From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 89 - The Goddess of Magic

AN: This chapter closes Morgan's power up arc. Next chapter Ambrosius finally wakes up from his nap, finds out what happened and adopts a child (or three). Don't worry about the others, they will get their own power up arcs.

Also, a lot of you guys seem to want a marvel jump. My only problem with that is after this arc I would have to dig deep into the really obscure cosmic beings if I want to challenge them and I don't really want to do that. However, I am taking any form of suggestion until the end of the DC arc. If I get some really good ideas and can't decide, I'll just put up a poll for you guys to choose.


Avalon Hill, Bludhaven

New Jersey

May 2006

The process of altering Morgan's physical being is a simple process for one such as Hecate. She begins the process by deconstructing the body down to its most basic structures and examining it to see what could be improved, and that is where Hecate's fascination begins. She has been in existence since the beginning of the multiverse, and throughout those countless years she has seen and experienced everything there to see or experience. However, she has never seen a body so intertwined perfectly with its soul to the point where changing one will result in it reflecting in the other.

"Fascinating." whispers Hecate to herself as she continues to examine Morgan's body and soul. "It is as if she were born to be a wielder of magic. Do you all possess these circuits that channel magic throughout your body?" asks Hecate as she turns her eyes towards Scáthach and Azula as they look on.

"We do, however hers are of a much better quality than ours." answers Scáthach as she approaches Hecate and observes Morgan's soul. "Can she feel anything?" asks Scáthach with some concern.

"She cannot. It's like sleeping." answers Hecate as she returns to her task. "While those circuits allow for one's control of their magical energy to be as efficient as possible, they are also very restricting in how much magical power can be channeled." says Hecate as she alters the circuits without causing them to visibly change. From what Scáthach is able to preserve however, Morgan will no longer have a limit on how much magical energy she can channel, nor ever run out of magical power as long as the Multiverse itself exists.

"Tell me something, how is it that beings outside of this Multiverse were able to find themselves here?" asks Hecate as she continues about her work, this time doing something that Scáthach is not of its purpose.

"When did you find out?" answers Azula with a question of her own.

"I had my suspicions while observing your family, but it is now that I have thoroughly examined your physiology that I know." replies Hecate with a smile. "My first clue was the fact that a daughter of Zeus more powerful than Heracles exists yet no one has heard of her. Even now, Zeus has no idea of your existence." she says, making the duo smile at her jab towards Zeus. "My second clue was the way you use magic. At first I believed that you were followers of Order, but then I watched as Morgan quite literally tore any tome related to Order Magic apart due to the ridiculous rules while at the same time scoffing at Chaos Magic's recklessness. It was as if I were watching a mortal version of myself learn magic and become sourly disappointed at the lack of progress made for eons." explains Hecate with the fondness of a proud mother.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you were her birth mother." says Azula with a chuckle.

"If I had a daughter like her then I would be very proud." replies Hecate wistfully as she finishes her work and puts Morgan back together in a flash of blinding light.

As the light fades and Morgan becomes visible, Scáthach and Azula cannot help but stare while taking her physical changes in.

Despite being the same height as Scáthach, five feet nine inches, Morgan has always looked shorter due to her much slimmer physique. Now however she easily stands as tall as Wonder Woman now at six feet two inches. Her previously blond hair is now a luscious black and her emerald eyes that used to only glow when her circuits are activated now glow perpetually. Her previously slim yet athletic figure that she kept through spars has slimmed down more yet seems to be more compact and far more powerful than before. However, none of those changes are what enraptures Scáthach and Azula. What does is an ethereal glow that she now possesses that severely enhances her beauty beyond what the duo thought possible.

As Morgan examines her body she can easily tell what is different about her without even attempting to move yet. While she has been trained by Scáthach, Ambrosius, and even Azula, Morgan has never been the most powerful in terms of physical combat nor has she ever been the most skilled. In fact one can say that she is the weak link of the group when it comes to physical combat. One can even say that out of all of Scáthach's students to complete her training, she ranks somewhere near the bottom when it comes to skill. That has never bothered her however considering the fact that even the weakest and least skilled student of Scáthach would be considered far above average in melee combat even in this Multiverse where it seems that everyone has some form of training in the martial arts.

No, what has bothered her has always been the restriction on her as a magician. While she may have been one of the greatest and powerful magus in her home universe, upon her arrival here she found that magic circuits are restrictive compared to the homo magi of this multiverse who can simply channel magic through their entire body needlessly almost as if their body was made to channel the energy. Now however she can do all of that and more.

