At this moment, Xing Liu was like a hero from a myth. His presence rekindled people's hope.

Those who had originally looked desperate now looked up at the sky, their eyes full of awe.

Zhang Jingqing and Zuo Ruotong also came out from their hiding place. They looked at Xing Liu standing in the air, and endless emotion surged in their hearts.

Especially Zhang Jingqing, who had the degree of a heavenly master, at this moment flashed a guess that he once thought was impossible in his mind-Is Xing Liu really a banished immortal?

However, Xing Liu did not care too much about other people's thoughts.

The reason why he took action was, on the one hand, because this incident did not happen in the original book, so this change might be related to him.

On the other hand, he never had a good impression of the people of Sakura Country. Since they wanted to cause trouble, let them reap what they sowed.

These thoughts flashed through Xingliu's mind, and then he flicked his fingers and whispered a word: "Go."

As his voice fell, the shells that were originally suspended in the air instantly changed direction and flew back to the path they came from at a faster speed.

In a hidden position in the distance, the captain of the artillery regiment, Meichuan Kuzi, was looking at the direction of the Lu family with a sneer.

He murmured to himself: "Jingbianjun, your sacrifice will be remembered forever by the empire!"

After speaking, he turned his head and ordered the soldiers beside him: "Pass the order down, strengthen two rounds of artillery fire, and don't let Jingbian's sacrifice go in vain."

The soldier bowed his head and responded, and was about to turn around to convey the order, when suddenly, a rapid whistling sound came.

He subconsciously looked up and suddenly widened his eyes in horror-he saw the shells flying rapidly towards their position.

This sudden scene terrified the soldier, and he shouted loudly:

"Artillery attack! Find shelter!"

However, before his voice fell, the shells had already arrived one after another, exploding on the battlefield.

The battlefield instantly fell into chaos, and the soldiers fled everywhere, looking for a place to hide.

However, they did not expect that they would be bombed by shells, and they did not make shelters at all.

So in this open battlefield, they had almost nowhere to hide.

The sound of shells exploding came one after another, and each sound was like a death warrant from the god of death, ruthlessly taking away lives.

Meichuan Kuzi was not spared either. He was blown away by the shock wave of the explosion and fell heavily to the ground.

He struggled to stand up, but found that his legs had been blown off, and blood stained his trouser legs red.

"This... This is impossible!"

Meichuan Kuzi shouted desperately, he could not accept such a result.

He originally thought that the plan was perfect, but he didn't expect it to end up like this.

In the distance, Xing Liu stood in the air, coldly watching the tragic situation on the artillery position.

There was no mercy or sympathy in his eyes, only coldness and contempt for the enemy.

When everything was settled, the survivors showed joyful smiles on their faces.

They were glad that they survived the disaster. Even if the plan did not go as expected, they were still alive, which was the greatest luck.

However, their joy did not last long, and they suddenly felt their bodies lighten, and the whole person flew into the sky uncontrollably.

They were horrified to find that they and everything around them were being pulled by an invisible force and gathered to the same place.

No matter how they struggled and shouted, they could not get rid of the shackles of this force.

Their hearts were filled with fear and despair, as if they were facing the call of death again.

In the distance, Xing Liu stood quietly, his eyes cold.

The next moment, he clenched his fists.

As he clenched his fist, all the people and objects that were attracted together merged together in an instant.

At that moment, it seemed as if time had stopped, and the air was filled with a solemn and oppressive atmosphere.

When everything returned to calm, the artillery position had turned into a ruin.

Those soldiers from the Sakura Country who had once been arrogant and attempted to destroy peace have now all died.

Their bodies were twisted and stacked together, forming a horrible scene.

Although the people at the birthday banquet did not know this scene, they looked at Xingliu as if they were looking up at a god.

Zhang Jingqing stared at the slowly descending Xingliu, took a deep breath, and then bowed and saluted, saying: "My friend, I was wrong before."

This was an apology for his previous constant testing of Xingliu.

After all, as long as Xingliu did not lend a hand today, they would most likely die here.

Therefore, it was inappropriate to doubt the actions of Xingliu and others.

Xing Liu just smiled faintly and replied: "It's okay, it's just human nature.. "

At this time, Zuo Ruotong walked to Xingliu with excitement, his eyes flashing with eagerness.

He took a deep breath and asked with a trembling voice: "Immortal, I have been troubled by something for a long time. I wonder if you can give me some advice?"

Xingliu nodded slightly, and he signaled Zuo Ruotong to continue, willing to listen to his doubts.

Zuo Ruotong calmed down and said carefully:

"I have been committed to exploring the mystery of the three levels of reverse birth, and want to know whether people can restore the innate Qi and reach the realm of immortality. "

This question is of great significance to Zuo Ruotong. It represents the highest pursuit of the three-fold reverse birth of his Sanyi Sect's fundamental method, and is also the ultimate goal of his personal practice.

Therefore, he stared at Xingliu's eyes closely, fearing that he would miss any subtle changes in expression or fluctuations in tone.

After hearing this, Xingliu fell into deep contemplation.

Although he did not know much about the practice of Yiren, the hang-up system he had allowed him to have a high level of theoretical attainments.

He understood that Zuo Ruotong's question was actually asking whether the three-fold reverse birth could make people immortal.

The answer to this is clear and direct: it is impossible.

If immortality is really so easy to obtain, then in the long years, Legends of the transformation of the immortals would not be so rare.

From Xing Liu's perspective, the three levels of reverse birth are certainly a shortcut to practice.

It uniquely trains the practitioner's body back to the original state of the innate Qi, attempting to achieve the purpose of the transformation of the immortals.

However, this method is a trick, it ignores the balance and harmony of the dual cultivation of sex and life on the road of practice, and it is undoubtedly a bit of an evil path.

All shortcuts in the world are exchanged at a huge price, and the three levels of reverse birth are no exception.

It may allow practitioners to gain powerful strength, but they will eventually return to the innate Qi, that is, death.

After understanding this, Xing Liu slowly shook his head.

"The realm of immortality you are pursuing is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people. Although the three levels of reverse birth are a shortcut, it is by no means easy to truly achieve the level of immortality. "

Although this was not said explicitly, it undoubtedly gave the answer.

This made Zuo Rutong a little difficult to accept for a while, but in the end he still smiled.

After decades of pursuit, it is naturally impossible to give up because of someone's words, even if this person is an immortal.

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