"Xingliu, are they really okay?" She couldn't help but confirm with Xingliu.

Hearing this, Xingliu turned around and looked at Mito and said:

"Grandma Mito, please rest assured. They are not only my cherished companions, but also the people I love deeply. I will never put them in danger."

Every word hit Mito's heart like a promise.

Mito looked into Xingliu's eyes, but only saw confidence.

"I believe you, Xingliu." She finally said.

Although the worries in her heart have not completely dissipated, she still believes in Xingliu as before.

Xingliu smiled slightly when he heard this, and he knew that words seemed so pale and powerless at this time.

So, he picked up the crystal ball beside him, let the women transfer some chakra, and then said:

"I have recorded their chakra. When they arrive at the battlefield, we can see their situation through this crystal ball. If there is any danger, I will arrive as soon as possible."

Mito stared at the flickering light in the crystal ball, and the worry in her heart was gradually replaced by an inexplicable peace of mind.

Mito stared at the light flowing in the ball, and the uneasiness in her heart was blown away by the warm wind, and gradually replaced by an inexplicable tranquility.

She sighed softly in her heart: "Little Xingliu, you are always so reliable."

At the same time, the female ninjas also deeply felt Xingliu's care and affection, and a warm current surged in their hearts.

Tsunade looked at the people who were ready and said in a deep voice:

"It's time to set off. The ninjas on the border may be eagerly looking forward to our support."

Xingliu heard the words, nodded slightly, and then waved his hand, and four portals appeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

Then he said in a deep voice: "This is the specific location of the Shikoku Ninja Army that I just sensed. We can go directly to the battlefield through the portal."

Looking at the portal that suddenly appeared, Tsunade's eyes flashed with excitement.

She couldn't wait to walk towards the portal, but at the moment she was about to step into it, she turned around and said to Nono, Jiji and Hinata:

"For our competition this year, how about seeing who can resolve the battle the fastest this time?"

As she said this, a challenging smile appeared on her face, and a competitive light flashed in her eyes.

After hearing this, the women also showed interested expressions on their faces.

They all nodded and accepted Tsunade's bet.

Under the influence of Xingliu, their personalities gradually became decisive and strong.

The experiences of the past few years have also allowed them to witness the darkness and cruelty of the ninja world, but they have never been defeated by these.

On the contrary, these experiences have made them more aware that they must not be soft-hearted when dealing with the enemy.

Therefore, when facing a war that may kill thousands of people, they can still remain calm and calm.

Even have the leisure to open such a bet.

However, Xingliu showed a strange expression on his face after hearing Tsunade's words.

He thought silently in his heart: 'Has she forgotten what her bet is? '

Unfortunately, after seeing the women agree to the bet, Tsunade couldn't wait to step into the portal and missed Xingliu's strange expression.

Otherwise, she might recall those childhood nightmares dominated by Xingliu, and thus remember her weird bet.


At the junction of the border between the Wind Country and the Fire Country, in a tunnel dug by ninjutsu, several ninjas wearing Konoha forehead guards hid with tired faces.

They were exhausted due to excessive use of chakra, but compared to their companions who died in the Sand Ninja raid, they were undoubtedly lucky.

"Damn it!"

A ninja couldn't help but pound the wall angrily, venting his inner grief and anger:

"If it weren't for the Sand Ninja, Minghui wouldn't have died! He clearly told me that he would go back to his hometown to get married after completing the guard mission this time!"

His words were full of grief and anger, and he finally sat on the ground powerlessly, letting his tears fall.

And his actions also resonated with a ninja next to him.

"That's right, I don't know what the fifth generation thinks, why force them..."

However, just after he finished speaking, the ninja who had just sat on the ground powerlessly suddenly punched him in the face.

"The fifth generation is not wrong!" He shouted hoarsely:

"My companion died at the hands of the Sand Ninja! If you don't have the courage to find the murderer who killed your companion, then let me avenge you!"

The ninja who was knocked away by him flushed, shame and anger intertwined, but in the end he lowered his head and did not refute.

The atmosphere in the tunnel suddenly became tense, and the air was filled with strong anger and sadness.

These ninjas knew that their enemy was the Sand Ninja, not their companions.

"Little mouse~ Do you think we Sand Ninjas don't exist? Are you making such a big noise, afraid that we won't be discovered? "

Just then, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the tunnel, making everyone's heartbeats accelerate instantly.

They looked around nervously, looking for the source of the sound, but they only saw darkness.

The appearance of this voice made the already tense atmosphere even more tense.

Every ninja held their breath and prepared to deal with the upcoming danger with full concentration.

They knew that the Sand Ninjas had discovered them, and the next battle would be a matter of life and death.

However, after they waited nervously for a while, they found that the voice did not sound again, and there was no movement around.

"Where is the Hyuga ninja? Has your chakra recovered? Open your Byakugan and take a look! "A ninja shouted anxiously.

Hearing this, a ninja from the Hyuga family gritted his teeth, squeezed chakra out of his cells with all his strength, and opened his Byakugan.

Even though he knew that excessive use of chakra could lead to death, he still did it resolutely for the safety of his companions.

However, at the moment of opening his Byakugan, his face suddenly changed, pale as paper, and he sat down on the ground, muttering to himself: "It's too late."

His abnormal behavior immediately attracted the attention of the people around him. A ninja hurriedly helped him up and asked: "What's too late?"

The Hyuga ninja showed a bitter smile and said weakly: "The Sand Village army is above us, we can't escape."

His voice was full of despair and helplessness. Everyone's heart sank when they heard it, realizing that they were in a desperate situation.

At this time, the cold voice before sounded again, saying in a playful tone:

"He is right, we have surrounded you. Do you choose to surrender gracefully, or let us help you do it? "

Faced with this provocation, the ninjas of Konoha did not retreat, but instead aroused their fighting spirit.

"Go up and fight them!" A ninja roared.

"That's right!" Another ninja also responded, "Kill one to get back, kill two to make a profit! We will never sit and wait for death!"

Just as they were excited and ready to fight to the death, a loud noise suddenly came.

Along with the loud noise, there was also the scream of the provocative voice.

"Yes, you are worthy of being my Konoha! "

Everyone looked up in astonishment, only to see that the top of the tunnel above their heads was completely opened, and the sun shone through the gap, illuminating the originally dark tunnel.

Under the sunlight, Tsunade with blonde hair stood at the entrance of the tunnel. She looked at the ninjas with admiration, with pride and pride in her eyes.

At this moment, the despair and helplessness in the hearts of the ninjas disappeared in an instant, replaced by endless joy and excitement.

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