"Amazing." whispers Morgan in awe as she looks down at her hand and closes them, her voice carrying an enchanting effect that was not present before.

The resulting action creates a shockwave that cracks the floor under her and creates a gust of wind that blows dust and debris into the air.

"Oops." says Morgan apologetically as she covers her mouth in shock, causing another shockwave and creating another gust of wind.

"Perhaps it would be best if you didn't move until you have full control of yourself." says Scáthach as she blows the dust away from herself and Morgan closes her eyes in concentration.

"Scáthach." calls out Azula. "Can you sense her without the parabatai bond?" questions Azula.

"Now that you mention it, I cannot." answers Scáthach with a frown. "I can sense her perfectly fine through the bond. As a matter of fact not only can I sense her through the bond, but I can feel that it is far stronger now."

"It's not just the bond." says Azula. "I can feel that we are more powerful also. The bond doesn't only empower us in battle anymore. Now it constantly does so, we're becoming more powerful just by existing." explains Azula in awe.

"It's not coming from Morgan only. Ambrosius is undergoing a change that's empowering him." adds Scáthach as she looks towards the ocean. "I didn't notice because we were preoccupied, but he's become more powerful and the bond is reacting in the same way to him that it is doing for Morgan. Albeit to a far lesser degree."

"I am in control." says Morgan as she opens her eyes.

"Are you sure?" asks Scáthach only to receive a smirk as an answer.

To demonstrate her point, Morgan casually opens and closes her hands before going on to punch the air without causing any shockwave.

"I put magical restraints on myself temporarily. Once we finish dealing with Klarion I will have to seclude myself to train for complete control." explains Morgan as she casually waves her hand in the direction of the castle and restores it to its former glory. "It seems that Mordred was able to teleport D.i.c.k, Kaldur and Bernard to safety before being abducted." says Morgan as she goes about placing new defenses around the property.

"Impressive display. It has not been more than ten minutes and you already seem to be comfortable with your new abilities." says Hecate with a clap and a fond. "Truly you are The Goddess of Magic." she adds, shocking the group.

"Goddess of Magic? Is that not who you are?" questions Morgan

"Of course not." answers Hecate with a scoff. "I AM magic. You however are my child and therefore are The Goddess of Magic. More powerful than any other goddess of magic from any pantheon."

Hecate's words shock the trio as the gravity of the situation sinks in. They knew that at some point they would all have to achieve some form of godhood before the upcoming war, yet they never expected it to happen this quickly. Much less the fact that Morgan would be the first one to achieve such a feat before Ambrosius even.

"Of course it isn't official. You will still need to claim your domain or domains sometime." says Hecate, freeing them from their thoughts.

"How does one accomplish that?" asks Morgan.

"Well, this situation has never occurred before. As such I can only speculate." says Hecate with a frown. "The gods' domain were heavily influenced by human beliefs when they received them. You however are not bound by such restrictions. Human beliefs will have no effect on you." informs Hecate.

Before any of them can answer, Morgan turns to look to the sky towards Gotham city.

"The League is here." she says as Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, Superman and John Stewar appear over the horizon with Batman standing on a green construct platform

"Robin told us what happened." says Superman as he and the others land near the four women. "We're here to help. Also, where is Morgan?" he asks as he glances at the unknown ethereal women standing near Scáthach and Azula.

"That will not be necessary." answers Morgan with her enchanting voice as she approaches the present members of the Justice League. "This is a personal family matter, and will be dealt as such." she explains shocking the League as they finally realise that the unknown woman is in fact Morgan.

"Morgan?" wonders Superman out loud. "You look… different." he says while Hecate takes this opportunity to disappear quietly.

"Yes. I did go through some changes recently." She answers as the group regain control of themselves and Batman narrows his eyes at this new development while thinking to himself how much he hates magic sometimes.

"Are you sure that you do not require any assistance?" asks Wonder Woman.

"Not this time sister." answers Azula as she, Morgan, and Scáthach begin to float upwards away while their eyes glow a bit. "This is personal." she says with a malicious smile before the trio fly away, easily breaking the sound barrier multiple times in their wake.

"Man, I pity the fool who pissed those three off." says John Stewart, earning nods of agreements from his comrades.


Himalayas Mountains, Asia

May 2006

"Why have you brought us here child?" questions Black Adam, ruler of Khandaq as he floats near a mountain peak alongside Wotan and Klarion.

