meaning a god in one world could be fodder in another world, or completely stomp. It's hard translating the powers between some worlds so please have some patience. Also, you guys who say that I nerf the MC, or make him lose because I want to create drama, you must be reading a completely different story.


Throne Room, Island of Themyscira

March, 2003

Tensions run high and silence rings out in the Throne Room as we await the arrival of Batman, Azula, and Scáthach. Zeus' arrival and subsequent announcement has placed us on edge, and the ensuing revelation of Heracles' freedom has simply made the situation worse for the Amazons. Then we have the personal tension between Hippolyta and her daughter due to the fact that Wonder Woman has found out that she was not sculpted from clay, and is in fact the product of Zeus taking advantage of her mother. Even without employing my telepathy I can tell that both the Amazons and Diana are worried about Hera's reaction to this revelation, and considering the fact that they constantly stare towards said goddesses statue I am sure that even Superman knows what they are worrying about.

Personally this entire trip has been a one disaster after another. From Faust taking the island hostage to the opening of the Gates of Tartarus, and now to the declaration from the King of the Gods himself. The first two disasters were easily manageable, heck I'd take another trip through Tartarus if it meant that the situation with Zeus did not happen.

The first problem with the situation is his announcement. From now on, not only will the gods be watching humanity,but they will also interfere should they feel like it. We are essentially returning to the Age of Gods. Henceforth I will not be surprised if some woman is mysteriously r.a.p.ed and conceives a demigod. I will not be surprised if some historian is cursed beyond repair for claiming that Zeus is a serial rapist or that Hera is one of the worst mothers in the history of mothers, divine or otherwise. From henceforth I will not be surprised if a third world war begins because Ares felt like it. From henceforth humanity will have to tread carefully if they want to survive.

Then there is the fact that Heracles is free from whatever punishment Hera imposed on him after his subjugation and successive raping and torturing of the Amazons. I can practically feel the fear, hatred and rage coming from the Amazons, Pythia and Hippolyta included. As far as I am concerned Heracles is a non issue that I will personally deal with once I figure out how to reach him. Had his father not been there I would have skinned the bastard alive before delivering him to the Amazons just for the pleasure of seeing the kind of torture they could make him suffer. Knowing the coward, he will most likely remain in the Sphere of the Gods, the metaphysical reality whose inhabitants exist on a higher plane of existence than us mortals. A place that cannot be reached without achieving godhood or being of the same plane of existence as gods.

Unfortunately, none of these problems can compare to the fact that Zeus knows of my existence. Previously I had been content with hiding my existence while searching for a way to even out the playing field against the gods. Now however, hiding has become moot. It is a double edged sword that allows me to operate without having to worry about limiting myself at the expense of any of the Olympians coming to me for a 'favor'.

"*You are ignoring the bigger picture.*" comes Morgan's voice through telepathy.

"*I am not.*" I reply as I look at her through my peripheral vision. "*It is simply an issue that will be dealt with at a later time.*"

"*Please.*" she scoffs in my mind. "*The gods are literally placing their claims for Earth. First Darkseid, then Allfather, and now Zeus. Who is it going to be next, Odin? Soon enough Earth will become a battleground for all of them. We must prepare humanity if they are to survive.*"

"*We cannot help humanity if we ourselves do not survive.*" I answer as I clench my fist behind my back as the memory of Zeus' presence plays out in my mind.

"*Calm down.*" says Morgan as she gently grabs my arm soothingly. "*We will survive this, then we will see him and his putrid son put in their proper place.*" voices Morgan with slightly glowing eyes.

"*The simple fact that Heracles of all people did that infuriates me. We both know that without his father's presence he is nothing.*" I tell her as I take a few deep breaths.

"*Do not worry, I have already made several plans to prepare us. You can focus on increasing your power, I will take care of the other preparations.*" answers Morgan with a malicious glint in her eyes.

"*Oh, you have my interest. Do tell me your plans.*" I reply with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"*Don't act as if you haven't made fifteen different variations of the same plan. Although mine is most likely better.*" she answers with a roll of her eyes.

"*I may have, I may have not.*" I tell her with a shrug.

"*Very well. First we will need an army.*" she replies with a smile as she sweeps the Throne Room with her eyes. "*And these Amazons would make for the perfect army once they are equipped with better weapons and armor. Between their supernatural physique, millennia of training and experience in battle, they have the potential to become a frightening army. Just imagine what a single division could accomplish when equipped with Gae Bolg, or any other spear you memorized from Gilgamesh's Gate, and an enchanted shield made by me.*" she says with a passionate voice.

"*Indeed they would make for a frightening army, although Azula would be best suited to lead them.*" I answer as I begin to take into account what would be required to make it work.

With my telumkinesis I could theoretically create any weapon from the Gate of Babylon and adjust it so that the Amazons could use them with ease. Paired with a shield enchanted by Morgan, it would indeed make them frightening enough to contend with the Olympian army as long as the gods themselves don't intervene.

