Just as Xingliu planned.

After Ma Hongxian was captured, Qu Tong quickly arranged for someone to kidnap him back.

Qu Tong did not take it lightly because she successfully took Ma Hongxian back. She knew that every action must be cautious.

Therefore, she immediately started to investigate the relevant personnel information of this incident.

Chen Duo, as a temporary worker of the company, had a clean background and did not attract too much attention from Qu Tong.

However, the appearance of Xingliu made her alert.

Especially after learning about the strong strength that Xingliu showed when facing Liao Zhong, Qu Tong's vigilance reached its peak.

She knew that this seemingly sudden Xingliu was not an ordinary person.

If he had some connection with Ma Hongxian, her carefully planned plan might face huge variables.

In order to ensure that everything was foolproof, Qu Tong decided to stay put for the time being and waited quietly for a week.

During this week, she kept exploring the news of Xingliu, trying to understand his whereabouts and purpose.

When she learned that Xing Liu had been traveling with two women and enjoying life, her vigilance was slightly relaxed.

So, a week later, she decided to meet Ma Hongxian in her secret base.

However, the asymmetry of intelligence still made this woman, who had always been shrewd, make a fatal mistake.

The moment she saw Ma Hongxian, she immediately realized that the problem was serious.

Ma Hongxian's eyes full of hatred and anger told her that he had recovered his memory.

This made Qu Tong realize that she might have been deceived by Xing Liu.

Thinking of the spatial ability shown by Xing Liu and his contact with Ma Hongxian, Qu Tong realized that she might have fallen into a carefully designed trap.

However, it was impossible for Qu Tong to give up easily.

After a brief shock and anger, she quickly regained her composure and turned away.

Unfortunately, when the bird was hooked, how could the hunter let her leave easily?

Although her steps were hurried, she remained stable. She knew that she could not panic at this time.

The exit of the secret base was right in front of her. As long as she could leave here, she would have a chance to regain the initiative.

However, just as she was about to step out of the exit, a powerful force suddenly descended from the sky and firmly suppressed her in place.

Qu Tong was startled and looked up, only to see Xing Liu standing not far away, staring at her coldly.

A bitter smile bloomed at the corners of Qu Tong's mouth, and she said helplessly: "You are here after all." Her voice revealed an unspeakable sense of frustration.

"I remember I didn't offend you, why did you treat me like this?"

While speaking, she struggled hard, trying to break free from the force that bound her, but it was in vain.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move at all.

This feeling of powerlessness reminded her of the days when she was hunted down, the past that almost made her collapse.

Xing Liu said lightly: "You have never offended me, but you have something I need."

Qu Tong's heart tightened instantly, and she instinctively thought of the pair of hands and the mysterious key seed of Daluo Dongguan.

These things are related to too many of her secrets and plans.

However, Xing Liu's next words were like a thunder, exploding in her heart: "I need Daluo Dongguan, you should know, right?"

Qu Tong was stunned, and the eyes that were originally full of calculations and cunning now showed a blank look.

Her red lips opened slightly, as if she couldn't digest this sudden information for a while.

She never thought that what Xing Liu wanted was so simple.

This was completely different from the various complex conspiracies and calculations she had expected in her heart.

This sudden change made Qu Tong feel relieved, and at the same time, an inexplicable feeling surged in her heart.

She always thought that the seeds of the Eight Wonders were Xing Liu's goal.

After all, Xing Liu had planned so much, which made her think that Xing Liu also understood the mystery of the Eight Wonders.

The Eight Wonders and the seeds of the Eight Wonders have the same origin but different qualities.

Only when the Eight Wonders are cultivated to the pinnacle can the unique seeds be bred.

Once the eight seeds gather in one person, the legendary "demon" will revive and bring unpredictable disasters.

More importantly, the uniqueness of the seed determines its preciousness and rarity.

Once someone successfully condenses the seed, no matter how hard the later ones practice, they will not be able to condense the same seed again.

If it weren't for this limitation, Qu Tong would have completed her plan long ago.

But at this moment, she had to face the reality in front of her.

So after a brief daze, Qu Tong quickly regained her composure.

She carefully observed every change in Xing Liu's expression., trying to read his true intentions from it.

When she realized that what Xing Liu said was true, countless thoughts suddenly surged in her mind.

"I can give you what you want, but you have to let me go."

Qu Tong's voice was firm and decisive. She knew that this was her only bargaining chip.

Xing Liu looked at her deeply, and his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate her soul: "Okay, it's a deal."

His voice was equally unambiguous.

However, Xing Liu's straightforward agreement made Qu Tong doubtful.

She understood that she was now completely at a disadvantage, and there was no other way but to choose to believe.

So, after a moment of uneasiness, she decided to continue to deal with Xing Liu.

"I don't have the practice method of Daluo Dongguan, but I know who has it, and I am sure I can get it." Qu Tong spoke quickly, fearing that Xing Liu would lose patience because of her pause.

At the moment when she said there was no practice method, she keenly caught a slight change in Xing Liu's eyes.

It was an extreme indifference and murderous intent, as if even the space was frozen at this moment.

This made her more convinced that she must provide valuable information as soon as possible.

Fortunately, when she told the follow-up plan, Xing Liu's eyes gradually returned to normal.

Then, she felt that the invisible binding force disappeared.

This was Xing Liu's sincerity and his patience.

Qu Tong did not dare to be negligent, and immediately took out the phone and dialed the number that she remembered by heart, and thoughtfully chose to put it on the speaker.

She knew that this was to let Xing Liu hear the next conversation and further prove her value.

The phone was quickly connected, and a familiar voice came: "What's the matter, Qu Tong?"

Hearing this voice, Qu Tong hurriedly said: "Help me, Gu Jiting."

Her tone revealed a hint of urgency and pleading, because she knew that whether she could get out of it depended on Gu Jiting's next move.

But after she finished speaking, the other end of the phone fell into a long silence.

Qu Tong knew what Gu Jiting was doing, which was simply using Daluo Cave to observe what was happening here.

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