Black Adam, also known as Teth-Adam, is a muscular black-eyed powerhouse with short black hair slicked back and stands at six feet three inches tall. He has pointed ears, wears a skintight black uniform with yellow boots, a sash and a golden lightning bolt insignia on his chest while the black cape with a yellow outline attached to his back blows in the wind.

"Call me child one more time, and I'll show you why getting your powers from that old coot of a wizard was a bad idea." says Klarion menacingly as his left hand begins to glow with magical power.

"Hahaha. It seems that the child is ready to throw a tantrum." says Wotan with a laugh, earning a half smirk from Black Adam.

Wotan stands at five feet ten inches, has light blue skin and red eyes with black sclera. His hair is black, with a devil-horned hairstyle, and a pointy black beard. Wotan's clothes are pure red-colored, and he wears a black cape with gold accents.

Ages ago, the sorcerer now known as Wotan was a prehistoric woman who lived in a cold, dark wasteland. After being r.a.p.ed and beaten to the brink of death, the woman was determined to discover the reasons, if any, for human existence and the suffering it entails. After escaping her tormentors, she found refuge with an aged shaman who taught her the mystical arts. The future Wotan grew to become a powerful sorceress that was worshiped as a goddess. Seeking to escape death, she learned how to extend her life by transferring her soul into another body, and finally to direct her own reincarnation into other bodies, or controlled re-birth, as she calls it. After thousands of incarnations, becoming both male and female, the sorceress is in her current blue skinned reincarnation.

Before Klarion can retaliate, a feminine voice speaks out near them.

"Look girls, a group of walking corpses." says Azula as she, Morgan and Scáthach appear near the group.

"Yes, how fascinating." answers Scáthach as she narrows her eyes at Wotan and inspects him before frowning in disgust.

"While I would love nothing more than to discipline these petulant children, I have a daughter to save." says Morgan, making the three magic users frown. "Let's make this quick." She says Azula and Scáthach blitz Black Adam and Wotan respectively while she and Klarion float upwards while exchanging curses.

"You actually came back for more? What are you? A masochist?" questions Klarion as he constantly blasts her while she casually dodges them. "Stay still dammit." whines Klarion in frustration.

"The last time we faced each other you easily overpowered me. This time things will be different." claims Morgan as she spreads her arms and stops all of Klarion's curses and bolts of magic midair before dismantling them. "Normally I would make you suffer for even daring to set your sights on my daughter." says Morgan calmly as she turns his curses and bolts of magic into chains that easily wrap around his limbs despite his struggles. "However, you are far too much of a threat to be left alive." she says as a chain wraps around his throat.

"What are you doing?!" questions Klarion in a panic as he attempts to overpower her to no avail. "Stop this!" he exclaims as Morgan summons Teekl to her and easily incinerates it. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" bellows out Klarion as he finds that despite losing his tether he is still in the mortal realm.

"If I simply allowed you to retreat from the mortal realm you would simply find another familiar at a different time." informs Morgan as she approaches Klarion and plunges her hand into his being. "We can't have that, now can we?" asks Morgan rhetorically with a beautiful yet malicious smile on her face.

"DON'T DO IT PLEASE!" beggs Klarion, his eyes wide and full of fear.

Acting as if she did not hear him, Morgan reaches into his very being for whatever is left of his soul, or whatever it is that allows him to exist. Finding it, she takes hold of it before eradicating it completely. Leaving nothing that would allow him to return, influence or interact with the world under any circ.u.mstance.

Having finished with her task, Morgan turns and surveys Azula and Scáthach to notice that they are also done.

"How did it go?" asks Azula with a raised eyebrow.

"Easy." replies Morgan. "And you two?" she asks.

"Black Adam may have accidentally turned himself back into a human and become dust because his human form is thousands of years old." answers Azula with a shrug before she and Morgan turn to Scáthach.

"Wotan's soul." says Scáthach as she holds up a wailing green flame in her palm. "It is an abomination. She has been absorbing the souls of other magicians for thousands of years to increase her power." explains Scáthach in disgust. "We may need to conduct a purification ritual to give them peace."

"No need." answers Morgan as she frowns in concentration before the flame is engulfed in an emerald light, stops wailing, turns pure white and scatters in the wind.

"Impressive." says Scáthach with a smile before the trio make their way to the mountain peak Klarion was guarding.

As if she has practiced countless times, Morgan deactivates all forms of enchantments on the mountain peak, opens the artificial opening and floats inside. Scáthach and Azula following her close by.

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