"*Can you make an artifact with similar healing capabilities as Avalon?*" I ask her, causing her frown in thought.

Before she can answer however, a commotion causes the room's occupants to turn towards the entrance in curiosity. Entering the room is Scáthach, Batman, and Azula, however this isn't what caused the commotion. What has most of the room's occupants curious and intrigued is the fact that one of the Princes of Hell itself is following Azula like a docile pet with a chain tied around its neck that is held in Azula's hand. Behind them is a brown skinned and golden eyed Amazon.

"A gift for you, Queen Hippolyta." says Azula as she drags the Prince of Hell before her and makes him kneel at Hippolyta's feet.

"Is that Dalkriig-Hath?" asks Pythia in awe as she approaches the Prince.

"In the flesh." answers a smug Azula. "I believe that he is the cause of your missing Amazon and the fact that your traps and defenses were easily breached."

Azula's words cause the Throne Room to quiet down as many of the Amazons turn to him with frowns and ill-intent, while some even go as far as to draw their weapons. Standing next to me Superman frowns and makes to intervene before I grab his arm and pull him back.

"Do not interfere." I whisper to him, earning myself a frown as he rips his arm from my grasp and stepping forward.

Before he can say anything however, Hippolyta stands from her throne and approaches the kneeling Prince with a thoughtful frown on her face. She circles Dalkriig-Hath a few times before eventually stopping in front of him and turning to Azula.

"He was responsible for Cassandra's disappearance?" asks Hippolyta.

"He was. Afterwards he went on to commit unspeakable acts against her before she eventually gave him the information he wanted." replies Azula.

"Very well." says Hippolyta with a nod before turning to a pair of the Queensguard. "Take him to the mountain. From now on he shall guard it as punishment for his transgression against our sister." orders Hippolyta as the two Amazons raise him to his feet and drag him out of the Throne Room.

"*What could possibly be important about the mountain that a Prince of Hell would be relegated to guard it?*" I ask Morgan telepathically with narrowed eyes as I attempt to read Hippolyta's mind to no avail.

��*I cannot read her mind either.*" answers Morgan with a frown. "*No doubt the goddesses have blessed them against certain psychological attacks.*" she says as she stops her attempt.

"Now that you are all here, we can begin." says Hippolyta as she retakes her throne while Azula, Batman and Scáthach join Morgan, Superman and I at the side.

"As many of you know, the gods have decreed that from now on they shall no longer be mere observers in man's affairs." informs Hippolyta, causing many of the Amazons' eyes to widen. "That means that we can no longer remain on our island while man is allowed to do as they please. Therefore I will be sending a team of Amazons to man's world to act as ambassadors and hopefully prevent man from bringing about their own demise."

"Forgive me your highness,-" says an armored Amazon as she steps forward with a bow. "-but I do not see why we should care. As far as I am concerned we should continue to leave man to their own devices, and if they bring about their demise then good riddance."

The Amazon's words cause many of her peers to nod in agreement while others mutter their approval with only a few of them frowning in disagreement. By my side I can see Superman's shocked expression at many of the Amazons' casual and callous dismissal of mankind while Batman simply narrows his eyes while his hands retreat to hide behind his cape. No doubt reaching for a weapon or distraction in his utility belt should he have need of it later. Unfortunately I doubt that has anything that would prove effective against them, at least not yet.

"No!" exclaims Wonder Woman as she steps forward before her mother can respond. "Our purpose was to bring peace to mankind. We have already neglected our duty for centuries, we can no longer do so. Especially not when mankind needs us now more than ever." says Wonder Woman passionately while faccing her people, but also missing the small proud smile on her mother's lips.

"Do not speak of duty to me Princess! Not when you have not experienced mankind's evil!" screams the Amazon.

"I may not have experienced your trauma, but I have seen and experienced mankind's evil." answers Diana with a frown. "I have seen their hatred, racism, murders, and even I have seen it all." she says shocking many of the Amazons. "That does not make them beyond saving, nor does it make them unworthy of it. If we abandon them then we are no better than them." she adds, making many of the Amazons look away in guilt and shame, and silencing the Amazon.

"Diana is right." says Hippolyta after a brief period of silence. "We can no longer ignore our purpose. As such she will be acting as our ambassador while being escorted by a small team of Amazons."

"Me?" questions an astonished Wonder Woman. "But I have my duties as a member of the Justice League." she says.

"Justice League?" asks an intrigued Hippolyta with a smile. "You will have to tell me more later. For now we must address our guests." she says as she turns towards us. "Normally I would punish you for bringing men on our island, however the Gates of Tartarus were at stake. As such I will overlook it this time. Besides, you have made some interesting friends." she adds as she looks at Morgan, Scáthach, and Azula.

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