Just as Zhang Zhiwei was about to use all his strength, dazzling lightning suddenly burst out around him, and it was obvious that he was going to use a powerful thunder method, Xing Liu suddenly stopped him.

"Okay, that's enough."

This made Zhang Zhiwei feel a little embarrassed and uncomfortable. His offensive was abruptly interrupted, and he was at a loss for a moment.

However, he finally chose to stop because of his fear of Xing Liu's strength.

He knew that there was still a big gap between him and this senior, and rashly attacking would only bring humiliation upon himself.

However, he was still a little dissatisfied.

"Senior, this is a bit unkind. It was you who asked me to attack, and now it is you who asked me to stop."

Xing Liu laughed when he heard this, and he waved his hand and said:

"What senior, do you think I look like a senior? I am about the same age as you, just call me brother."

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned after hearing this, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

He secretly looked at Xing Liu, and it seemed that he was indeed of the same age.

But no matter what, Xing Liu's unfathomable strength made it difficult for him to regard the other party as a peer.

He muttered in his heart: "Is this senior joking?"

However, looking at Xing Liu's serious eyes, he felt that the other party did not seem to be lying.

This made Zhang Zhiwei feel a little confused for a while.

Finally, he laughed and tried to fool it: "Can I take these children with me? I have been entrusted by someone to send them back safely."

Xing Liu nodded and agreed: "No problem, you take them away."

The reason why Xing Liu revealed Zhang Zhiwei's whereabouts was to confirm Zhang Zhiwei's identity and see if he had any connection with the human traffickers.

Now seeing that Zhang Zhiwei has the Golden Light Curse and Thunder Method, and his skills are much better than the leader just now, he knows that his identity should be true.

At the same time, these rescued children are also a tricky thing for Xing Liu.

He was not good at dealing with such situations that required careful care and comfort. Since Zhang Zhiwei was willing to take over this task, he naturally wanted it.

What's more, he had more urgent and important things to deal with.

Zhang Zhiwei originally thought that Xing Liu would be a difficult person to deal with, after all, his attitude was not friendly at the beginning.

However, to his surprise, Xing Liu agreed to his request so readily and even gave up the credit for rescuing the children.

This surprised and confused him.

However, he did not have time to delve into the reasons.

The top priority was to take these children away from this dangerous place as soon as possible and find their families.

So he walked to the children, ready to wake them up and take them away.

However, when he saw the children, he was surprised to find that all their injuries had disappeared.

Whether it was the injured children or the disabled children, they were all healthy at this moment.

Even those children who were dying after being cut alive were now full of vitality.

This shocked Zhang Zhiwei again.

He turned to look at where Xingliu was, but found that Xingliu and his companions had disappeared.

"This is a real hero!" Zhang Zhiwei sighed in his heart, "Not seeking fame or profit, just doing justice. In comparison, I am still a little bit behind."

If Xingliu heard Zhang Zhiwei's praise at this moment, he would probably laugh out loud.

Because he never thought of himself as a hero, let alone how noble he was.

In his opinion, he just acted according to his own heart and did what he wanted to do.

After sighing, Zhang Zhiwei began to deal with the affairs at hand.

He gently woke up the children and prepared to take them away from this bloody and terrifying place.

However, what he never expected was that these children cried non-stop as soon as they woke up, especially when they saw the miserable situation around them, they cried heartbreakingly.

Zhang Zhiwei suddenly felt a headache, and he secretly blamed himself for not thinking carefully.

He thought that rescuing the children would be enough, but he didn't expect that there were so many follow-up issues to deal with.

He took great effort to coax these children, and then asked them their home addresses and parents' names one by one, preparing to send them back.

After some twists and turns, most of the children were sent back to their parents.

But there were still seven or eight children who couldn't find their families for various reasons.

Looking at these homeless little carrots, Zhang Zhiwei couldn't help but smile bitterly.

At this time, he suddenly realized that the reason why Xingliu left in a hurry was because he had long expected such a situation to happen.

If these children were sent to the government, it would be like sending them into the tiger's mouth.

After all, the court at this timeTing can only say that those who understand understand.

However, it is too late to understand these things now.

In desperation, Zhang Zhiwei had to take these children back to the inn to find his master Zhang Jingqing for help.

As soon as he opened the door, Zhang Zhiwei said flatteringly with a smile on his face: "Master, I have something to ask you for help."

Zhang Jingqing sat cross-legged on the bed without even opening his eyes. He snorted coldly:

"You beg me to hold back nothing good. Tell me first whether you want money or not."

Zhang Zhiwei was not discouraged by hearing this. Instead, he ran to Zhang Jingqing more diligently to massage his shoulders and back to please him:

"Master, you misunderstood. This time it is not about asking for money."

Zhang Jingqing shook his hand away: "That's even worse! If you don't ask for money, then let me clean your ass! Tell me what trouble you have caused again?"

Now it was Zhang Zhiwei's turn to be dumbfounded. He was in a dilemma and didn't know how to start.

Seeing his embarrassed look, Zhang Jingqing sighed and said:

"Zhiwei, this time I will help you take in these children. But you have to remember that you should do things within your ability next time, okay?"

In fact, Zhang Jingqing had known about the commotion his disciples had made outside.

He was also a kind-hearted person, and knew that these children really had nowhere to go except to take them in.

But it couldn't always be like this, after all, Longhu Mountain was not a charity, and no matter how powerful it was, it couldn't save everyone.

So he deliberately made such a scene to warn his disciples and let them remember it.

Zhang Zhiwei was overjoyed when he heard that his master agreed to take in these children, and he thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you, master! Thank you, master!"

Zhang Jingqing waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to be polite, and then said earnestly:

"Zhiwei, you are not young anymore, you should learn to take some responsibilities. These children will be handed over to you for the time being. After a while, we will take them to Mr. Lu to find a place for them."

Zhang Zhiwei replied respectfully: "Yes! I understand!"

Zhang Jingqing nodded to show satisfaction, and then ordered: "Okay, you go and make arrangements for these children. Prepare some food and clothes for them, and arrange a place for them to live."

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