Xingliu, who realized this important issue, suddenly interrupted the women who were discussing it.

He asked in a deep voice: "Wait a minute, how long have I been away from this world?"

He paused for a moment and then went on to say: "Or, how long has it been since the world changed?"

Hearing his question, Tsunade showed a slightly puzzled expression on her face.

However, she quickly answered Xingliu's question: "It has been about a month since the world changed."

As soon as Tsunade's voice fell, Xingliu's face became solemn in an instant.

He remembered that after the world was promoted, he listened to Tongtian's preaching.

It must have been at that time that he forgot the passage of time.

His thoughts jumped to the three women who were left in the alien space like lightning.

Although there were enough supplies to support decades of life there, the monotony of the environment and the endless torture of loneliness were a severe test for anyone.

What worried him even more was that among the three women, only Xia He's mental state was relatively stable.

As for Chen Duo and Feng Baobao, their conditions were not much better than those of mental patients.

When Xing Liu thought of the suffering they might suffer in the alien space, he felt indescribable anxiety and uneasiness in his heart.

He did not dare to delay for a moment and immediately projected his mind into the alien space.

However, the scene in front of him made him feel relieved.

Xia He was watching the bloody TV series with Chen Duo and Feng Baobao with relish. The three of them laughed happily from time to time, and there was no collapse and despair as he expected.

However, after careful observation, he still found the loneliness in their eyes that was difficult to conceal.

This made Xing Liu more determined to bring them out as soon as possible.

He acted quickly and rescued the three women from the alien space.

When the three women reappeared in the Naruto world and saw Xing Liu's familiar figure, their faces immediately bloomed with flower-like smiles.

Even Chen Duo, who usually had a cold face, could not hide his inner joy at this moment.

Xia He was so excited that she almost rushed over to give Xingliu a warm hug.

However, just as she was about to take action, she suddenly noticed the strange looks around her.

She looked closely and found that Tsunade and Zhili were staring at Xingliu with resentful eyes, and the resentment in their eyes seemed to be about to overflow.

Although Tsunade knew that men had their own careers and responsibilities, she tried to treat Xingliu's long absence with tolerance and understanding.

However, when she saw Xingliu returning with other women, she couldn't avoid a little bitterness in her heart.

She was not a jealous woman, but in this situation, I'm afraid it would be difficult for any woman to remain calm.

Zhili's feelings were even more profound. She had always had a special possessiveness for Xingliu, and the scene in front of her at this moment made her feel mixed and indescribable.

Even Nono, who seemed to be the most free and unconcerned at ordinary times, felt a little unhappy at this moment.

Xing Liu was keenly aware of the subtle changes in the atmosphere around him. He could only choose to respond with a silly smile, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere in this slightly clumsy way.

He touched the back of his head and showed a simple smile, although he knew that such an action might not completely eliminate the grudges in the hearts of the women.

However, Xing Liu's silly smile unexpectedly had the effect of easing the atmosphere.

After a brief silence, Tsunade and others smiled helplessly.

They knew that this path was chosen by themselves, and Xing Liu had already told them frankly at the beginning that such a situation might happen.

Therefore, although the women blamed Xing Liu's behavior in their hearts, they soon stopped entangled in it.

Especially when they learned about the experiences behind Chen Duo and Feng Baobao, their words revealed more tenderness and care.

They knew that excessive sympathy and pity would only make these two women who had experienced many hardships feel more uncomfortable.

Thanks to their medical knowledge, they know better how to maintain an appropriate attitude and behavior in such situations to avoid causing any discomfort to them.

Xingliu saw all this and was deeply moved.

He knew that these women treated him sincerely, and his heart was full of gratitude and trust for them.

He was not only determined to work harder to improve himself and achieve world promotion as his goal, but also hoped to help Tsunade and others get rid of the shackles of lifespan.

Although he has the ability to revive them infinitely, he always believes that it is far more difficult for them to become stronger than to rely on him completely.Much better.

As the atmosphere gradually eased, the girls left Xingliu aside temporarily. They walked aside and shared each other's secrets while talking and laughing.

In the end, Tsunade and others enthusiastically invited Xia He, Chen Duo and Feng Baobao to visit Konoha Village together, so that they could feel the unique charm of this village.

In this way, the girls left here with great interest, leaving only Hinata looking back at Xingliu reluctantly before leaving.

However, in the end, she followed Tsunade and others and left.

Xingliu smiled helplessly. He understood that this was Tsunade and others expressing their dissatisfaction to him in their own way.

However, he did not mind. Instead, he thought that this way of expression was much better than keeping it in his heart.

At least in this way, it would not burst out all at once and become uncontrollable.

Xingliu, who was doing nothing at the moment, suddenly realized that he seemed to have not performed his duties as a Hokage for a long time.

So he decided to go to the Hokage Building to handle some official business.

Along the way, everyone he met was full of respect for him.

This was not only because of his strength, but also because he, as the one who ended the chaos, brought peace and prosperity to the villagers.

Therefore, people's gratitude to him was beyond words.

This gratitude made Xingliu feel very satisfied.

However, when he walked into the Hokage's office, this satisfaction almost turned into guilt.

Izuna's shadow clones were everywhere in the office, busy processing various documents.

Izuna himself stared at the information in his hand with red eyes, and didn't even notice Xingliu's arrival.

Xingliu felt Izuna's state slightly, and was surprised to find that his soul was full of fatigue.

This deep fatigue almost damaged his soul.

Come to think of it, Chinatsu has stopped working as a secretary since she expressed her feelings to Xingliu.

Then this burden is all on Izuna's head.

Looking at Izuna who worked so hard, Xingliu decided to reward him.

So he activated the laws he had understood, repaired Izuna's fatigue, and enabled him to work better.

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