The Konoha building was crowded with people, even those who rarely appeared on weekdays showed up at this moment.

Yesterday, Xingliu patted his butt and left, but they couldn't stay out of it.

There were tens of thousands of people outside Konoha who needed to be dealt with, which pushed all departments of Konoha to their limits.

But even though they were so tired, these people were smiling while dealing with this matter.

After all, they were the winners, and it was an unprecedented victory.

After enjoying a hearty breakfast, Xingliu walked slowly into the Hokage's office with a leisurely mood.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the office was extremely busy. Tobirama and Izuna were concentrating on the piles of documents.

There was a trace of fatigue in their eyes, but their hands were still constantly flipping through the documents and handling various urgent matters.

Xingliu's eyes swept across the office, and suddenly found that Uzumaki Mito was also busy handling affairs on the table next to him.

Her face looked a little haggard, and the faint dark circles under her eyes revealed her hard work from not sleeping last night.

This scene surprised Xingliu a little, after all, in his impression, Uzumaki Mito was a guy who was often lazy.

However, Xingliu soon figured out the reason.

Although Uzumaki Mito seemed lazy at ordinary times, she was still very reliable when it came to a critical moment.

This matter was related to the future direction of the entire ninja world, so of course she would pay attention to it.

As for Madara and Hashirama, they were lucky not to be a drag, and they had been driven away by everyone to monitor the four shadows.

In a room, Ohnoki watched Madara's heart collapse.

Xingliu's arrival obviously attracted the attention of several people.

Mito temporarily put down the heavy work in his hands, stood up and gently stretched his tired body, then turned to Xingliu and asked solemnly:

"What are your plans next?"

Xingliu naturally understood what this meant, so after thinking for a moment, he said:

"Next, leave the high-level officials of each village in Konoha and let our people take over their villages."

"As for those so-called nobles, they will all be dealt with according to the previous methods. Those who are guilty will be killed, and those who are innocent will be let go."

After listening to Xingliu's plan, Tobirama frowned slightly, and it was obvious that he still had doubts in his heart.

He was well aware of the long-standing traditions and conventions of the ninja world, which would become a major obstacle to Xingliu's unification plan.

Therefore, he raised his head and stared at Xingliu with a sharp gaze, revealing a hint of doubt in his tone: "Is it that simple?"

Xingliu shrugged his shoulders and responded easily:

"You seem to think too complicated. Human desires are endless."

"After knowing how to make themselves live more like a person, those people will choose this path by themselves."

"As for those stubborn and conservative nobles, when they lose their absolute power, the common people can overthrow them by themselves."

"So instead of worrying about obstacles, you might as well think about what to do if you can't handle the government affairs in the future when the place is big."

Hearing this, Tobirama couldn't help but look at his side. At this time, he was surrounded by documents.

And when he thought that this was only a trivial part of the future, he had the idea of ​​slacking off for the first time.

Izuna on the side was also a little numb.

Originally, during this period, he had found several qualified helpers in the Uchiha clan to replace himself.

But unexpectedly, before these helpers were trained, more work had come.

Uzumaki Mito nodded thoughtfully after listening to Xingliu's analysis.

She thought of what happened in the Fire Country in recent years after the nobles were eliminated.

The civilians who had been exploited by the nobles had wholeheartedly supported this new system after their lives were expected to improve.

Therefore, she firmly believed that Xingliu was right, and the so-called resistance was not worth mentioning in the face of this spontaneous public opinion.

At this time, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and Uchiha Madara appeared at the door.

He glanced at the people in the room, and his eyes finally stopped on Xingliu.

A trace of hesitation flashed across Madara's face, but he finally spoke: "Xingliu, I have a question for you."

Xingliu calmly met Madara's gaze and nodded slightly to signal him to continue.

Madara's voice was low and powerful: "Why bother to revive those people? Wouldn't it be simpler and more direct to directly eliminate the coalition forces?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes turned to Uchiha Madara.

He has a very bad temper.

Xingliu smiled faintly and explained calmly:

“The reason for not killing them is actually very simple. After the unification of the ninja world, we need a large number of grassroots personnel to manage this huge system. Although the ninjas are not well-educated, their abilities and potential arestrength far exceeds that of ordinary civilians. "

"We have decided to give up the noble class. If we give up so many ninjas, then do I have to do all the trivial and complicated work in the future? Or do you plan to use shadow clones to deal with all this?"

Uchiha Madara was speechless on the spot when he heard this.

As Izuna's brother, he knew too well how hard Izuna worked every day.

He would not hesitate to let Madara fight, but asking him to sit in the office to handle affairs, isn't that a joke?

The other people present also had an expression of "Oh~ So that's it", and nodded in understanding.

After all, it was Xingliu, and it was understandable for slacking off.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little subtle, and the air was filled with awkwardness.

Xingliu also felt a little embarrassed. He touched his nose and laughed dryly a few times: "That... Don't look at me like that, I'm doing this for everyone's good! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help laughing.


The news of the Four Nations Ninja Alliance surrendering without a fight, the resurrection of the dead, and the falling of the moon spread quickly among the major countries like wildfire.

Behind these shocking events, there are inextricable connections with Konoha's fifth generation Hokage Uchiha Seiryu.

When the four major ninja villages received the news of defeat and learned that the dead had been reborn, their will to continue resisting collapsed instantly.

They chose to obey and were incorporated into the new order in an orderly manner by Konoha.

However, the aristocratic class that had long been entrenched in the pinnacle of power could not accept this huge change.

They fell into an unprecedented panic, like sand swept away by the tide, eagerly looking for a life-saving straw to stabilize themselves.

Wandering Ninja , bounty hunters and even samurai were all seen as possible allies by them.

Unfortunately, these people who licked blood on the knife's edge were not stupid.

Even Kakuzu, who was known for his greed, chose to take the money and leave without hesitation after learning that he was going to be an enemy of Konoha.

Their departure completely shattered the hopes of the nobles in the cruel reality.

The desperate nobles had to turn their attention to the civilians who had once been despised and regarded as grass, trying to drive these civilians to work for them through sweet words.

However, Konoha Village seemed to have seen through all this.

They did not take too many measures, but just showed the civilians the happy living conditions of the civilians in the Land of Fire.

Through this simple move, the conspiracy of the nobles was broken, and the civilians' trust and fantasy in the nobles also disappeared.

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