Staring at the new prompt that popped up in the system, Xing Liu touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

He clearly saw that the magnitude of the reward had increased significantly, which was undoubtedly an attractive opportunity.

However, he also understood that the difficulty of the task would inevitably increase accordingly.

Reason sounded the alarm in his mind, telling him that he should act cautiously. Perhaps giving up this world and waiting for another month would be a wiser choice.

After all, there is only a fine line between adventure and recklessness. He needs to make sure that he will not fall into an irreversible situation due to a momentary impulse.

However, just when he decided to give up, an indescribable intuition quietly rose in his heart.

He felt that if he chose to give up, he would lose not only the opportunity of a world, but also some immeasurable and great benefits.

This benefit seemed to be closely linked to his destiny. Once missed, there might be no chance again.

Just as Xing Liu was struggling between reason and intuition, the system sent a new prompt again, breaking his meditation.

[This world has been promoted for unknown reasons, and the current strongest person's cultivation is close to the realm of celestial beings. May I ask if the host still chooses to enter? ]

This prompt made Xing Liu's heart rise instantly, but then he gently let it go.

He noticed that the prompt said "close to celestial beings", not real celestial beings.

In his cognition, although there is only a thin line between earthly immortals and celestial beings, there is a world of difference in strength.

Therefore, he believes that the strongest person in this world is not enough to pose a threat to him.

In this way, his safety is basically guaranteed.

Although Xing Liu has full confidence in his own strength, he will never take it lightly.

After all, the unknown changes behind this sudden world promotion are still a huge mystery.

This kind of power that can make a low-level martial arts world suddenly promoted is itself full of incredible and mysterious.

Xing Liu knows that this must involve some existence or power beyond common sense.

Therefore, he must remain highly vigilant and cautious to deal with various situations that may arise.

Now that the decision has been made, there is no need to delay any longer.

Xingliu understood that this mission was different from the previous ones, and there were too many unknown factors involved, so he decided to go alone without anyone else.

Although this would make him less helpful when facing danger, it would also reduce some unnecessary troubles and risks.

Before leaving, he said hello to Tsunade and others and released several people in the alien space.

Then, he communicated with the system and confirmed that he had entered the world of one person.

With a flash of light, Xingliu's figure disappeared from the spot and embarked on the journey to the new world.


As soon as Xingliu stepped into this so-called "world of one person", the scene in front of him almost made him drop his jaw.

According to his understanding of the plot, this should be a modern society.

However, what was now presented to him, although there were also shadows of modern society, the mixed elements in it made him feel confused.

In the sky, from time to time, someone flew over with a sword, leaving a stunning trail.

In Xingliu's opinion, this completely broke the common sense and cognition of modern society.

He couldn't help but complain in his heart: Who in modern society can fly with a sword? Isn't this a scene that should only appear in the world of immortal heroes?

And when he turned his eyes to the billboard next to him, he felt speechless.

I saw that the billboard was advertising elixirs.

Moreover, these elixirs were advertised as health products, as if in this world, elixirs have become a household name and a must-have for everyone.

This made Xingliu feel a little amused.

He remembered that in the original plot, aliens were only a minority, and the population red line was also an important setting.

However, now it seems that this world seems to have completely overturned his cognition.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Ma Hongxian's pursuit has not yet begun, but it has been realized in this world.

Just when Xingliu felt confused and helpless, a speeding motorcycle suddenly stopped in front of him.

A uniformed policeman jumped off the car, walked in front of him, and showed his ID seriously.

"Hello, comrade. I'm JC. Teleportation is not allowed here. Please come with me to register the relevant information."

There was a bit of seriousness and earnestness in his words.

Xing Liu looked at the righteous policeman in front of him and smiled bitterly in his heart.

He wanted to say something to explain his situation., but he didn't know how to start.

He couldn't help but complain in his heart: "Can this world learn from the world of immortals? How come they have started to cultivate immortals, but there are still cameras everywhere?"

However, even though he complained, Xing Liu knew that his current situation was a bit embarrassing.

He didn't have an identity in this world. If he followed the police back to register, his true identity would probably be exposed soon.

This made Xing Liu a little helpless. He had never seen such a scene before.

However, at this moment, the police suddenly took out a device similar to a mobile phone and scanned it at him.

He thought it was just a routine matter, but the police's next reaction stunned him.

The police showed an incredible expression on his face and exclaimed:

"Huh? How is it possible? Where is your identity information? Why is there no record at all?"

Hearing this, Xing Liu could only roll his eyes helplessly in his heart.

How could an "outsider" like him be identified?

However, this also saved him a lot of trouble. At least now he didn't need to bother to make up a reasonable explanation.

So, while the police were still in a daze, Xing Liu had already made a decision.

He moved his fingers gently, and the next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot, leaving the police standing there blankly.

After a long while, the police came back to his senses, hurriedly took out the walkie-talkie, and nervously reported:

"I have a situation here. An unidentified suspicious person just disappeared suddenly. Request immediate support!"

Regardless of how the police acted later, Xing Liu had already arrived at a prosperous area.

He looked up and saw a towering building in his sight. Next to the building were a few big words written: Tianxia Group.

Since there are huge risks in this world and you can't just rush in, it is particularly important to find a reliable partner.

In Xing Liu's heart, Feng Zhenghao is undoubtedly a suitable candidate.

Although he is shrewd and cunning, he doesn't care about his face.

But as long as he is a teammate, there is no problem.

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